Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1011: smash

The incident happened suddenly, the aliens in the air were unprepared, and the two collided with each other and lost their balance at the same time.

The alien who was rushing towards the gun truck instinctively raised his arm, aimed at Ye Han with his forearm, and prepared to kill this interfering human with silk light.

But Ye Han's rifle had already been loaded with bullets, and he had been holding it in his hand. When he crashed into the enemy's arms, the muzzle was directly on the enemy's chest.

As soon as the enemy raised his arm, Ye Han took the lead and pulled the trigger.

The gunshot exploded, and the crazy bullet burst out of the muzzle in the jumping flame, instantly penetrating the enemy's breastplate, stirring the enemy's chest into a mass of rotten flesh and then penetrating the back armor, with splashing blood high up. fly into the sky.

The bullets in the gun were exhausted in one breath, and Ye Han started the flight bag and kicked the enemy's body with one kick.

Everything happened so suddenly and so quickly that the soldiers didn't realize what had happened until Ye Han killed the enemy himself.

Seeing this, the other few enemies no longer entangled with the soldiers, but jumped from their respective directions at the same time, like a group of martial arts masters with outstanding feats, pounced on the artillery cart.

But the low gravity not only gives the aliens super bouncing ability, but also gives humans a good level of movement. As soon as the aliens jumped up, a large group of paratroopers suddenly jumped up on the ground, hugging them like a arhat For the few enemies in the air, after a shot was fired, the soldiers of the guard battalion wiped out the enemy troops.

The other steering wheel battles continued. Ye Han didn't want to interfere with Xiao Yuan and Bian Ge's command, so he simply connected Liangshan and directly observed the situation on the battlefield with real-time satellite images.

The enemy on the front of the Sea of ​​Trees has long been defeated by the main force of the servants, and now there is not even a single straggler. .

Ye Han took a look at the main force of the servant army that was advancing at full speed towards the Tiankeng. From the satellite image, it could be seen that the underground bunkers along the way were haunted by noble troops, which seemed to be accumulating strength and preparing to block the main force of the servant army.

The strength of the servant army is very good, but the layers of resistance of the noble army are not so easy to deal with, but since the resistance organization has made a choice, it must bear the corresponding consequences.

Therefore, Ye Han has no intention to intervene at the moment, so let the two sides have a good fight first.

The situation in the direction of the Dead Sea is also good. The shelling destroyed the enemy's light worm position. Although the stragglers in the direction of the Dead Sea are regrouping with the subsequent noble army, the defense of the Dead Sea is not so easy to break.

The other two enemy forces are located in the direction of the Shahai and the Nanhai. Although the enemy forces in these two directions were also hit hard by the artillery, the situation is still deadlocked. If there is no external force to break the balance, there is a possibility of a stalemate for a period of time. very high.

However, the coalition forces have already dispersed the two enemy forces. Mortar howitzers and laser cannons can support other directions at any time. It is uncertain to completely wipe out the enemies in these two directions, but it is not difficult to break up the two enemy forces.

Moving his gaze to the inside of the encirclement, the noble army is drilling out from the underground bunkers. Many enemies have already gathered. They are scattered near the entrances. Until this time, there is still no action. It seems that they are planning to gather more strength, but in Under the three-sided attack of the Red Sea, the West Sea and the Inner Sea, the possibility of these enemies breaking the siege is very small.

The last is the open space between the two layers of battleships. Except that the Sea of ​​Trees has cleared the enemy, the battles in other directions are also coming to an end, and it is only a matter of time to destroy the enemy.

However, the actions of the enemy sounded the alarm for Ye Han. Aliens are a race that lives underground all the year round and is extremely adaptable to the underground environment. The so-called underground bunkers are just the exits of the underground cities. Where the exit is arranged is all the aliens say. As long as the aliens have a normal brain, they will definitely take advantage of the geographical advantage to launch a counterattack.

Looking at the coalition forces in turn, Ye Han's original plan was for the servants to attack the bunkers in the encirclement. As long as the servants attacked the bunker, it would definitely attract the full force of the noble army to counterattack. In this way, the battlefield was placed on the boundary of the noble army. Before the enemy annihilates the servants, the possibility of counterattacking the ground is not high.

But the unauthorized action of the resistance organization not only disrupted Ye Han's wishful thinking, but also messed up the battle plan formulated before the war, and even provoked a crazy counterattack from the enemy...

Ye Han knew that it was useless to think about it now, but he could control his actions, but he couldn't control his thoughts.

But he quickly put these vexing questions aside, and ordered on the radio: "Attention all units, all artillery carriages are immediately withdrawn to the ridge and re-armed, the shells are used as much as possible on the blade, and other heavy equipment is used. Against the enemy!"

"One group understands!"

"Second regiment understands!"

Ye Han then ordered the Lishan and Liangshan to focus on bombing the enemy forces assembled in the encirclement not to give the enemy a chance to rest and grow.

The laser beam from outer space immediately moved from the periphery of the battlefield to the inside of the encirclement. After being bombarded by the warships, the assembled enemy troops immediately exploded their nests, rushing towards the gap between the Shahai and Nanhai like a group of wild dogs. .

The originally scattered enemies gradually gathered because of the charge. Ye Han immediately gave up the idea of ​​shelling the outer targets and ordered all units to give priority to shelling the enemies inside.

Artillery fire from all directions immediately fell on the charging noble army, which immediately disrupted the enemy's position, and then two lasers fell from the sky and continued to harvest the enemy's life.

The combination of artillery shells and lasers, almost without the defenders firing, wiped out this group of enemies.

Next, the scattered artillery vehicles bombarded the enemy troops on the periphery under the order of Ye Han, and successively scattered the enemy troops in the direction of the Shahai and Nanhai, successfully smashing the four-sided encirclement and the central flowering tactics of the noble army.

After repelling the enemy's attack, Ye Han did not dare to relax a little, and immediately ordered the entire army to rescue the wounded, inspect weapons and equipment, and seize the time to replenish ammunition.

Next, Ye Han's eyes fell on the servant army again.

At this time, the main force of the servant army had already exchanged fire with the intercepting noble army. The noble army used the underground bunkers as the basis to intercept layer by layer, and the servant army risked his life to attack the blocking line. The tide rushed over, leaving only a small number of troops to contain the remaining enemies on the blocking line.

Since the blocking line is backed by an underground bunker, the broken servants are actually abandoned sons, and their only purpose of existence is to delay time.

Ye Han, who witnessed this scene, was very helpless, and ordered fire support to the two warships in Lishan Liangshan... Although he was very dissatisfied with the servant army's unauthorized actions, the large number of casualties of the servant army is also not in the interests of mankind.

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