Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1179: Chip, chip!

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. When Ye Han reported the news, he repeatedly emphasized that it was not confirmed, but the news still caused an uproar among the high-level officials of Beidu.

Control the human mind? Are aliens really so mysterious?

But there are precedents for bugs and captives, and no one dares to say that aliens have no such ability. If the high-level officials of any country are controlled by aliens, the consequences will not be as simple as unimaginable?

Beidu doesn't care if there is a relationship between transformation and control. Who can guarantee that the news heard by the bugmen is absolutely correct? What if the alien experiment has been successful, but the news is blocked and the bug people don't know?

If alien spies have penetrated the interior of humanity...

The impact of this matter is too great, and the Beidu family can't solve it at all, but once the news is released, will it arouse the vigilance of alien spies?

The most critical question now is not whether the alien's experiment was successful or not, but how to pick out the alien spies!

Beidu quickly grasped the key point. It doesn't matter whether aliens can control humans or not. Humans who can be controlled by aliens must have been captured by aliens, or at least have contacted aliens. As long as this is clear. Two points can divide innocent people and suspicious people into two.

So the intelligence department received a particularly arduous task to supervise all human beings who have come into contact with aliens, and those who have had close contact must be supervised.

At the same time, the research department has also received a new task. Beidu hopes that they can realize the function of mind monitoring on the biochip... This is very immoral, but compared with the safety of the country and human beings, what is the sacrifice of individuals?

And the research department put forward a different point of view, believing that this function can be made concealed, for example, it will not be activated if it does not involve aliens, and once the key eyes such as aliens and intelligence are involved, the monitoring of the biochip will be activated again. It's not too late to function.

It is also possible to monitor the situation of the captured people through biochips, and destroy the brain tissue of the captured people if necessary... In order to deal with aliens, the upper management has no longer cared about the bottom line and integrity, and can no longer worry so much.

Researchers are also the first to popularize biochips. For the sake of humanity and self-interest, researchers believe that there are many ways to prevent aliens from controlling the brain, and there is no need to destroy brain tissue.

To be more specific, the biochip itself has no magical ability. This thing is a computer installed in the brain. What kind of software can it exert what kind of ability.

Biochip experts believe that the institute can design a set of anti-espionage programs. Once key preset words such as "intelligence" are found, the chip will immediately block designated areas of the brain.

It is well known that different areas of the brain control different functions. Based on this concept, biochips can take over one or several functional areas of the brain, and the rest is simple.

For example, the language area of ​​the brain can be taken over, depriving the person of the ability to speak.

For another example, it can limit the function of the cerebellum and deprive the person of the motor ability.

For another example, it can take over the memory area of ​​the brain and artificially create amnesia.

Moreover, this artificial takeover does not cut off the brain's control of the body, but achieves the purpose of limiting brain function by filtering neural signals, interfering with neural signals, etc. Even if aliens directly read brain wave signals, they will only get a A lot of gibberish.

More importantly, this method uses mature technology and has minimal side effects on the brain. If the parties have the opportunity to return to the human world, they can completely readjust the biochip and restore the normal function of the brain!

In fact, everyone knows that there is absolutely no good end for humans to fall into the hands of aliens. It is better to live than to die quickly, but the human heart is so complicated, even if you know that there is little hope, you will subconsciously think that you are the one who has Chances to escape the clutches of the eventuality.

Therefore, it is very important to restore brain function, because it is the key to returning to the human world.

And this key is far more than that. The anti-espionage program is equivalent to turning the biological chip into a time bomb. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will instinctively reject it, even if he knows that it is for the sake of all mankind. Same.

However, if the function of the chip is changed from destroying to blocking, it is still possible to open the blockade, and the acceptance will be different immediately. It is nothing more than adding a lock to the brain. Of course it's no big deal.

But a new question has come again. If the security of intelligence is pinned on the biochip, how can the security of the biochip itself be guaranteed?

You must know that the reason for the rapid popularity of biochips is that the inability to interfere with the operation of the brain is the most important security basis. To put it bluntly, even if someone invades the biochip and implants the most dangerous program virus, it will at most burn the biochip. The chip will not damage the brain one bit.

The anti-espionage program will greatly spread the "power of" virus programs can use biochips as a bridge to invade the brain, damaging or even destroying the host's brain.

The manufacturing technology of biochips is very high-end. Even if all technologies are made public, there are still only a handful of countries in the world that can manufacture biochips.

But the virus program is different. This thing is extremely low-end. As long as you figure out the source program of the biochip, you can find a few programmers with decent technology, and you can round and pinch the human with the biochip in the brain. flat.

At that time, human beings will be able to play themselves to death, and aliens will not even need to move their hands. It is not a dream to completely occupy the earth. This is definitely not an alarmist, but a very likely fact!

Throughout human history, no matter which historical period there is such a small group of non-mainstream people, they have a common label: extremist organizations!

Extremist organizations are often unscrupulous for their own interests, that is, they do not care about the lives of others or their own safety, even if they are enemies of the whole world.

Don't look at the fact that countries have long since joined forces to deal with aliens, but extremist organizations have always been outside the mainstream world, and the same is true of the issue of aliens. There are even some extremist forces that believe that human beings have come to the end, and that aliens are human beings The savior of the world, thinking of how to take refuge in aliens.

Ordinary people also have a collective name for this kind of extremist organization.

According to incomplete statistics, since the appearance of aliens, the number of human **** organizations discovered in various countries has exceeded three digits, but this kind of stupidity has always been the key target of all countries. All the remnants went underground, and no one dared to show their faces in public... Not showing up doesn't mean they don't exist, and countries have never relaxed their vigilance against human-rape organizations. (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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