Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1180: sky light

Still incomplete statistics, since aliens have taken over South America and Africa, every year, a large number of members of human **** organizations smuggle to South America and Africa to join the aliens, including rich businessmen, politicians and elites from various industries. X23US. COM is the fastest

For these idiots who don't want to be human, the attitude of governments around the world has always been to set an example.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t kill them. According to reliable information, aliens never need to lead the way. People who have taken refuge in the past have good luck to make bugmen, and those with bad luck simply become fodder for giant insects. I don’t know. When these stupid deaths, do you regret it in the end?

But stupid is stupid. It is estimated that even if some of them die, they will regard their stupid as martyrdom.

In a word, don't trust the integrity of human beings too much!

Therefore, how much power should be given to the anti-espionage program, how to avoid the responsible influence of the excessive power of biochips, and how to balance brain security and chip security are all issues that Beidu must solve first.

Of course, it was not solved by Beidu itself. Beidu quickly notified the main allies of the situation through safe channels... The reason why it is not all allies is because Beidu only informs countries that are capable of producing biochips.

By the way, although all countries are popularizing biochips, all countries have tried their best to develop independent source programs.

This move was originally intended to prevent backdoors on the biochip, but by mistake, it has now become a barrier to ensure the safety of the chip. Even if there is a problem with a family's chip, it will not affect others.

The spread of news also caused some sequelae, that is, China's actions were completely exposed to the eyes of all countries, but taking advantage of the insect plague to invade territory is nothing new. Everyone's buttocks are not clean. The difference is nothing more than the appetite of the northern capital. it is good.

Beidu simply did not hide it, and directly made the action public under the banner of fighting against the insect people. In addition to the original troops, a group of troops was urgently mobilized to go south.

After many years of war, the domestic population has dropped sharply, but the army has increased sharply because of the needs of the war. The number of active personnel in the army exceeds 5 million!

This is because the military has always been committed to the professionalization and sharpening of the military, otherwise seven or eight million may not be able to stop it.

Today, the military has formed a complete three-level system. The first level is the most elite core force. In addition to the high-tech troops of various services, it also includes all infantry equipped with power armor.

Power armor is not as rare as it was in previous years. The major services and arms have their own power armored units. The major ones are orbital paratroopers of the Space Fleet; airborne troops of the Air Force; Marines of the Navy; and then the mobile infantry of the Army. .

The first batch of troops going south mainly came from the Army, and some marines, and the second batch of troops that were urgently mobilized were mainly paratroopers and marines.

However, it takes time for the troops to go south. Even the fastest airborne troops will take five to six hours to reach New Guinea if they set off immediately.

Fortunately, in addition to a group of U.S. troops near Australia and North Australia, the nearest foreign troops are also more than 4,000 kilometers away. Regardless of the speed or manpower, they are not the opponents of the northern capital. If there is no accident, we will win. New Guinea is only a matter of time.

Ye Han on Buha Island had no idea how much trouble his report had caused. After he reported the situation, he pondered for a while, but he wasn't a technologist, so he couldn't come up with a result at all. Anyway, the sky fell. When I came down, Bei Bei was holding on to it, and it didn't take long to forget about it.

The conversation between Ma Hongwei and the bugman continued, but Ye Han lost his mind to continue exploring.

If he hears something amazing again, he will have to get angry with him... Let Ma Hongwei continue the story, and send the whole process to the north after he is done. No matter what amazing news Carlos revealed, the northern capital will can be properly resolved.

If he really encounters a problem that Beidu can't solve, it's useless for his little teacher to get angry.

Everything was normal on Buha Island, and Ye Han, who had nothing to do, gradually turned his attention to New Guinea not far away.

The Southeast Fleet should have arrived in New Guinea long ago, but there was no news about New Guinea on the military's internal network. He checked curiously and found that the fleet had arrived at the scheduled location a few hours ago, but it did not report to New Guinea. Guinea launched an attack, and the troops that arrived at the same time did not launch a landing, so they just floated on the sea without any movement.

Ye Han couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. After checking the situation of the other two fleets, he found that the troops landing on Philippine Island and Kalidan Island were always advancing with great success, which formed a sharp contrast with the quietness of the Southeast Fleet.

The Southeast Fleet would definitely not dare to make an assertion, and there must be some purpose in keeping the troops in motion, but he still couldn't figure out what the Beidu was fighting.

This wait is half a day, the sky is dark, and the fleet is still motionless.

Ye Han simply ignored it. After arranging the affairs on the island, he found a place to rest for a while, but fell asleep in the middle of the night and was suddenly woken up by Luo Qi: "Master, let's begin!"

Ye Han was still awake, and asked vaguely, "What started?"

"New Guinea!"

Hearing these three words, Ye Han suddenly woke up: "How is it?"

Luo Qi smiled: "Come out and see for yourself."

come out to see?

Ye Han stepped out of the tent suspiciously, and as soon as he opened the curtain, he saw a giant beam of light hanging down from the sky like a nine-day Milky Way, falling to the east of Buha Island.

Ye Han was stunned: "Super cannon? How is New Guinea?" Although there is Lishan in the, only the super cannon on the space station can shoot such a thick beam.

What's going on here? Why use a super cannon without saying a word?

Luo Qi smirked and shook his head: "I don't know yet!"

Ye Han couldn't find anyone else to ask for a while, so he simply contacted Lishan directly and called up satellite images.

It turned out that the beam did come from the space station. The super cannon that originally dealt with the alien fleet was attacking the ground, and the entire southern part of New Guinea was covered by the beam. Even if it was separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, the power of the super cannon should not be underestimated.

Through the satellite lens, it can be seen that the forests along the southern part of New Guinea are burning, the beaches are hot, and the sea water is boiling... If the bug people appear under the laser, they are like barbecue placed on the fire, and they will immediately fall down with smoke. On the ground, it will turn into a pile of charred barbecue in no time.

Ye Han couldn't believe his eyes, what a big deal!

No wonder the fleet waited for so long, it turned out to be waiting for the super cannon to show its power... But then again, what did Beidu think about using the super cannon to hit the ground target?

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