Armor Frenzy

Chapter 909: Re-boarding Io 0

It is inappropriate to say something, just send this group of people to any country and give them a little time to start a bottom-up revolution. That kid's theoretical level is, at best, a preschooler who didn't graduate.

This is not because Beidu is carrying private goods in the technical team. Beidu has never thought of sending a military delegation to Io, but when the resistance organization has this need, they emphasized this point in the follow-up negotiations. I hope that Beidu will send more theoretical experts to help the resistance organization stabilize Io and convert more stubborn servants into liberals - this is the self-proclaimed name of the resistance organization!

Obviously, the resistance organization also found Zeng Rui's shortcomings, and even excluded Zeng Rui from the negotiation for a time. Fortunately, Li Shili was not the kind of ruthless person, and immediately asked Zeng Rui to join the negotiation after finding that the situation was wrong.

He wasn't worried about the little tricks the aliens made in the negotiation. The key was that Zeng Rui sent back important information behind the back of the resistance organization. Li Shili was worried that Zeng Rui would be exposed.

Li Shili once wanted to bring Zeng Rui back, but Zeng Rui himself wanted to stay temporarily so that he could play a greater role. Second, there is indeed a need for this in Beidu.

However, at the strong request of Li Shili, Beidu added the issue of Zeng Rui and other captives' transformation into the official agenda of the negotiation, and explicitly demanded that the resistance organization destroy all mutant viruses.

The resistance organization agreed without hesitation, but immediately stated that the corresponding technology was in the hands of the nobles, and the resistance organization only got some finished products...

The answer from the aliens caused the joint delegation to fall into a fierce quarrel. Some people hoped to get the virus back, and after getting the real object, they would conduct corresponding research and find a way to deal with the virus.

But more people believe that this virus is too dangerous. Once it spreads in the human world, it will cause unpredictable and serious consequences. They would rather not study it than bring the virus back to Earth.

Those who held the latter opinion accounted for the overwhelming majority of the joint delegation, and discussions soon came to a conclusion, and a request was immediately sent to the resistance organization to destroy the virus.

In order to prevent Beidu from interfering with it, the joint delegation also specifically asked the aliens to repeat the request, and also asked the aliens to live broadcast the entire destruction process.

The first brother laughed dumbfounded after hearing this. No one in the top management of Beidu thought he was a gentleman, but he was not so insidious to prevent aliens from destroying the virus.

You must know that China is the first country to propose destroying the virus, and the only victims of this virus are Chinese prisoners. China is also the country that has the most reason to destroy the virus.

There are many similar situations. On the surface, the joint delegation is quite friendly, but there is a turbulent undercurrent in the dark... If you count it carefully, there are more than ten and eight, but no one is stupid enough to put those under the table. Things move to the surface.

Over time, the cooperation between humans and the resistance group gradually went on the right track.

On October 19, 2028, the first engineering ship flew to Io, and the technicians who arrived with the ship immediately went to work. Only the military delegation rushed to Yushan to meet Ye Han at the first time.

The two sides had a brief and effective communication, the core of the exchange was only one, and the delegation requested to land on Io as soon as possible.

It had nothing to do with Ye Han if he was not on the delegation, but his name also appeared on the list of the military delegation, and he was also the head of the delegation, which made him extremely depressed.

Didn't he say that he would have a vacation after completing the task?

More than Ye Han, the soldiers under him were also filled with righteous indignation. What about the promised vacation?

Fortunately, Beidu also took into account the emotional problems of the soldiers. In addition to orders, the delegation brought comfort. A group of political officers did the ideological work of the soldiers almost one-on-one, explaining the unfavorable situation facing the country and the resistance The urgency of organizational cooperation, etc.

The soldiers who can't think of it again can't help but the official personnel take turns to go into battle. Moreover, the military orders were like mountains, and there was nothing he could do. Ye Han was sullen for a long time, and then he organized all the soldiers to prepare for the airborne Io Zero.

This time the airdrop was different from the past, and it wasn't a whim. As soon as Ye Han received the order, the engineering ship over there began to drop supplies to the designated coordinates on the ground, and it didn't stop until the engineering ship was emptied.

The resistance organization sent a group of people to gather all the scattered airdrops together and wait for the airborne of humans... To be honest, although the servants can fly, they do not have the ability to fly into space. Incredibly.

It would be fine if they didn’t know space, but the knowledge of the servants came from the nobles, and those servants who had to go to space to participate in the battle knew what the environment was outside the earth.

After Ye Han and his soldiers made the necessary brought all the weapons and equipment into the landing craft, and brought the political work troupe to the landing craft.

The military delegation was warmly welcomed by the resistance organization, and as soon as the landing craft dropped, Zeng Rui rushed up with a group of aliens.

Ye Han took the soldiers out of the landing craft, turned back to form the team, everyone lined up neatly in two rows, and then Ye Han turned back and saluted Zeng Rui solemnly: "It's hard work, welcome home."

"No, it's not hard..." Zeng Rui's voice trembled, and in many sleepless nights, he was looking forward to the day he returned to human beings, but when Ye Han stood in front of him, he hesitated.

Zeng Rui was not as calm as he appeared on the surface. His heart was filled with emotion, and he was extremely blocked. If it wasn't for the fact that his transformed body no longer had the ability to cry, he would have to cry on the spot.

The resistance organization didn't want to waste time at all, and ran over to interrupt the two of them's retelling. Zeng Rui immediately stepped into the role and acted as a translator to introduce the identities of both parties.

The two sides exchanged politely, and then the high-level resistance organization evacuated and left a team to assist humans. Zeng Rui also stayed and was responsible for coordinating this team.

The first thing after the landing of the military delegation was not to communicate with the resistance groups, but to assemble a camp suitable for human existence!

Ye Han was not polite at all, and took the soldiers to a cameo as an engineer. First, he found an open space near the water, and then divided it into two waves. One wave directed the aliens to act as porters, and transported the airdropped equipment to the air in order. On the ground, ask the aliens to place the equipment in the designated positions one by one.

The aliens are strong enough to move dozens of tons of containers, and they are very obedient. Although the two sides do not understand the language, they can understand the meaning through simple gestures, just tell them where to move the things and how to put them. , they will be able to complete it with perfect accuracy and level the ground along the way.

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