Armor Frenzy

Chapter 958: go and stay

The members of the aerospace club have long been prepared. The news has just been announced, and the cargo ships anchored in the major ports will all sail to Ti Island.

All countries want to take advantage of the cost advantage of Tishima, but Beidu has long been prepared and has reached a series of agreements with the base group to allocate the total transportation of Tishima properly. The shipping standard can be owed on credit, but it will never be free for any country or individual.

After the orbital elevator is put into use, the main task is to transport military materials to space and speed up the preparation of the expeditionary force.

The sky train provided by Beidu to Io Zero belongs to version 1.0, while the sky train for self-use has undergone a series of improvements, at least version 4.0, which has greatly improved in terms of climbing speed, transportation capacity, and space utilization. improve.

More importantly, the space train is much safer than any previous spaceflight means!

In order to improve transportation efficiency, Beidu even adopted a return-style plan, that is, climbed to the low-orbit pier, and then fell into the atmosphere like a spaceship.

Although the recovery of the train is very troublesome and the cost is still high, it is still the price of cabbage compared to traditional spaceflight methods, and countries are also willing to pay for it-by the way, the original plan of Beidu is a conventional way of one-on-one and one-off. It was at the instigation of various countries that the decision to adopt a return-style approach was made.

Just kidding, if the transportation efficiency of one up and down is one, then only up and down is two, and the transportation efficiency is doubled, which is of extraordinary significance to the entire aerospace club.

Of course, Beidu also has its own plans. The return-style plan is only enabled when the order is sufficient, and it will be automatically changed back when the order is insufficient.

Ti Island was originally just an ordinary island. The settlement of rail elevators has driven the development of the entire Ti Island, deep-water wharf, transshipment port, huge warehouse area, and a railway from the wharf to the ground station.

All of this has completely changed the island.

December 9, 2029, Qiongzhou training base.

Qiao Wei looked and looked at the order he just received, and finally sighed and walked to the window, his sharp eyes penetrated the space and landed on the training ground in the distance.

The airborne troops had to complete the prescribed training subjects every day, even on holidays. Ninety-nine percent of the entire division was currently on the training ground.

Qiao Wei was silent for a moment, then turned around and walked to the table to pick up the phone: "Are you in the duty room, raise the alarm, yes, immediately!"

The shrill siren immediately resounded through the base. No matter where they were, no matter what the soldiers who heard the siren were doing, they all stopped immediately, spread their legs and rushed to the playground.

After a while, more than 2,000 people gathered and formed several squares of different sizes.

Qiao Wei took the order and walked to the front of the queue: "I just received an order from the superior, asking our department to immediately enter the first-level combat readiness, the three regiments will stay, and the others will start."

All kinds of passwords resounded through the playground immediately, and all the teams were quickly led away.

Only Qiao Wei and the three regiment leaders were left on the playground. When a few people gathered together, Qiao Wei sighed and handed the order to Ye Han: "The troops will be handed over to you."

Ye Han was startled: "What?"

Qiao Wei twitched the corners of his mouth: "This time the mission will be led by you."

Ye Han took the order suspiciously, swept it at a glance, and looked up at Qiao Wei in astonishment: "Why don't you go?" Team commander, Qiao Wei stayed at the base.

This is the prelude to the upcoming mission to Jupiter. At this juncture, how can there be a lack of a teacher?

Bian Ge and Long Jianguo also showed strange expressions. Could it be that Qiao Wei is really a related family who came to Gilding?

But it's not like that. After a few months of getting along, Qiao Wei's ability has been recognized by everyone. Although his qualifications can't be compared with Ye Han, this teacher really deserves his name. What is the trouble at the critical moment? ?

Qiao Wei's eyes were complicated, and he answered nonchalantly: "Do you know? This base can hold 2,000 people, which is the limit. No more people can hold it."

Long Jianguo rubbed his head: "What does this mean?"

Qiao Wei smiled reluctantly: "After you leave, there will be another group of people to set up a second orbital airborne division!"

"Ah?" The three of them said in unison, all stunned by the news.

"And the second division?" Bian Ge's mouth was the fastest, and he stretched out **** and his eyes were dull.

Ye Han suddenly realized something: "Two divisions, you mean... an airborne army?"

Bian Ge and Long Jianguo also reacted and looked at Qiao Wei with all four eyes.

Qiao Wei said: "There are only two divisions for the time being. When you come back from Jupiter, your deputy division commander will be able to turn into a regular."

Ye Han suddenly realized that the above was waiting here.

Bian Ge said dissatisfiedly: "Then what kind of division commander do you still need to be? Isn't it better to be a direct army commander?"

Qiao Wei said, "Do you think I'll take care of this?"

"You are too cunning to be truthful." Long Jianguo made no secret of his opinion, "Can't you make it clear earlier?"

Qiao Wei said with a smile: "As far as I know, Ye Han was the default but the loss in the battle of Io Wei was too heavy, so it is recommended to observe it for a while.

Ye Han sighed softly, that battle was an eternal pain in his heart.

Bian Ge immediately changed the subject and asked dissatisfiedly, "Why didn't we build it earlier? This place can't fit, can't we find another place? This is an expedition to Jupiter. Can two divisions be the same as one division?"

Qiao Wei sighed: "Do you think the airborne division is easy to build? The equipment of this division alone is dying. Otherwise, how can we wait until now?"

Bian Ge didn't speak anymore.

There are only more than 2,000 people in the Airborne Division, but the equipment and supplies are the best in the entire army. The efforts and resources that Beidu spends on this unit are obvious to all. Qiao Wei's words are definitely not nonsense, but the truth.

Thinking that a new orbital airborne force is about to be formed here, Ye Han suddenly had an impulse in his heart: "How about I leave you a few people? I can't let you start from scratch..." He regretted it as soon as he finished speaking. If there is a lack of backbone, I will leave another batch for Qiao Wei...

Originally, the family was thin, how could it withstand such a toss?

Qiao Wei didn't give Ye Han a chance to go back at all: "If you want to stay, stay in the training camp!"

"No way!" Ye Han refused without thinking, "Don't be right."

Qiao Wei smiled freely: "Okay, I'm joking, don't worry, I'll follow along for a few months, I've already understood what I should know, I don't dare to say anything else, it's definitely no problem to engage in training, nothing more than It’s just a little bit of practical experience.”

During the training interval, the veterans of the Marine Corps kept explaining the situation of aliens to others. Later, with the support of Qiao Wei, a set of teaching materials was formed. Although this thing is not real combat experience, how can the recruits have some understanding of aliens.

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief: "That's it, we're going to prepare too."

"Okay, hurry up." Qiao Wei said.

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