Armor Frenzy

Chapter 914: Chicken ribs information (2)

There are various reasons for leaving, and there is no detailed record in the intelligence, only a few typical galaxies are mentioned.

Ye Han was particularly interested in this aspect of the situation, so he looked at it very carefully.

The first stop after the aliens left the parent galaxy is a long-lived red dwarf star, which is the closest star to the alien parent star. The relationship between the two is equivalent to the sun and Proxima Centauri.

Aliens found a few planets there. They planned to make their home there, but when they flew to the ground, they discovered that red dwarfs are too barren. There, both stars and planets are dominated by light elements. Only in the core deep in the planet Only a small amount of iron can be found, and the elements above iron are impossibly small, much lower than the gold reserves on earth.

For alien civilizations that are extremely lacking in heavy elements, this is simply an unbearable nightmare, so the aliens rushed to the next goal without hesitation.

Ye Han couldn't help grinning when he saw Ye Han here. He was no longer the big-headed soldier who knew nothing about astronomy. He knew that Proxima Centauri was a red dwarf star, and in many sci-fi works, there were quite a few themes of immigrating to Proxima Centauri. , he really wants to ask those authors, do you know what's going on with Proxima Centauri?

The information did not mention the details of the second and third targets, and in short, they were abandoned by the aliens.

The fourth target is a good place, a yellow dwarf similar to the sun, with five planets, one of which is in the habitable zone!

It is said that with the technological level of aliens, it is not difficult to transform this planet into an ecological planet and settle it, but the worst is in the galaxy environment. The Kuiper belt in the outer layer of the galaxy is wide and thick, and at least hundreds of comets are running inside the galaxy at all times. , every planet was scarred by comets.

You don't need to ask to know that this is a young galaxy that has just formed.

Aliens are not afraid of the young galaxy, but the five planets are all terrestrial planets and can't bear it. Even if there is a giant planet outside, it can block a comet, right?

In the end, the aliens can only abandon this young and dangerous galaxy.

Next is the seventh goal, which is also a very suitable galaxy at first glance, but after entering the galaxy, I found out that the planet in the habitable zone rotates too slowly, and the magnetic field is almost non-existent, unless the alien shell can Resist the high-energy rays of interstellar space, otherwise no one can save the planet.

Another time, the conditions of all aspects of the galaxy are very good, but the habitable zone is not a planet, but a pair of double stars orbiting each other!

The situation of this pair of binary stars is also good. Both are potential ecological stars with liquid water. The magnetic field strength and gravitational strength are good. It can be said that they are the best choice for aliens to encounter after leaving their parent galaxy.

But the distance between the two stars is less than 200,000 kilometers. The gravitational forces of the two planets are entangled with each other. Every time the sea tide rises, it is as exaggerated as a tsunami. increased accordingly.

This is nothing, the key is that it is not only the ocean tide that follows gravity, but also the earth and the liquid core!

The gravitational force of the two planets tore each other's land. The most direct result is that the two planets are densely covered with volcanoes, and there are countless active volcanoes. You will sing and I will appear. Any volcano that turns to the opposite side will erupt on time, and then turn out from the opposite side. Then it gradually stopped, like two spherical giant starships spraying cannons at each other.

If this is the case, how can the aliens overcome it, but the more troublesome place is that the distance between the two planets is so close that one day, they will be tidally locked to each other, like the moon forever facing each other.

By that time, the two planets will turn into yolk eggs together, and no one knows what the result will be.

As a last resort, the aliens reluctantly gave up this galaxy, but the starship stayed there for decades, and only reluctantly left after obtaining a lot of resources from the planets there.

Without those resources, the starship may not be able to persist to the solar system.

Aliens have also encountered some more bizarre situations.

For example, there is an oversized giant planet next to the star. Because of the gravitational influence of the giant planet, this star is very active, and the solar wind of the flare is raging. If such a galaxy can also evolve an ecosystem, it must be exactly the same as the legendary hell.

There is also a giant planet in the habitable zone. That giant planet has a satellite that has great potential for transformation, but the aliens have encountered an old problem. The content of heavy elements in this galaxy is too low, so it is not impossible to settle there. , but the rare heavy elements cannot last for generations.

It is better to leave early than to leave late, and the aliens once again walked away.

Later, the aliens seemed to have mastered certain rules, and they would no longer choose targets casually, but would rather go far at a time and choose the right target.

And these targets have some not-so-accurate commonalities. They must be single stars, and double stars or multiple stars must be excluded; they must be yellow dwarfs, too small or too large; the number of planets cannot be too and There must be a giant planet shield in the middle of the galaxy; the age of the galaxy should not be too low, otherwise the celestial system will be unstable; the most important point, the content of heavy elements must reach the standard!

Ye Han didn't know how long the aliens searched according to this standard, but they finally found the solar system and the earth. Judging from all aspects, the earth was in line with the alien's new home standard.

Thinking of this, Ye Han is extremely puzzled. Is the alien's home planet consistent with the earth's environment? It's not so much a coincidence, is it? Or is it that only an environment similar to the earth can evolve higher intelligent creatures?

If this is the case, when human beings leave the solar system and immigrate to the interstellar, there is no need to find a suitable galaxy by themselves. As long as you look for the target according to the standards set by the aliens, the success rate can be greatly improved.

For a moment, Ye Han suddenly felt a sense of grandeur... The birth of life must be coincidental, but it must also be inevitable. So, are intelligent creatures such as humans and aliens a coincidence or a necessity? Or are intelligent beings a cosmic prank?

Unable to think of a reason, Ye Han simply reported this information to Beidu. Anyway, there are experts in Beidu, so this kind of thing should give them a headache.

Hmm... After defeating aliens, human beings are not far from interstellar immigration.

Just after sending the information away, Ye Han suddenly received a communication request, and he immediately turned on the radio: "I'm Ye Han!" After speaking, he realized that the communication signal came from hundreds of kilometers away.

At this time he heard a voice: "Captain, I am Luo Qi, we are back!"

Ye Han jumped up: "Luo Qi? Are you back? How is the situation?"

Luo Qi sighed: "Let's go back and talk about it."

Ye Han's heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

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