Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1188: I try my best

Professor Yu seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood, and immediately came to the spirit: "You say it!"

"That's right, the secret procedure is mainly aimed at aliens. As far as I know, aliens' mind extraction is not something that can be done casually. They must first transform the captives before they can extract their thoughts. I don't understand. Alien means, but this transformation should start at the genetic level, right?"

"Yes!" Professor Yu himself is an expert in this field, and immediately gave a positive answer.

Ye Han said: "That's what I think, since it is necessary to transform to extract thinking, there is no need to activate automatically before the gene is changed. Is it possible to combine the monitoring of brain waves and monitoring genes, and set several different monitoring levels like combat readiness? ."

"For example, in normal times... under safe conditions, the chip does not need to monitor the host's brainwaves. When on the battlefield, there must be some physiological changes. At this time, the chip can improve the monitoring level. If the host gene changes, the chip will immediately Go to the highest monitoring level, filter all brainwave signals, and only in this case, the chip has the right to lock the brain function."

"Absolutely, but in this case, can you accept the confidentiality procedure?" Professor Yu asked.

"Part of it."

"Then how can you fully accept it?"

"As long as the genes remain unchanged, brain function cannot be locked under any circumstances!" Ye Han said without hesitation.

"It's impossible!" Professor Yu shook his head again and again, "I don't want to slander anyone, and I also believe that most soldiers will not surrender to the aliens, but the forest has all kinds of birds, in case a soft head falls outside. In the hands of the stars, you can say everything that shouldn't be said without modification?"

"Keyword filtering, isn't this already there?"

Professor Yu was at a loss for words, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be asking a very stupid question.

Ye Han continued: "But what are the keywords, how many keywords are the limit, you have to study it carefully, it is best to find a few keywords that you can't think of at ordinary times as the key... By the way, these keywords are tens of millions Don't make it public, or I won't need aliens, and I'll definitely lock myself up first."

The meeting room burst into laughter, but the laughter soon dissipated. When everyone recalled Ye Han's words, they suddenly found that Ye Han's worries were very reasonable.

When you don't know anything, you can't think of an idea even if you think about it, but once you know the keyword library, then the keywords will definitely come out endlessly.

Professor Yu nodded: "This opinion is very good!"

"I have another idea." Ye Han said.

"Speak, speak freely." Huo Qiang encouraged.

"I think, in addition to automatic activation, active activation should also be added..."

Everyone's eyes looked at Ye Han at the same time, and each eye was flashing a puzzled light.

Huo Qiang made Ye Han confused: "What do you think?"

Ye Han said: "I think automatic activation can only be the last layer of protection. I know how aliens treat prisoners. If one day I fall into the hands of aliens, I would rather die happily than fall into aliens. Life is better than death... I think there can be an active activation function on the chip, you don't need to wait for genetic mutation, you can directly lock the brain, or directly destroy the brain, it is just like detonating a glorious bomb."

There was silence in the conference room, and everyone's heart was extremely heavy.

Although the generals here seldom go to the battlefield, they have all gone from little soldiers to today. Everyone understands Ye Han's mood and what it's like to be captured.

Professor Yu was at a loss for words. He was not a soldier at all. He had a very simple understanding of soldiers, and he had never been in contact with the front-line combat troops. Even if he killed him, he never thought that Ye Han would make such a suggestion.

Huo Qiang sighed: "Professor Yu, can active activation be added?"

Professor Yu looked at Huo Qiang: "Yes, yes, but..."

Huo Qiang waved his hand: "It's good if you can. In the past, when you went to the battlefield, you hung a glorious bullet around your neck. Now the situation is different, but you should also give the soldiers the right to choose."

It sounds nice, but it's not really the case at all.

There is no active activation, and there is an automatic activation behind the back. There must be people who are lucky enough to be prisoners. When the time comes, they really rely on aliens, and finally they have to rely on automatic activation as the last insurance.

The so-called active activation is actually giving the soldiers the opportunity to commit suicide.

Professor Yu felt that the boss was unhappy. His eyes wandered between Huo Qiang and Ye Han a few times before he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll apply and listen to the arrangement above."

"No." Huo Qiang firmly refused, "Just follow this line of thinking. I'm responsible for communicating with Beidu."

Only military people understand military personnel. If Professor Yu is asked to report, it is hard to say what the final result will be, but if Huo Qiang comes to communicate, the probability of passing is definitely much higher.

Professor Yu had a hesitant look on his face, and after a while he said with difficulty, "I have to wait for the instructions from above. Without the approval from above, I can't do this."

Huo Qiang was about to speak, but Professor Yu said first: "Commander Huo, don't persuade me, you have your own position, I have my principles, and I respect the choice of the soldiers, so I waited for the instructions above, from my In my heart, I don’t want to add such a function anyway.”

Automatic activation is the last resort. It means that the soldier is already in the most critical state, but active activation is not the case. To put it in a bad way, being captured by aliens does not mean that there is no hope. What if you are rescued again? ? If the warrior just fell into the hands of aliens, he couldn't think of it and locked his brain, wouldn't it be a tragedy in the end?

Huo Qiang nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll communicate with the boss first."

At this time, Ye Han raised his hand again.

Huo Qiang was startled: "What else do you want to say?"

Ye Han was a little embarrassed: " what, that's what I think, after active activation, automatic activation becomes a supplement, can it be more thorough?"

"What do you mean?"

"Aliens can control the mind of the bugger. If the chip locks the brain function, is it easier for the aliens to control it? So I think it's useless to lock the brain, or completely destroy it."

"Can you accept it?" Huo Qiang raised this question without waiting for Professor Yu to speak.

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "I'm definitely uncomfortable, but I can be a little stronger... Also, I also suggest that the confidentiality procedures are best graded. Ordinary warriors don't need to be so strict, and they don't know anything, like me, there are other masters. Confidential officers just have to be stricter, well, that's all."

Professor Yu gave Ye Han a deep look: "I will try my best."

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