Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1005: compromise

Ye Han pressed Luo Qi's hand: "From now on, the Sea of ​​Trees will be the temporary command center, you should immediately organize the troops to start defense, first move out all the mortar howitzers, and then arrange for a few people to take over the close-in defense artillery, and then contact the group. The second regiment will hand over the excess supplies and find a suitable place to build a supply station."

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, turning around and roaring, "The first company is on guard; the second company, move the mortar howitzers out, and then draw a few more people to take over the close-in defense artillery; the third company, contact the first and second regiments to hand over supplies!"

Ye Han added: "Safety and a few people keep in touch with the fleet."

"Yes!" Luo Qi continued to agree.

At this time, Ye Han finally heard Zeng Rui's voice again: "Master, the resistance organization said that they would rather give up the bunkers in the encirclement and set the first target on the Tiankeng. They hope you can cooperate."

"What's the reason? You didn't say the reason?" Ye Han asked.

"I asked, but they only said that Tiankeng is the core or something, and didn't say anything specific."

"Core? Think about it carefully, do they mean that the Tiankeng is the core of the underground base?" Ye Han suddenly thought of a possibility.

The sinkhole is likely to be an unfinished airport, and it is reasonable to build an underground base around the airport.

Zeng Rui hesitated to answer: "They didn't say that, but I think they have some meaning inside and outside the words, if not it's almost too much."

After hearing this, Ye Han couldn't help falling into contemplation, carefully weighing the pros and cons of changing the battle plan.

Continuing to implement the original plan and concentrating superior forces to break through the underground bunkers in the encirclement is definitely the safest and safest. As for whether the resistance organization has any gains, it is hard to say.

But have the resistance groups gained anything to do with humans?

On the contrary, the resistance organization took the initiative to attack the tiankeng, obviously knowing something about the tiankeng, and the possibility of the resistance organization gaining something after capturing the tiankeng is very high.

So the question is, what are the resistance organizations looking at, and what are they trying to get in the tiankeng? Is it the servant production line they have been claiming?

Judging from Zeng Rui's retelling, the determination of the resistance organization is very firm, and they continue to adhere to the original combat plan. Without his own people to follow, there is no way to monitor the movements of the servants, and it is even more impossible to know what the purpose of the servants is.

Thinking of this, Ye Han finally cleared his mind. First, the servants must not get out of control; second, the goal of the resistance organization must be figured out. Finally, the original plan must not be shelved.

Ye Han switched the communication frequency band: "Zeng Rui!"


"So, tell them that I agree to attack Tiankeng, but I have a few conditions." Ye Han said, "You pass these words first, and they agree to talk about the rest."

"Yes." Zeng Rui quickly agreed, and said after a few seconds, "Master, they agreed."

"Well, you tell them, I will send people to assist them in attacking the Tiankeng, but first, there must be enough troops left in the encirclement; second, part of the troops must be left to attack the underground bunkers in the encirclement; finally, I don't ask They clearly stated the purpose of attacking the Tiankeng, but once my people find that the situation is not right, they have the right to withdraw from the battle immediately."

Zeng Rui immediately conveyed it, and after a while, he replied: "Master, they suggested to abandon the encirclement and pull all the main forces to attack the Tiankeng. They also said that Ganymede's underground has been hollowed out by aliens, The situation underground is very complicated, and it is difficult to find important targets even if you enter cover."

"But starting from Tiankeng is different. There is the core of the underground system. Many important facilities are near Tiankeng. Their combat purpose is to find production lines. Our combat purpose is to hurt the noble army. Attacking Tiankeng can be done at the same time. accomplish the strategic goals of both parties.”

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "I really made them say it, but it's useless. You tell them, I still have those few conditions. If I agree, I will fight the Tiankeng together, and if I disagree, I will fight each other."

The Resistance's words do make a lot of sense, but the bad news is that they're too ill-informed.

Entering the base of the noble army, and the core area of ​​the base can really hurt the enemy, but the soldiers of the base group have already entered the two airports in front of Ganymede.

Those are two airports that have already been put into use, not semi-finished products that have not yet been completed. The noble army should have been in pain long ago. If it hurts to enter the Tiankeng, can it still hurt those two airports?

Zeng Rui continued to convey, this time the recitation time was longer than any previous time, Ye Han waited patiently for a few minutes before hearing Zeng Rui's reply: "Master, they agree with your suggestion in principle and agree to keep people. , but I hope to stay on the defensive for the time being and don't attack the underground bunkers."

"Why?" Ye Han asked.

"They said that attacking the tiankeng can solve all the problems, and there is no need to waste time to take If there is no gain in the tiankeng, it is not too late to take cover again."

Ye Han thought about it and said, "Okay, I agree, let them organize troops."


After the call, Ye Han switched the frequency again: "Xiao Yuan, how many mobile troops do you have?"

"Report, one company per battalion." Xiao Yuan replied.

One company per battalion is one company each of three battalions, and one battalion refers to a fully-staffed battalion. The two responses represent two completely different situations.

"Bian Ge, where are you?"


"The two of you will each draw a company and come over to take over the Sea of ​​Trees, and the supply station will be handed over to you. The two of you will discuss how to do it yourself."

Saige suddenly had a bad premonition: "Lao Ye, what do you want to do?"

"I plan to follow the servants to the Tiankeng to see..."

"No, absolutely not!" Bian Ge said without hesitation, "You are the leader of a division, how can you leave your post without authorization? You stay, I'll go!"

"What did you do in the past!" Ye Han was extremely helpless.

He is Bian Ge's superior now, but Bian Ge has always been his superior in the past, and he is qualified and qualified. At this time, no one dares to talk to him like this except Bian Ge.

"I'll do whatever you want!" Bian Ge replied tactfully.

"It's useless for you to go, I have to go." Ye Han insisted, "Don't worry, I just want to go and see what medicines are sold in the resistance organization's gourd. Don't worry."

"Damn it, what's there to worry about? You still don't trust me?" Bian Ge pushed back without hesitation.

"It doesn't matter if you don't worry about it or not." Ye Han sighed, "Okay, don't be useless to me, just stay here and take care of your troops, I know it well, if there is a problem, I'll fly back right away. "

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