Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1189: Boiled frog in warm water

At the end of the meeting, Ye Han was the last to leave the conference room and returned to the first division's camp with a heavy face.

After returning to the dormitory, he was still unable to calm down for a long time, and he kept replaying the scenes of the meeting in his mind.

He is not the kind of person who has a heavy heart, and there are few times when he is full of worries, but the experience at the meeting is really unexpected. Although he made a lot of opinions and chose to agree, his heart is a hundred A thousand people are unwilling, but he knows what it means to be stronger than people, and he knows that Beidu's thoughts will not be changed because of his own opinion, so he can only choose to agree against his will.

Ci is not in charge of soldiers and righteousness and does not do business. From the perspective of Beidu, it is nothing to sacrifice a few people in order to keep military secrets. He is very clear that the choice of Beidu is more beneficial to the country and the army as a group, but it is very beneficial to the sacrificed How unfair is it for the fighters?

He has the heart to fight, but his small arms and legs are not Optimus Prime's material at all.

Rotten in my heart for a while!

He thought so, silently letting go.

But how can you say that you can let go if you let go? In the next few days, as long as he was free, he would think about it involuntarily and involuntarily, and then Ye Han discovered that the regiment-level officers in the division were summoned by Huo Qiang individually, and then some battalion-level officers were summoned. , and after everyone returned to the camp, they never mentioned the content of the summons.

If you look closely, you can see that everyone is very worried.

This is to expand the scope of the collection of opinions!

Ye Han didn't know what Huo Qiang and everyone said, but he must have told them not to spread the word, so even if he saw the clue, he didn't ask anyone.

As the old saying goes, it is rare to be confused. If it was a few years in the morning, Ye Han would not have understood the essence of this sentence, but now, he has slowly tasted it.

This is true life wisdom.

A few days later, not only the officers of the first division were summoned by Huo Qiang, but also the officers of the fourth division and other departments of the base were also summoned by Huo Qiang. Although there were no rumors in the base, anyone with a discerning eye could feel it. That undercurrent of turbulence.

There are more and more officers summoned by Huo Qiang, and even some senior sergeants have joined the summons, but the effect of expanding the scope of the recruitment is not optimistic. The mouth agreed, but the heart was not so reluctant.

On the whole, Ye Han's opinion has been very moderate and very considerate of the overall situation.

The scope of this matter is too broad, and the wind will inevitably spread in the end.

At this point, Huo Qiang simply didn't hide it, and directly disclosed the situation inside the base, expanding the scope of soliciting opinions to the entire base.

When the soldiers heard the news, there was an uproar—as long as they have a normal mind, no one wants to have multiple time bombs in their minds, and opinions from the grassroots quickly flooded the base headquarters.

In short, one word: no!

From the national level, it is indeed necessary to use confidentiality procedures, but from the personal point of view, it is a completely different matter. No matter how necessary the state is, it cannot completely ignore the voice of the grassroots.

Huo Qiang sorted out all the opinions and reported them to Beidu, and then waited for the news, but the soldiers could not calm down, and some unfavorable rumors began to appear in the base.

The base immediately launched an internal rectification against the rumors, and suppressed the signs of failure.

Although there is no news from Beidu, Beidu also knows that the opinions of Qiongzhou base are very representative, so they attach great importance to it, and gather a group of think tanks to study it carefully. They almost completely overturned the previous plan and formulated a new plan.

When the new plan came out, it was already April.

The first step in the new plan was not to enforce the secrecy process, but to promulgate new secrecy regulations for the entire army.

In addition to reaffirming the previous provisions, the regulations also added some additional content according to the actual situation, which can be called the strictest confidentiality regulations in military history.

According to the regulations, the military divides all kinds of classified information into different levels, and all officers and soldiers are also classified into different levels of confidentiality according to their respective positions and ranks. No one should store classified information beyond the level under any circumstances.

Note that the emphasis here is on storage!

When the personnel of the combat unit are in a desperate situation, they must immediately delete the confidential information... This rule is very painful. Can the information in the biochip be deleted, and the information in the brain can be deleted?

Only one person can see the inappropriateness, and this point needs to be solved by the second step of Beidu.

Has Beidu abandoned the secrecy procedure? of course not!

Beidu just gave up mandatory promotion. The new plan follows the confidentiality regulations and classifies military personnel. Ordinary soldiers have little access to confidential information, so there is no mandatory regulation. You can download the confidential program voluntarily or not, it all depends on your personal wishes.

It is recommended for low-level officers to download it. It is not impossible not to download it, but it may affect future promotions and promotions. Once captured, it may also affect the treatment of family members.

To put it bluntly, it is to change the way of thinking, from compulsory promotion to institutional coercion, but it is not so radical, but the method of boiling frogs in warm water.

As for the middle and senior officers... I'm sorry, there is no right to choose, a confidentiality program must be installed in the chip, and it is expressly stipulated that no promotion will be allowed if the confidentiality program is refused.

This alone has cut off the promotion of low-ranking officers, which is simply an obvious reminder.

There is a special mission or the implementation of a special mission in these two cases, the security program must be loaded.

In addition to using psychological means, Beidu also optimized the confidentiality program, overturned the plan of monitoring thinking at all times, and replaced it with autonomous activation.

But self-activation is also very different from Ye Han's opinion. What it activates is not the locking function, but the monitoring function of the confidential program!

To put it simply, the security function does not work at all. Only when the host starts the security program, the program starts to monitor the thoughts in the brain. The keywords in it are all calculated by supercomputers. Under normal circumstances, the possibility of locking the brain is infinitely close. at zero...

Ye Han doesn't know what other people think, but he thinks it's too much of a **** to say that, and he always thinks that it's too **** to have to start it up to run it, the military definitely can't hand over the initiative of the secret procedure to individuals. inside.

According to Ye Han's understanding, this thing is similar to the meaning of antivirus software. Even if there is no movement on the surface, it will inevitably run secretly in the dark, but it can't be seen on the surface.

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