Armor Frenzy

Chapter 915: strategic move

Anything that can't be said on the radio is an important situation that must be interviewed. Thinking of Luo Qi's tone, Ye Han's heart can't help but cast a shadow.

The current time is November 12, 2028, but this must start a month ago.

Although Beidu made the effort to build a space station and an advance base in Io before the base group, the base group headed by Washington is not a soft persimmon. The space station is too reluctant, in short, it is necessary to build a space station and a ground base belonging to the base group in Io Zero.

The meaning of the base group could not be more obvious, that is, to **** the resources of Io Zero with Beidu.

Beidu's response was very quick, and immediately renamed Tianhe to the International Space Station, and only used the name Tianhe internally. At the same time, it announced to the world that applications for settlement were accepted globally, and all qualified experts and scholars can apply. , those who pass the qualification review will be sent to the space station by Beidu.

The base group was very annoying, and they didn't find any reason at all. They directly sent a transport ship out, and let's talk about the established facts first.

Doing so may indeed anger the northern capital, and the base group is even ready to bear the anger of the northern capital.

But Washington is very clear that under the current situation, no one will tear its face. No matter how serious the contradiction, it will eventually be resolved by political means, and it will never escalate to the military level.

This is also a relatively different kind of fearlessness.

However, Beidu's reaction was very strange. He didn't hold on to it like Washington thought. If there was something or nothing, he would come up with a few sarcastic words and it would be over.

Washington is very confused, how dare he come out and engage in politics if he is not thick-skinned? The fire power of Beidu does not break Washington's defense at all!

Not to mention foreign countries, there are a large number of people in China who don't understand what Beidu thinks.

But Washington is very clear that the current Beidu will never suffer from this dumb loss. The more the Beidu does not speak, the more Washington is at a loss, and it is difficult to understand where the Beidu is waiting.

The transport ship set off smoothly, and the next step is to contact the resistance organization and get a place to build a base on Io Zero.

Originally, this matter should be resolved before the transport ship set off, but the channel to contact the resistance organization has always been in the hands of Beidu. In order to prevent Beidu from interfering, Washington had to reverse the order.

Then, Washington was tragic.

The resistance organization contacted Beidu from the very beginning, and Zeng Rui was the intermediary between the two sides. In addition, Beidu had reached a number of cooperation intentions with the resistance organization. Beidu had already exerted a strong influence on the resistance organization. The delegation headed by Li Shili After some lobbying through Zeng Rui, Washington's small abacus came to nothing.

In the month that the transport ship flew to Io, Washington contacted the resistance organization several times, but did not get a positive response from the resistance organization. Now Washington is completely passive.

Washington really wanted to know what ecstasy soup Beidu poured into the aliens, but he tried his best to find no clues.

The resistance organization also has its own considerations. Beidu has conducted four expeditions successively. Although it failed to do anything to the aliens, it left a particularly deep impression on the resistance organization.

On the other hand, the resistance organization has no impression of the al-Qaeda group at all. Until now, the resistance organization thought that the fleet that blocked Io Zero in the asteroid belt also belonged to the northern capital.

On one side is the majestic and magnificent Northern Capital, which has engaged in several expeditions; The resistance organization is not clear about the distribution of forces on the earth, of course, it prefers to cooperate with the powerful Beidu.

Until the transport ship of the base group arrived at Io, the situation did not improve. Washington could only temporarily leave the transport ship in orbit and build the space station first.

Since then, the forward base has strictly prohibited the use of classified information in radio communications.

The base group and a series of actions also brought great pressure to Beidu. In order to prevent accidents, Beidu launched intensive consultations with the resistance organizations, and all plans that could be advanced should be advanced as soon as possible, so on October 26, that is, On the seventh day of landing at Io, the first technicians were allowed to visit the planetary engine.

Although it was just a visit, not a measurement, the resistance organization also asked to send a team to accompany the whole process, but Bei did not raise any objection.

For Beidu, first look at the planetary engine is the first.

However, the planetary engine is not just to look at. According to the resistance organization, that thing is located deep in the ground, and it takes four to five days for the buggy to reach the ground.

Ye Han did the math. Io was twenty-one hours a day, and five days was more than a hundred hours. At the speed of a car bug, it was more than enough to reach the center of the earth, and the position of the planetary engine was ready to be revealed.

The advance base immediately started preparations. Personnel, supplies and equipment were readily available, and the means of transportation were the only two engineering vehicles in the base.

On October 27, 2028, several mechanical experts and marines in charge of safety left the forward base in an engineering vehicle.

Four hours later, the construction vehicle entered the underground The construction vehicle was equipped with long-wave communication equipment, but the penetration power of the radio wave was limited. Shortly after the team entered the underground, it lost contact with the base.

Ye Han knew that the possibility of a problem was very small, but he was still very uneasy and worried about the situation of the team.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed, and there is still no news from the team. Although the resistance organization reported that everything is normal, Ye Han has never received any news from the team.

Unexpectedly, the convoy returned to the ground at this time. Ye Han immediately forgot about the Oolong incident caused by the political work team, and anxiously returned to the convoy first.

The more Ye Han waited, the more regretful he became. Why didn't he install a set of laser communication equipment on the engineering vehicle!

Two hours later, it was dark at the location of the advance base, and there were only lights near the advance base within a radius of several hundred kilometers.

After another two hours, the dusty construction vehicle finally returned to the base.

Ye Han can't wait to bring the boss in front of him, but he has to resist the urge to wait for the construction vehicle to be washed out, and the inside and outside of the vehicle to be thoroughly disinfected before the people inside come out.

Luo Qibi was a lot haggard when he set off, and the others were not in a good state. Everyone wrote their heavy hearts on their faces. Ye Han had to hold back the question that he had been holding for half the afternoon.

Luo Qi wanted to speak, but Ye Han patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, if you have anything to say, I'll talk about it later, let's go, the canteen has already prepared the meal, everyone should put their stomachs first."

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