Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1202: I already thought of it

The officers dispersed and took away their soldiers. Only Luo Qi stayed by Ye Han's side: "Master, can you agree to this? I don't think this time is the same as before. The above said that, and there must be no discussion. room."

Ye Han sighed: "I still need you to remind me? It must have been voluntary before, but this time, it is probably for some reason."

Luo Qi's eyes flashed: "Is there a big move?"

"Maybe." Ye Han said, "Even if there is no action, cell fusion is the trend of the times. If there is a need above, we must be the first wave of soldiers... Alas, Xiao Yuan, this kid has confused my heart. ."

Luo Qi grinned and didn't dare to speak, he couldn't just pick up on it.

"Okay, you go back first." Ye Han glanced at the queue, where there were several soldiers belonging to the guard battalion, including two veterans who had experienced the Battle of Jupiter and fought side by side with Ye Han.

Seeing Ye Han's gaze, the veteran lowered his head involuntarily, not daring to look at Ye Han.

Ye Han pursed his lips, strode up in front of the veteran, raised the drooping head of the veteran with his own hands, and then moved to the next veteran with a standard queue movement, also raising his head: "Remember, You are my Ye Han's soldiers, you were in the past, you are now, and you will be in the future, no matter if you are in the first division, no matter where you go, hold your head up for me, remember!"


"Speak louder, I can't hear you!"

"Remember!" the two veterans roared sharply.

Ye Han kept his back straight: "First division... I will always be proud of you!" After speaking, he turned around and strode away.

The veterans were full of guilt, and their hearts kept surging. One of them was about to say something that he regretted, but the words stuck in his throat until Ye Han's back disappeared.

The investigation results of the various regiments were quickly sent to Ye Han, and the results were greatly unexpected. The warriors who were worried that their descendants were genetically impure actually accounted for one-half of the total number of the division, and the remaining half were somewhat worried. It's just that the level of worry is not as strong as the other half.

The situation was more serious than Ye Han had expected. After the last survey results were sent to the office, several regiment leaders called all the battalion commanders to discuss in a low voice. Everyone agreed that Ye Han must be holding the investigation. The result is to fight with the superior.

This is easy to say but difficult to do. As long as he is on the line a little, he can give Ye Han a big hat of disobedience and disobedience, not to mention his future prospects, even his current position may not be guaranteed.

Xiao Yuan suggested that everyone mobilize their relationship to see if there is any way to help.

Everyone agreed and left immediately to find their own relationship.

Don't look at the fact that this group of people has the highest position and is only the head of the regiment, but everyone comes from different troops, and they are all the best officers of the original army. Many people are highly valued by the chief of the original army. It is not too much to say that the future is bright. The teacher also has the meaning of gilding.

Although they were in the Airborne Division, according to the military's tradition, the old troops were their parents' homes, and it was normal to ask their parents for something.

Soon after, Beidu began to receive calls from various military regions across the country, some to the military's top management, and some to the laboratory. Although no one said it directly, the core of what was said was only one, and that was to care about Qiongzhou. The order of cell fusion.

Beidu was inexplicable for a while, not understanding how this order attracted so much attention.

At the same time, Ye Han had calmed down. He did not contact his superiors directly, but a communication was about to arrive at Beiyuezhou, and he went directly to Professor Qin.

Professor Qin was surprised: "Ye Han? Why are you free today?" Bai Xiaoting knows how busy Ye Han is. Professor Qin has heard a lot from Bai Xiaoting and naturally knows Ye Han's situation.

Ye Han smiled: "Grandpa, I have something to ask you about."

Professor Qin smiled and said, "You want to ask about Binbin and Yaoyao? Don't worry, their situation is very stable!"

Ye Han's expression was a little stiff: "It's not just about children."

Professor Qin immediately realized that something was wrong: "what's the matter?"

Ye Han sighed and said, "That's how it is, isn't there a total of ten people here? Some people are not married yet, and they are worried that their DNA will change after fusion, and they will not be able to have children in the future, or the children born are genetically wrong, no? Home incense."

Professor Qin is not a member of the military. It is best not to mention the orders given by the superiors, and it is best not to mention the general rejection of cell fusion by the soldiers.

After hearing this, Professor Qin couldn't help laughing: "Who, why is it more old-fashioned than me?"

"The same rice raises a hundred different people. It has nothing to do with age."

Professor Qin continued to laugh: "what should I do?"

The professor's attitude surprised Ye Han: "Do you have a solution?"

"What We have thought about this for a long time, you tell him, put a hundred hearts, integrate and return to integration, have children and return to have children, without delay!"

"Really?" Ye Han couldn't believe his ears.

"What is true or false, you still suspect that I am not successful?" Professor Qin was angry.

"No, I'm just too surprised!" Ye Han quickly explained, "Why is it like a dream?"

Professor Qin said with a smile, "Wait for you guys to realize it later? The issue of incense has long been raised, um... Probably when the cloned sheep first came out. There was a period of time when cloned people were very popular. At that time Some people worry about how the cloned person should be positioned. After all, he is an independent person, should he be regarded as the child of the mother, or the brother of the mother. And whether the age of the mother should be added to the clone, etc. The problem of the gang was so bad back then, do you think we will ignore this problem?"

Ye Han asked curiously, "How did you solve it?"

"The whole person has been transformed, is it still a bit short of this? During meiosis, you can move your hands and feet and remove the extra things. It's not a big technology. It’s not impossible to stay open. Children born in the future don’t need to be remodeled. I think it’s all going into space now. Cell fusion is a big trend. "

Professor Qin kept teaching Ye Han a lesson, Ye Han nodded and said yes, and he couldn't help laughing for a while.

This thing is so embarrassing, why would I be worried if I knew it earlier?

I don't know what the expressions of the soldiers will be after they know the answer... He suddenly looked forward to it, looking forward to the moment when the answer was announced, so that he could see what expressions on everyone's faces.

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