Armor Frenzy

Chapter 910: hard start

The aliens are simply a group of super construction workers who are too good, Ye Han couldn't help but envy, and can't wait to bring a group of aliens back to Earth to do real estate.

The resettlement work in the camp is progressing rapidly, but only the marines are working. Although the political workers also want to help, this kind of containerized camp is special equipment developed for the marines. It's a disservice, I can only stand and stare at it, and I can't get in at all.

Ye Han faintly felt that helping the political workers to set up the camp was also one of the reasons why Beidu arranged for the Marine Corps to join the delegation!

After all the containers were placed in place, Ye Han personally took the soldiers to unfold the containers, and then assembled all the boxes. The first human base on Io was established in this way. From nothing to the completion of acceptance, the whole process took time. Less than two hours.

The completed base includes several areas such as living area, functional area, decontamination area, entertainment area, and even a small training ground.

In fact, this equipment is not developed for Io, but for all personnel working in outer space. The official name is "Outer Space Combined Camp". If this equipment is available when developing the moon, it will not be needed at all. With so much equipment sent to the moon, as long as one set of equipment is installed in place, the living problems of the first batch of lunar landing personnel can be completely solved.

Now this set of equipment has been finished and serialized, and functional cabins can be cultivated according to the specific use environment. Before the delegation landed on Io Zero, Beidu had applied this set of equipment to the development of Nanyuezhou and Mercury Base, and achieved work. unanimous praise from the staff.

If Beidu wants to land on Mars one day, the military does not even need to make equipment. It only needs to send a spacecraft and bring a set of equipment to establish the first human settlement on Mars.

In a sense, this set of equipment can be said to be a milestone for mankind to enter outer space.

However, assembling the base is only the first step. Next, Ye Han will take the soldiers to improve the defense of the base, repair the base according to the standard of the fortress, and add various defensive weapons.

At first glance, doing this seems like an unnecessary effort, but neither Beidu nor Ye Han dared to pin the safety of the base and the delegation on the rationality of the resistance organization. Since the delegation was airborne, it was necessary to build a solid military base to give All the personnel stationed in Io Zero leave a way back.

Of course, the base itself is not a real back-up, but the first protection in case of an accident. All members of the delegation have received a solemn warning from Beidu. In the event of an accident, they must rush back to the base as soon as possible.

The real guarantee is the Yushan that stays in the outer space of Iowei Zero!

The base is currently in development, and it is not yet time for the landing ship to appear, but the corresponding plan has long been made. As long as the time is right, the Yushan will be parachuted into Io Zero and become part of the base. At that time, the rocket will always stand on the base. In the middle, as long as it is necessary to evacuate, the rocket can send the delegation into space as soon as possible.

In order to prevent the attack of aliens from hindering the launch of the rocket, the base will also be equipped with a set of cover equipment. After this set of equipment is activated, a wave of nuclear bombs will be thrown around the base to buy time for the rocket to take off.

Of course, everything can only be realized after the base is completely completed, and the forward base currently only has the function of maintaining a small environment.

But it's enough for now.

After the base is completed and passed the inspection and acceptance, the military delegation will move in immediately, and everyone will be settled in the shortest time. The delegation is divided into a military group and a political work group. The main job of the military group is to maintain the base and protect the safety of the delegation; The group's job is to make contact with the aliens and convert the diehards among the servants as much as possible.

On the surface, it is to transform the diehards into liberals, but secretly, Beidu still has its own small abacus, hoping that the political workers can transform a group of "family members", that is, aliens who are close to human beings.

With the relationship between humans and aliens, the possibility of achieving this goal is very low, but no matter how low the probability is, some people are willing to try, even if there is only 1% hope, they must make 100% efforts... Guys who don't have this consciousness, don't even think about joining the delegation.

After the delegation was settled, the political work team immediately went to work with great enthusiasm, and started visiting and understanding non-stop.

The resistance organization spoke highly of the active work of the political workers, and immediately arranged for a delegation to understand the situation and give a comprehensive introduction to the diehards.

I didn’t know it, but I was startled when I saw it. Only then did the political work team know that most of the servants on Iowei Zero were diehards, and the resistance organization was a minority among the servants. Many important departments are still under control In the hands of the die-hards.

What is this particular situation?

Not only the political work group was dumbfounded, but the news came back to Beidu, and Beidu was also dumbfounded.

No matter what kind of civilization, the number of the ruling class is definitely not large, but how can the resistance organizations and diehards live together in peace?

As a minority, why do the resistance organizations rule the huge Io Zero?

The political work team, who had no clue, immediately came to Zeng Rui to understand the Through Zeng Rui's narrative, the political work team finally began to understand the real Io.

According to Zeng Rui, although there are not many members of the resistance organization, all the members of the resistance organization are very old, and some are even more than double the age of destruction!

From the perspective of human beings, any member of the resistance group is in the prime of life, and the action and determination of such a group of people are at their best.

And ordinary servants are a group of fools, idiots and mentally retarded who only know how to obey orders. They don't have their own thoughts at all, or in other words, they have not reached the age to have the ability to think independently!

In other words, ordinary servants are equivalent to a group of children whose intelligence has not yet fully developed!

The alien nobles use this to control a large group of servants. If they want to solve the problem of the diehards, they must open the minds of these servants and let them learn to think for themselves.

This is not easy. If you wait three or five years and the servants will grow older, they will naturally learn to think. However, the current situation is that the resistance organizations do not have so much time. The hope is pinned on the ideological work of the political work group, and the entire political work group is collectively silent.

A member of the political work group said without hesitation that what the resistance organizations need are not political workers, but kindergarten aunts!

But it is impossible for Beidu to send a group of kindergarten teachers to take care of the alien babies. No matter how difficult the situation is, the political work team must continue the work.

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