Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1010: Underground Raid

While shouting, Luo Qi took off the rifle on his back, pulled the bolt and opened the safety in one go, and pointed the gun at the open space between the Sea of ​​Trees and the Red Sea.

Ye Han immediately looked in the direction of the muzzle, and saw at a glance that a dirt bag was gradually bulging in the direction of the muzzle.

Others also noticed the anomaly. Dozens of soldiers raised their rifles together, aimed at the dirt bag and cautiously kept a safe distance, and no one approached rashly.

If this were a movie, the soldiers would probably surround them with guns after discovering the anomaly, but reality is not a movie, and no one can guarantee what is hidden under the earthbags, let alone determine whether the earthbags are dangerous or not. A safe distance is the most basic common sense.

Ye Han's expression changed, and instinctively he picked up the rifle and loaded the bullet. He never thought that he was a commander, let alone that he could hide in a safe area reasonably.

His division commander was made from a small soldier and spicy step by step. After so many years of war baptism, fighting has long become his instinct.

Ye Han, who was aiming at the dirt bag, kept his eyes fixed, Shen Sheng said in the radio: "All units pay attention, pay attention to the open space between the battleships, and deal with the abnormality immediately!"

"One group understands!"

"Second regiment understands..."

The earth bag suddenly arched, and a brown worm head about the size of a grinding disc emerged. The head was large but the eyes were small. Two powerful short and thick worm legs protruded from the ground, and the hole was rapidly expanded like an excavator.

Luo Qi immediately clenched the rifle in his hand: "Hit!"

With an order, dozens of armored rifles fired together, and the dense warheads smashed into the giant insect's head and shot millions of sparks, but everyone quickly discovered that the powerful 12.7mm bullets could not wear the giant insect's carapace!

Ye Han swung his gun and shot several shots near the giant insect's eye, but he always missed the small eye. When the others saw it, they also aimed at the insect's eye, throwing a bunch of guns at the insect's eye suddenly. It exploded, dark green worm blood spurted out of its eyes, and the body of the giant worm was suddenly twisted.

The part of the giant worm arching out of the ground is as high as a two-story building, but there is still a part of the worm body that has not come out!

The sound of the gunshots became more and more intense, but the bullets still hit the giant insect as before. At this juncture, there was a muffled sound, and the raised insect head suddenly shattered, the fragments flew, and smashed on the soldiers. On the body, no one was hiding.

Ganymede's air is thin, and the sound lacks a medium for transmission. The dense gunfire should not be heard. The reason why the gunfire is fired is because the sound penetrates into the radio of the soldiers through the armor, and is transmitted to others through the radio wave— This is one of the new features that the military has added to the armor according to the strong request of the soldiers. The purpose is to hear the sound of the companion shooting no matter what the environment is!

Without this function, it is very likely that one side has exchanged fire with the enemy fiercely, but the other side is unaware.

And in order to accurately guide the target, this function can also accurately restore the direction of the sound source with stereo headphones by measuring the direction of the signal.

In short, it is trying to simulate the battlefield on earth that the soldiers are most familiar with.

After losing the worm head, the worm blood spewed like a spring, and the blood rain began to boil in the air, and every drop of blood continued to roll and deform.

Ye Han turned his head sharply, and saw a gun truck adjusted its direction at some point, and the black muzzle pointed directly at the giant worm.

The giant worm lost its head but showed no signs of stopping. It crawled out of the ground a few times, and the nearly ten-meter-long worm rammed like a headless fly... It was indeed headless.

If it wasn't for the soldiers keeping a safe distance from the earthbags, they would have to let some bugs fly.

Ye Han's roar immediately spread through the radio: "Open the cannon, give me a blast!"


There was another cannon shot, and the headless giant worm received another cannonball. Half of the thorax was blown away by the cannonball, and a blown worm leg flew out against Ye Han's head, causing him to shrink his neck instinctively.

When I looked back, the worm's leg had hit the Sea of ​​Trees. It seemed that the worm's blood was sticky, and it actually stuck directly to the armor.

The body of the worm is still not completely dead, but this thing is similar to an insect. The entire length of the worm's legs is on the thoracic segment. The half thoracic segment that was blown away took away all the left legs, and only the giant insect on the right leg has become a bad one. The lame man who walks, every step is extremely difficult.

The sound of gunfire was also heard in the distance from other directions, and Ye Han immediately said on the radio: "All units pay attention and report the situation at any time..."

Before the words were finished, a few figures quickly jumped out of the hole, and then a few giant insects over three meters long crawled out of the hole.

The crowd immediately turned their guns around, and the sound of gunfire after only a moment of silence exploded again. In the middle of the gunfire, Ye Han shouted loudly: "Block the hole in a row, others shoot freely, close the gun, and kill the bugs for me."

The soldiers immediately divided into two waves under Ye Han's order, and they all aimed at the hole and fired. com doesn't care if there is anything inside or not, it just shoots the dense bullets.

As a result, several noble troops just hit the muzzle of the gun, and they were beaten into a sieve in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the close-up cannons on the Sea of ​​Trees moved over, but in a short shot of less than half a second, hundreds of shells immediately covered the giant insects that had not yet had time to disperse, but in the blink of an eye, four giant insects. It was smashed into three and a half by the dense shells.

The few enemy troops that jumped out of the hole were like oversized grasshoppers jumping more than ten meters high, jumping back and forth up and down, left and right, incredibly flexible.

The soldiers of the second and third companies opened fire with all their strength, but few bullets hit the target. Instead, the silk light from the enemy hit a few unlucky soldiers. Two of them died on the spot, and the others were seriously injured at least.

One of them was right next to Ye Han, but Ye Han didn't have time to look at him, so he opened his throat and yelled, "Pack of explosives—"

Several soldiers picked up the grenades and threw them into the hole. After a blast, a clever soldier took the explosive bag, started the flight bag and jumped right above the hole, threw the explosive bag into the hole, turned around and ran away.

The blaster immediately detonated the explosive pack, and everyone only felt a palpitating tremor under their feet, and then a fiery fire dragon jumped out of the hole, and the nearby ground collapsed in a large area.

The hole was temporarily blocked, and Ye Han turned around and shouted: "Move, let me move—"

The enemy's movements were nimble, and the paratroopers were not slow. If it wasn't for the purpose of blocking the burrow, how could they have killed so many soldiers?

The soldiers acted immediately, but Ye Han found that an enemy suddenly jumped high, pounced on the gun carriage like a prey falcon.

Does he want to destroy the gun?

Ye Han didn't have time to think about it, and instinctively jumped high, just slammed into the enemy's arms.

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