Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1214: Weird attack

On the second day after Leishan left port, the first hiding hole of No. 1 base was excavated, and then other hiding holes were started one after another, from No. 1 to No. 12.

In order to avoid being wiped out by the aliens, each hiding hole is located in a different direction - only digging twelve hiding holes is not because the soldiers have any special feelings for Twelve, but there are only twelve sets of life support equipment in the base.

Since the No. 1 base has many special construction machinery, and there are aliens who may attack at any time outside the asteroid, the urgent situation forced the engineers to do their best, and the excavation of the hiding hole was extremely fast.

On the fifth day of Leishan's departure from Hong Kong, the No. 9 hiding hole was completed first, but the completion was only the beginning, and then the hiding hole had to be reinforced, the walls were inspected to prevent air leakage, various materials and life-sustaining equipment were moved in, and the wall hole was closed to prevent aliens. People can see the flaws... All kinds of miscellaneous things are piled up together, and it takes more time than digging holes.

After that, the hiding hole was completed almost every day, but various renovations continued until half a month later.

Fortunately, the aliens did not come in during this time. The soldiers in the base immediately scattered into the hiding hole, preparing to close the hole and wait for the final moment.

Before entering the hiding hole, the soldiers also left a few things behind. First, the communication lines pulled out from each hole. With these wires, hiding in the hiding hole can also keep in touch with the outside world.

The second is all kinds of traps, including the simplest tripwire grenade, as well as unscrupulous cannons detonated by technological means such as sound and light... Soldiers have never lacked creativity, even if they are simple, they are enough for aliens to drink a pot.

The third is to prepare the explosion point. Once the aliens invade the base, they can blast the asteroid from the inside and dismember it completely. There are at least hundreds of large fragments, and the fragments where the hiding hole is located are mixed among them. There are so many fragments. , the aliens will not intercept all of them, right?

The last thing is to find a way to disguise the hiding hole.

Base No. 1 is now a large construction site, and it is an underground construction site. Various building materials are piled up like mountains, and there are no less than ten kinds of materials that have a sealing effect.

The problem is that there is no material like peridot, and when the opening is closed, the blind can see that something is wrong.

However, this is not difficult for everyone. Since there is no way to hide it, then do the opposite and just confuse the public.

So the soldiers were like headless flies, digging holes all over the base, some deep and some shallow, and some penetrated two unrelated spaces.

After the holes are drilled, the openings of these large and small holes are sealed up. As a result, the asteroid is covered with sealing materials everywhere, and it is not so easy to find the hiding holes.

Moreover, the soldiers also combined traps and blindfolds, such as placing two grenades behind the sealing material, or simply putting a pack of explosives.

They did their best to obey the destiny. At this point, the soldiers have done their best, and there is no other omission, so they entered the hiding hole one after another, closed all the holes, and only communicated with the outside world by radio.

Every day, Leishan observes the situation near the asteroid, looks for alien warships, and informs the No. 1 base of the movements of aliens.

Ye Han soon discovered something was wrong. The alien warships had been hovering near the asteroid, but they just stayed there and had no intention of attacking the asteroid.

What do they want to do? Do you want to surround yourself with help?

At this time, the Leishan was already halfway through its voyage, and it would arrive at the ground in more than 20 days. Ye Han couldn't help praying secretly, hoping that the comrades in the asteroid would stick to the Leishan arrival.

Even if the Thunder Mountain is not an opponent of the alien fleet, at least it can divert the alien battleship away and create an opportunity for the trapped people to escape.

A few days later, the aliens finally made a move. A round alien spacecraft arrived at the asteroid and landed directly on the surface of the asteroid.

Ye Han secretly felt bad, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. He quickly instructed Luo Qi to report the situation to Base No. 1, and told Base No. 1 to report immediately if he found anything.

After the spacecraft landed, there was no movement, and there was no news from Base No. 1 for the time being.

The entire Leishan crew, including Ye Han, were guessing what the aliens meant.

Some people say that the aliens are for mining; others say that the spacecraft has some kind of detection equipment; others say that it is a landing ship, trying to punch a hole in the asteroid and attack.

Everyone has a lot of ideas, but all the claims are unfounded guesses.

More than two hours later, Leishan received a message from the No. 1 base: "Leishan, I am the No. 7 hole, and the situation is a bit wrong. We heard an abnormal sound here, very weak, and also heard the No. 6 hole. The other holes are temporarily Not found."

Ye Han immediately said: "Ask them if they can determine the source of the sound!"

Aliens are the best at punching holes, and the guess of the previous attack may not be reliable.

Twelve minutes and six seconds later, Leishan received a response from Base No. 1: "I can't be sure, the sound is very weak, and I can't hear it intermittently."

Ye Han suddenly felt that it was difficult. The methods used by the aliens this time were a bit weird. They didn't even know what they did, and they didn't even know how to counteract it!

For today's plan, we can only take one step at a time, and respond to all changes with the same.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Contact Base No. 1 and advise everyone to prepare for battle. If it can't be done, the asteroid will be blown up in advance!"

There is no affiliation between Leishan and No. 1 Base, so Ye Han can only suggest and has no right to order No. 1 Base.

"Yes!" Luo Qi immediately complied and conveyed Ye Han's meaning.

In another twelve minutes, Leishan received a reply, and all the members of Base No. 1 were ready for battle!

But this preparation took a whole Except for the abnormal noise getting stronger and stronger, there was no other discovery at Base No. 1.

And the so-called strong is only the data measured by acoustic instruments, not the sound heard in the ear is louder.

Another half-day later, exactly 26 hours after the alien spacecraft landed, Leishan suddenly received a roar from Base No. 1: "Alert, the sixth hole is broken, we are losing pressure, we are losing pressure... No, how did the wall crack and something got in...what is's moving, it's going to, fire..." Then came the chaos of gunfire.

Ye Han's pupils shrank, and he wanted to let the sixth hole send the picture back, but the distance between the battleship and the No. 1 base was still too far. Even if the message was sent immediately, it would take six minutes to receive it.

And the sixth hole is fighting with aliens. Is it really appropriate to ask them for a picture at this time?

At this moment, there was a terrified shout in the communication: "It's a tentacle, this thing is a tentacle..."

"No!" another voice interrupted. "This is the root, the root of the plant!"

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