Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1213: calling from afar

The bridge door opened, Ye Han and others floated into the bridge, fell to their respective positions, sat down, and buckled their seat belts immediately.

Ye Han's voice broke the silence: "Are you all ready?"

"Okay!" Everyone said in unison

Ye Han took a deep breath: "Thor!"

The sound spread, the dark main screen slowly lit up, the track factory appeared on the screen, and then rows of large and small screens opened one after another, and various chart indices appeared one after another.

A mellow but somewhat blunt baritone echoed in the bridge: "Hello Captain, I'm Thor."

"Thor, start the engine!" Ye Han said.

"Sorry, I don't have the power to start the engine," Thor said.

"Where's the thruster?"

"The engine must be started first."

"Very good." Ye Han nodded with satisfaction, "Beiyuezhou, Leishan is ready, please leave port!"

Raytheon is an artificial intelligence just developed by the military. It is said that it is artificial intelligence, but it is actually the voice assistant program of the shipboard computer, which is far from the level of artificial intelligence.

He was very worried about what kind of monsters this thing would make, so the first thing after entering the bridge was to communicate with this thing.

"Thunder Mountain, you can leave the port, I wish you good luck."

Ye Han let out a long breath: "Unfasten the bolt!"

"Unfasten the bolt!"

"Start the engine!"

"Engine start!"

"Reverse at a slow speed!"


The engine of the huge Thunder Mountain turned over, a strong light flashed in the reaction chamber, and the battleship slowly retreated. At the same time, the dock was unfolded in time, and the orbital factory on the main screen gradually moved away.

Half a minute later, the helmsman reported loudly: "Departure is complete!"

Ye Han called out the data in the biochip, and said solemnly: "The right rudder is full, and the upper rudder is twelve."

"Full rudder right..."

The bow of Leishan turned right and raised at the same time, and the bow soon deviates from the orbital factory, rotating a full 90 degrees.

"Full speed ahead!" Ye Han's calm voice echoed in the bridge, the thrusters burst into a series of flashes, and the speed of the battleship suddenly increased. Quickly leave the orbital factory and leave the moon far behind.

"Salute -" Ye Han, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the ship, saluted the direction of the earth, completing the last ceremony of the new ship's maiden voyage.

From this moment on, Leishan was officially delivered to the fleet and entered the operational sequence.

Everything went well, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Ye Han remained expressionless: "Luo Qi, call Base No. 1, I want to know everything about the base."

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, adjusting the antenna to face Ceres, "Leishan called Base No. 1, please answer when you receive it..."

"Stop!" Ye Han reluctantly stopped, "How long do you say a sentence when you say that? You tell them, and you will answer immediately after you receive it, and tell all the circumstances. The more detailed the better."

Luo Qi is very wronged, that's what I thought!

But he couldn't explain it, so he could only call a few more times according to Ye Han's words, stop calling and look at Ye Han: "Master, do you want to say anything else?"

The crew on the Leishan were all hand-picked by Ye Han. All the positions that the soldiers could fill were transferred from the Airborne Division. Only the positions with strong technical skills such as aviation, equipment, and engines were transferred from the fleet.

As a result, the soldiers habitually called him Commander Ye Han, and the manpower transferred from the fleet called him Captain. As long as you listened to the title, you would know which unit he originally belonged to.

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Tell them to observe Ceres if conditions permit, and report the situation together."

"Yes!" Luo Qi informed Base No. 1 according to Ye Han's intention, and then there was a long wait.

Ceres is 2.7 AU from the sun, that is to say, the closest distance between Earth and Ceres is also 1.7 AU. It takes a full 14 minutes for radio waves to start from the moon to reach the No. 1 base!

If you ask and answer a question, it takes half an hour to speak a word. If you don't do anything for a day, you can't say a few words just by watching the radio.

The battleship is getting farther and farther away from the earth, but everyone's heart is getting tighter and tighter as time goes by. Seeing that it will be half an hour, everyone's heart is almost in the throat.

A window suddenly popped up on the screen in front of Luo Qi, and he immediately shouted, "Master, there is news!"


"Yes!" Luo Qi nodded on the screen, the file was opened, and everyone immediately heard a hoarse voice: "Leishan, I am the No. 1 base, the alien battleship is still outside, we have closed the exit, temporarily To block the aliens, but we are also isolated from the outside world. We don't know the situation outside, and we don't know how long we can last... We have enough food and enough air, but we don't want to sit still and plan to dig a passage from the other side to find There is a chance to escape, and this is the situation now... We can't see Ceres, and we don't know what's going on there, over."

After Ye Han listened, she was speechless for a long time, her eyebrows twisted into a pimple.

He has already understood the situation of Base No. 1. The asteroid is not small in size. The main component is olivine, and it is a whole piece of olivine. This hard and complete texture is very beneficial to the construction of the base.

If it weren't for the thick layer of rock outside the base, Base No. 1 would have been breached by aliens long ago.

But the rock formation can only block the aliens for a while, as long as the aliens continue to attack, it will not take long to penetrate the rock formation.

It may be a good idea to penetrate the asteroid and find another way to escape, but outside the asteroid is space, even if the asteroid escapes, can it still escape the pursuit of aliens?

Ye Han suddenly felt a headache and couldn't help rubbing his temples.

Luo Qi felt that Ye Han was in a wrong state, so he asked softly, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Ye Han waved his hand: "I'm fine, I'm thinking about Base No. 1."

Luo Qi didn't dare to talk cautiously probed: "It's really troublesome."

Ye Han sighed: "In this way, you tell them that unless the aliens are sure to evacuate, they can't leave in a lifeboat. It's better to dig a secret room to hide in. If it doesn't work, they blow up the base. It's better to hide in the debris than in a lifeboat. Safety... There are infrastructure projects over there, so directional blasting should be fine, right?"

What he is thinking about now is not how to keep Base No. 1, but how to rescue people.

Asteroids can be found again, and it is not a big problem if people are gone, but I am afraid that some people will fall into the hands of aliens.

As for the No. 1 base, that's just the way it is. It does have a lot of strategic significance, but if it falls into the hands of aliens, the strategic significance will belong to the enemy. It is better to grab it before the aliens occupy the magpie's nest. .

Luo Qi simply didn't know what to say. Although this method was not perfect, it was still a feasible solution. It was much better than piercing through the asteroid and escaping directly.

He couldn't help but glance at Ye Han, and he could even think of such a method. How on earth did he have such a brain?

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