Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1006: various means

Ye Han's attitude was very firm. Bian Ge knew that there was no way to convince Ye Han, so he simply retreated: "You can go if you want, but you can't just bring the guard battalion, and bring the reserve team that we both left behind."

"No." Ye Han also refused without hesitation, "If there is an emergency, I also expect you two to send a reserve team to save lives. What if I take it all away?"

"What are you doing in such a mess?" Bian Ge's brain hurts when he hears it for several times, "Old Ye, my teacher Ye, can't you just stay there? You shouldn't have run down. Still following the troops to the front, aren't you playing the piano?"

"That's right!" Xiao Yuan relied on his courage to agree, "I agree with Colonel Bian's opinion, and firmly oppose the division commander leaving his post without permission... Otherwise, the guard battalion will stay, and I'll take someone there."

If the guard camp doesn't go, Ye Han naturally won't follow, and Xiao Yuan's fight is not bad either.

"Where to go, I'll just say a word, if you want to send a battalion, the battalion commander has to follow, don't let anyone else go forward, stay in your own position, let me remind you again, you are the commander, It's not a hot soldier who is charging, the first responsibility is to command the troops, not to run to the front line to cause trouble ahead!" Bian Ge's tone was very heavy, and after this sentence was finished, the radio was silent.

Ye Han took a breath and said, "Okay, I won't go there, and the guard battalion won't move. The two of you discuss it and choose a battalion to follow."

Ye Han finally compromised. He was not the kind of person who didn't know what to do. Although Bian Ge's tone was heavy, it was for his own good. He was indeed not suitable for acting with the army.

Strictly speaking, his division commander should stay on the Yaoshan and remotely control the landing troops throughout the whole process, and should not even land on Ganymede's ground.

This is why the Yaoshan was destroyed, and he took advantage of it.

Bian Ge immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "That's right, Xiao Yuan, let's go to my second battalion, it doesn't matter if the Xihai is empty." It is enough to have servants.

"Hey, don't, my three battalions can also be drawn out..."

Bian Ge immediately blew his beard and stared: "Xiao Yuan, aren't your wings hardened? Are you brave enough to take tasks with me? Are you thinking about it?"

Xiao Yuan didn't give in: "I'm neither strong, courageous nor fat. You are my old superior. At this time, it's time for me to charge forward. You are old-fashioned, and you can't take tasks with me, right?"

"I'm going, and I say that I'm not fat, so I dare to run on me..."

Neither of the two let the other, Xiao Yuan suddenly kicked the ball to Ye Han: "Master, the first regiment is your unit, I am the acting regiment commander, what do you do?"

"Why are you two in such a hurry? I'll give you the extra task!" Ye Han is big and big, "It's alright, you two should calm down, or go to the guard camp, you two will give it to you alone. I'll send one over here!"

Xiao Yuan stopped talking immediately, and Bian Ge wanted to say something, but Luo Qi suddenly interrupted the call; "Senior, I'm not going, I'm bringing the guard camp!"

Ye Han said angrily: "Where are you so much nonsense, what should you do for me!"

Luo Qi walked away angrily, summoning the troops listlessly.

At this time, Ye Han suddenly connected to the emergency communication of Liangshan: "No. 1, there is a situation at two, five, eight and eleven o'clock, the enemy is about to attack, repeat, the enemy is about to attack!"

"No. 1 received, Liangshan, closely monitor the enemy's movements."


"Luo Qi-"


"Don't go now, organize defense immediately!"

"Yes—" Luo Qi agreed with a long voice, turning around and waving at the team that had just assembled, "What are you doing, don't hurry back!"

Ye Han continued to give orders on the radio: "All units pay attention, the enemy is about to attack, Zeng Rui, immediately notify the servants to suspend the plan, and all personnel will defend on the spot."


"One regiment and two regiments, as well as the guard battalion, hide the guns for me and are not allowed to stay on the ship's ridge, understand?"


"The personnel are also not allowed to stay on the ridge of the ship. They all give me a place to hide. The commanders at all levels will watch over your soldiers. I don't need to teach you what to do, understand?"


The meaning of this passage is nothing more than telling the soldiers not to interfere, and let the servants and the enemy fight to the death first.

After the order was over, Ye Han turned around and looked at the motionless horizon, feeling a little anxious in his heart.

Zeng Rui's voice appeared again: "Senior, I have informed the Free Army of your order, but they are still gathering troops.

"What's going on?" Ye Han immediately turned his head to look behind the Sea of ​​Trees, and saw that in the open space between the two battleships, tens of thousands of servants had already assembled, and more servants were coming from other directions.

Ye Han immediately became anxious: "Attention to all Attention to all units, immediately report the number of servants left by each ship, hurry up!"

"The Red Sea report, the number is about 2,000, it's over!"

"The Caspian is also two thousand, over!"

"The Inner Sea report, about 2,000..."

Each ship reported one by one, and everyone's answer was around 2,000.

There should be no problem with two thousand people guarding a battleship, but then Ye Han saw the assembled servants with a lot of machine guns and ammunition, and his heart just calmed down again, didn't he bring all the machine guns out? ?

Turning on the scanning function of the biochip, the scene in Ye Han's eyes changed, a series of data appeared in his eyes, and the statistics proved his guess about the machine gun.

Ye Han wanted to scold people but didn't know who to scold.

But now the situation is very obvious, the resistance organization is determined to attack Tiankeng, and the possibility of continuing to obey the order is very small. If Ye Han insists on ordering the servants, the final result is likely to be ignored by the servants.

Both sides have their own positions. At this time, they are breaking up, and it is very likely that they will completely tear their faces in the end.

Ye Han understood that the more calm it was at such a time, after thinking about it, he finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind to ignore the servant army and repel this wave of the enemy's attack first: "All units pay attention, the enemy army is about to attack, all People pay attention to concealment, all the landing craft will hide behind the battleship for me, without orders, the close defense guns are not allowed to fire!"

If the servants take away the machine guns, then the close-range artillery on each ship will be the strongest firepower node for the defenders. The firing speed of the close-range artillery is too abnormal. If you don’t know how to fire in moderation, you will be able to shoot all the shells in a few minutes. All light up.

Good steel is used on the blade, and the close-up gun must be used with caution. If necessary, it may play a role in setting the tone.

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