Armor Frenzy

Chapter 957: self-reliance

After getting Ye Han, Qiao Wei found Bian Ge without stopping.

The reason why they didn't look for them together was because they were afraid that the two would help each other, and when the two fists were no match for the four hands, it would be much easier to deal with them one by one.

Don't look at Qiao Wei's straight appearance on the surface, but in fact he has a lot of heart! To put it badly, if you can climb to the level of a major general, you will not give anything for nothing.

However, Bian Ge's reaction was much more intense than Ye Han's, and he almost didn't flip the table with Qiao Wei.

The reason is very simple. At present, the basic formation of the airborne division is a nine-person infantry squad. It takes 245 people to fill a battalion. At present, the total number of people who have completed the chip implantation is only 300 to 400 people. , which is equivalent to taking more than half of Bian Ge's old subordinates out of time, it is strange that Bian Ge is happy.

It's not that Bian Ge is doing hilltopism, but that these people have fought with him for at least a few years. Everyone's characteristics are very familiar, and they can be used easily on the battlefield.

Would he dare to use it casually with a few people who don't know what to do?

Qiao Wei also understood Bian Ge's concerns, so he directly copied the previous conditions and solemnly promised that the fleet would be transferred back before the departure, finally persuading Bian Ge.

In the next few days, frequent personnel adjustments began within the Airborne Division, and the gap in the training camp was finally filled before the deadline.

On the morning of October 1, 2029, all the commanders and fighters of the teaching battalion took off in the spaceship, docked with the Tiangong, and then transferred to the Express No. 4, which temporarily docked the Tiangong, and officially flew to Io Zero.

This day happened to be the 80th anniversary of the National Day, but the years of war had exhausted the whole country, and Beidu did not even hold a military parade, only a small celebration ceremony.

It is said that some people in Beidu have suggested that it should be organized on the National Day. Even if the traditional military parade is not held, at least the Beiyuezhou Fleet should be displayed to stimulate the hearts of the army and the people, and this proposal has also been supported by many people.

However, Zhong Nanhai finally rejected the proposal. It is said that the first brother's original words are that instead of wasting manpower and material resources on useless ceremonies, it is more exciting to fight a hearty victory.

Hmm... With the current situation, no one knows whether engaging in those vain things can inspire people's hearts, and they definitely didn't run away after being scolded by the common people.

The airborne division was very calm for the next period of time, Qiao Wei was very calm, Ye Han and Bian Ge were also very self-disciplined, the chip implantation was orderly, and the training level was rising steadily.

Although the daily training is very hard, all the airborne soldiers are veterans who have been on the battlefield. The common feeling they have is to enjoy, to enjoy the time when they don't have to fight to death and fight the enemy.

But Ye Han never forgot to care about the outside world.

On October 6th, all the small warships belonging to Beiyuezhou left the port, headed to the earth's low-altitude orbit, and circled the earth again and again, with no signs of withdrawing for several days.

The military did not deliberately keep this matter secret, but it also did not intend to publicize it. Through analysis of various signs, the mission of these spacecraft is likely to clean up space junk and prepare for the placement of orbital elevators.

On October 16th, the Express No. 4 arrived at Io Zero, and the teaching battalion was stationed at the advance base. The advance base, which had been understaffed, was full.

There are three tasks in the teaching camp, one is to teach aliens firearms, the other is to teach various coordination tactics, and the third and most important task is to teach aliens to use tactical sign language!

Whether it is impossible for aliens to learn human languages ​​on a large scale, or for humans to learn alien languages ​​on a large scale, sign language can effectively avoid this problem and can be regarded as the best way to communicate between two civilizations.

Secretly, the training camp also has a secret mission, which is to protect the bullet production line that arrives at Io... er, actually protect the special metals shipped from the center of the earth.

After these special metals are transported to the advance base, they must undergo preliminary treatment, and then send them to the sky train without telling the aliens, and send them out bit by bit like ants move.

In fact, the bullet production line has never been moved, and all the bullets that leave the factory are shipped from the earth.

Due to the limited transportation capacity, the bullets delivered to Io have been unable to make ends meet. In order to cover up this problem, the forward base announced that Io lacked several necessary raw materials. Until the resistance organizations found these raw materials or other substitutes, the production line could only produce limited quantities. .

The response method of the resistance organization is very strange. After they asked what was missing, they went back and studied several kinds of bugs. One of the bugs’ mucus can be turned into a very good primer after a simple drying process; another kind of bug The excrement can replace the propellant.

This is nothing. Later, even bullet casings can be produced with worms. They are all made of the same material as worm shells. In terms of hardness and strength, they are fully qualified. However, bullet casings have relatively high requirements for appearance, and worm products cannot achieve such high precision. must be reground on the production line before it can be used.

The resistance organization improved several times, but failed to come up with a suitable bug, and finally had to give up the idea.

Out of curiosity, and in order to further understand the production level of the resistance organization, the forward base assembled a batch of bullets with these substitutes. Only the metal used on the primer is human, and the other parts are all from bugs.

Experiments have found that the power of these bullets is slightly lower, but there is absolutely no problem in penetrating the carapace of aliens or giant insects, and they can be used in actual combat.

The self-reliance of the resistance organization was startled, and everyone who knew about it had a little lingering fear.

Bullets are an important means used by Beidu to control resistance organizations. If these aliens come up with their own bullets, what will be the result?

Beidu had to change the previous policy and doubled the total amount of ammunition provided to the resistance organizations, finally meeting the training needs of the aliens.

In a blink of an eye, a few months passed. At the end of November, the cable of the earth orbit elevator was finally completed in Beiyuezhou. It has a total length of more than 38,000 kilometers, which is much longer, thicker and heavier than the cable of Io Zero. .

Assembly of the cable began as soon as it was completed, and was sent to Earth by tugboat later in the day.

On December 2nd, the installation of the orbital elevator was officially launched. After more than seven hours of intense construction, the orbital elevator ground station was settled on the island, and the earth finally had the first orbital elevator.

When the news came out, not only was there a jubilation at home, but there were also various celebrations abroad.

No way, for a long time, the high cost of spaceflight has always been a fundamental problem restricting human spaceflight, and orbital elevators mean high efficiency, speed and cheapness. For any country that intends to join the space club, the fall of orbital elevators Good news to celebrate.

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