Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1201: Incense is a big problem


Ye Han received a total of two orders, one for the entire division to return to the moon, and the other for cell fusion after returning to the moon!

The order pointed out that the first airborne division must convey the order to every soldier before the start. Those who are unwilling to participate in cell fusion must immediately carry out ideological work, and those who cannot reverse their thinking must be resolutely removed and transferred to the second and third line troops. Other appointments.

After the order was announced, most of the soldiers had no idea. After all, ten people, including the commander Ye Han, had been transformed for half a year, and the ten people were alive and kicking without any problems. No matter what training program, they were all among the best, and the real effects were in front of them. There are really not many fighters for cell fusion.

The veterans who originally belonged to the First Division couldn't wait. They had the most contact with aliens, and knew the most about the battlefield outside the earth. They knew how important it was to have a good physique outside the earth.

However, the vast majority did not represent everyone, and some people really rejected cell fusion, and soon some people took the initiative to stand up and volunteer to be transferred from the Airborne Division.

Hearing this news, Ye Han's whole person is not well. Although the Airborne Division has not been established for a long time, it has experienced many battles. No matter how urgent and dangerous the task, the first thing that comes to mind is the Airborne Division.

What is this? This is honor. It is the military soul that generations of officers and soldiers have exchanged for their blood and lives since the Marine Corps era!

Since the formation of the army, the Airborne Division has always been a place where you can't get in without breaking your head. Only the Airborne Division has the role of recruiting troops. There has never been a precedent for the people of the Airborne Division to take the initiative to transfer away!

But one cell fusion scared off so many people. Isn't this a joke?

Ye Han was so angry that he personally gathered the officers and soldiers who wanted to be transferred together, and at a glance, good guy, there was actually a whole platoon with corners!

This time, Ye Han was even more angry, pointed at the queue without saying a word, strode to the side, called all the regiments and battalions in front of them, and yelled at them: "Who are you? What's going on, the good seedlings are handed over to you, so the soldiers you brought me are not just reforms Lift your head up!"

The dejected regiment commanders and battalion commanders quickly raised their heads and looked at Ye Han with serious faces.

"Say, what's going on?"

A few people look at me and I look at you, but no one is willing to speak first.

Ye Han got even more angry, pointed at Xiao Yuan and roared: "What are you looking at, you say it first!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan quickly stood at attention, "Reporting to the teacher, I have already understood that the burden is mainly... mainly..."

"Why are you stuttering after taking the wrong medicine?" Ye Han was furious, his eyes were bigger than cowbells.

Xiao Yuan's face twitched, and he said softly, "It's mainly because he's not married and has no children, and his family is a more traditional warrior."

Ye Han was inexplicable for a while: "What does it have to do with cell fusion if you are not married and have no children?"

"They say that cell fusion is to add animal genes to human genes. After fusion...then what, genetically speaking, people are not normal people. This is to change the genes inherited from parents, and they will be born in the future. My child is not my true descendant, and if I die because of this inability to conceive a child, I will have no face to see my ancestors."

Ye Han held his chest in one breath, and almost didn't hold back his internal injuries.

He thought about many reasons, but he never thought about it, the reason why the soldiers rejected the cells was this.

Chinese people have always respected the inheritance of the lineage, and the idea of ​​patriarchal women has a very long history. Even if the public thinking has changed in recent decades, many people still say one thing in their mouths and another in secret, racking their brains for a boy. , it's good to have more than one birth, some of them can't be born, so just spend money to buy a boy back to raise.

When Ye Han was a recruit, it was a very accidental opportunity. He heard a veteran say that when he was young, a boy was 8,000, and a girl was 3,000, and the price was clearly marked as a child. (ps: This paragraph is not codified.)

At that time, Ye Han was very shocked. He could never have imagined that in today's society, there is such a thing, and the madness of human traffickers is evident.

But why is the trafficker so rampant, not because of the huge and prosperous buyer's market

Many years have passed, and the original past has long been buried in Ye Han's heart. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing today, and Ye Han didn't know what to say.

Are the soldiers at fault? Yes; are the soldiers unreasonable in their fears? Of course they are!

Because cell fusion is indeed a cellular transformation at the genetic level, and the original DNA has indeed changed. From a genetic point of view, after cell fusion, a person is indeed no longer the original person!

He couldn't help but think of his two children. In the future, the two children would get married and have children. How should the children be counted?

However, he quickly thought about it. Maybe cell fusion has some changes to genes, but most of the genes are still derived from him and Bai Xiaoting, not just any cat or dog. question.

Of course, it is not serious for him, but for some people, this is a big thing. Even if they give up their future and give up everything, they must ensure the purity of their blood.

In fact, everyone understands that the so-called other appointment is to enter the cold palace. It cannot be said that there will be no day to turn over, but there must be a big stain on the military resume, and the chance of turning over is very slim.

In this case, with so many people standing up, it is conceivable how much they value bloodlines.

There must be many people in the army who value bloodlines as much as they do, but they dare not stand up because of the serious consequences brought about by the resistance These people, maybe they are hidden dangers in the team!

Seeing Ye Han's sudden silence, Xiao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and asked tentatively, "Master, what do you think..."

Ye Han sighed: "I know all about the situation, and the transfer is put on hold for the time being... Go back and check, how many people are worried about this, and make it clear, my surname is Ye, it's just that there is no investigation. Consequences, and then hurry up and report the results."

"Master, what are you planning to do..."

Ye Han waved his hand: "I haven't made any plans yet. After the results come out, I'll have a discussion with them. Even if I leave a division, don't leave any blemishes. As a division chief, I can do so much."

Everyone was silent, and Ye Han's anger rose to his heart: "What are you still doing, go!"

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