Armor Frenzy

Chapter 908: race against time

After the negotiation entered the refinement stage, the natural limitation of the three-person delegation could no longer represent the Northern Capital, let alone the entire human race. For this reason, the Northern Capital cancelled the functions of the three-person delegation, and while removing Li Shili from the post of plenipotentiary representative, appointed him as the Beidu's liaison officer in Io, responsible for the negotiation, liaison and coordination between the two sides.

From then on, Li Shili's task is no longer to negotiate, but to act as a bridge for negotiation between the two sides.

Li Shili got in touch with the resistance organization as soon as possible to conduct detailed consultations on specific negotiation matters. The two sides agreed that the follow-up negotiation would still be conducted without meeting, and the human side would provide solar power generation equipment and a batch of communication equipment, and the two sides continued to negotiate over the air.

On Earth, this kind of negotiation is simply unimaginable. At the very least, there must be a signing ceremony or something after an agreement is reached.

But for the two civilizations, no matter what kind of ceremony, there is no guarantee that the two parties to the agreement will implement the content of the agreement. Only the visible and tangible benefits can promote the two sides to maintain cooperation.

Not only human beings understand this, but the resistance organizations also understand it, just don’t know if they are born to understand it, or if Zeng Rui instilled them with the principle of the supremacy of interests.

Negotiations continued, but Li Shili stepped down as the protagonist of the human side and was replaced by a joint delegation from Beiyuezhou. The two sides were 6,000 kilometers apart and shouted in the air. After each speech, it took more than three minutes to be heard by the other side. It takes at least three to five minutes to receive a reply, and sometimes it can even be delayed for ten minutes.

Although the efficiency is not high, the representatives of various countries are very happy - if they do not accept the negotiation plan of shouting from the air, they can only let the three-member delegation from the northern capital continue to represent all mankind, which is unacceptable to all countries in any case.

Technical cooperation was also carried out at the same time as the negotiation, and the technical personnel from the earth would not be able to reach Io Zero for a while. Communication equipment to transmit technical information, so as to start technical cooperation as soon as possible.

The resistance organization was also simple enough to agree to this plan without thinking, so all the communication equipment on the Yushan and Beihai were all air-dropped Io Zero. Audio and video signals, various techniques for obtaining aliens.

Yushan and Beihai were transformed into signal relay stations on Io Zero. Just one day later, there were as many as 24 signals relayed by these two battleships, which was equivalent to opening 24 TV channels.

This is just the beginning. As the agreement continues to be reached, the number of signals passing through the two ships will only increase. The officers and soldiers on the ship dubbed the battleship the Yushan TV station or the Beihai TV station.

During that time, the two battleships relayed signals 24 hours a day without interruption, and the communication soldiers on the ship were so tired that they almost vomited blood. If the communication equipment on the battleship was not highly integrated and automated, it is hard to say whether the forwarding task could be completed.

Fortunately, the battleship is only a temporary cameo.

Of course, video cooperation is a temporary plan, and dispatching personnel is a matter of time.

In order to stabilize the negotiation results, the joint delegation decided to build a space station in Io Zero to fully take over the signal transfer work.

On the surface, the space station was built because the Yushan and Beihai were both warships and were not suitable for long-term transfer tasks. In fact, the real reason was because the two warships belonged to the Beiyuezhou Fleet, and the joint delegation could not control it at all. Forward the signal!

The new space station will be jointly constructed by the base group and Beidu. By then, Beidu will only have partial sovereignty over the space station. In this way, the joint delegation will be able to take the initiative to negotiate from Beidu—although there are as many as two forwarding signals. Fourteen, but who knows if the battleships in Beidu have intercepted several of the most important signals?

They are all playing politics, there is no lower limit is the foundation of the foundation, and no one dares to believe that the North Metropolis is selfless enough to return all the signals back to the earth intact.

Representatives from various countries believed that it was an acceptable plan to leave some representation to Beidu, but Beidu didn’t think so. Install on the ship, turning a simple transport ship into a mobile space station.

In order to gather the equipment and materials needed by the space station, Beidu did not hesitate to dismantle the equipment on the battleship and misappropriated the materials of the Beiyuezhou fleet, which only filled the transport ship in one day.

On September 17, 2028, the transport ship set sail suddenly without warning. Until this time, the joint delegation did not know what happened. It was not until the transport ship flew over the earth that Beidu announced that it would provide a transport ship to act as a space station for free. The joint delegation was caught off guard.

Only then did the representatives of various countries know what happened. They were dumbfounded and helpless, and could only watch the transport ship fly towards Io.

I don't know how many people regretted their bowels that day. Why didn't they know how to do the work first and then speak out? As a result, Beidu chess made a high-level move, which once again frustrated the plans of various countries.

Countries are very unwilling, but the opportunity is rare, and the possibility of encountering another opportunity to seize power in a short period of time is extremely low. UUkanshu can only reluctantly accept the reality.

The game is still going on, Beidu is just taking the lead, and no one knows who the final winner will be.

On September 19, 2028, the first technicians set off on the battleship, and they were the first people to cooperate with the resistance organization.

The first batch of troops is basically dispatched by the Chinese side, including mechanical dynamics experts, biology leaders, environmental experts and a group of military representatives.

The main task of experts in various industries is to learn the advanced technology of aliens and enrich the technical strength of human beings. The most important job is to survey and map the planetary engine on the spot, understand the mechanical structure analysis material ratio, etc., even if the principle of the planetary engine is unclear. , We must first get the structure, and save it as a technical reserve first, and then convene people to study it slowly.

The military delegation is probably the most bizarre team in human history. Its members are all first-class talents in ideology and theory. Some have long-term ideological work in the front-line troops, some have been engaged in Ma Zhe theoretical research for many years, and some are elite Research on Taizu's thought and Deng Gong's theory are all political talents most needed by resistance organizations.

This is really incredible. Military delegations are nothing new. Some help with training, some with military industry, and even some with commanding battles, but no one has heard of those who help with political work. Pass.

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