Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1222: I want to make a good start

The problems outside the asteroid are easy to solve, but the troubles inside the asteroid have just begun. He Lu has solved the strange tree, but the team led by Ye Han can't even get in the door, and they are still wandering outside the base.

Ye Han also wanted to speed up, but there was no way, there were only a few laser guns, the cutting speed was limited, and the incendiary bombs had to be used sparingly.

Luo Qi suggested simply pumping some spent fuel from the reactor, which would definitely kill all these strange tentacles.

However, Ye Han considered for a moment and finally rejected the suggestion.

It's not that he has any ideas, but that the Thunder Mountain's reactor has only been in operation for more than 40 days. The spent fuel in the reactor can be counted on a finger, and it's not a big deal to extract all of it.

As for other methods... it would be a good idea to directly bombard the main cannon. The problem is that after the main cannon is fired, there will be nothing left. The fall of the No. 1 base will become an eternal mystery, which will directly affect the human space. base plan.

Ye Han hesitated for a moment and said, "Luo Qi, you take a group of people to continue, I'll take a group of people to take a detour."

"Where to go?" Luo Qi asked in surprise.

"How come I can't find a way to get in on the eleventh hole, the sixth hole, or other hidden holes that have been blasted?"

"It's better for me to go, you stay here..."

"Stop talking nonsense, just you stay, one group follows me, and the second group stays!"

"Yes!" The soldiers said in unison, Luo Qi helplessly twitched the corners of his mouth and stayed honest.

Ye Han took a group of flying away from the entrance, flew along the surface of the asteroid for a while, and successfully reached the top of the sixth hole.

This place is next to the strange tree. Ye Han was worried that the previous bombing would affect the strength of the rock formations here, so he simply gave up here, continued to circle to the other side of the asteroid, and found the first blasted hole No. 11.

From the outside, the No. 12 hole looked like an open horn. Ye Han rushed down and waved his arm, and the soldiers immediately let out a few mechanical spiders knowingly.

The small legs of the mechanical spider buckled on the rough surface of the asteroid and nimbly drilled into the hole. After a while, the image of the hole was sent back.

Ye Han has seen all the images of the hiding hole, as long as he ignores the big hole above his head and the rocks on the ground, the situation in the cave is basically the same as his memory.

"Go down." After that, Ye Han jumped down first.

Before, he was worried that there are tentacles here, but the actual situation is clean, and he can't see a single tentacle.

It seems that the propagation of tentacles also requires certain conditions, at least they can't adapt to the universe outside asteroids, or else asteroids will not be spread long ago?

Everyone fell into the cave, and Ye Han pointed to the corner of the hiding hole: "Go look for it, it should be there."

Several soldiers flew over immediately and successfully found the closed passage.

The soldiers immediately got busy, first punching holes in the passage, and then placing explosives to lay out the leads. With the detonation order, the closed passage was instantly opened.

Ye Han was extremely cautious, waved his hand, and sent the mechanical spider over again.

As soon as he drilled out of the passage, the camera of the mechanical spider captured the full tentacles.

One of the mechanical spiders was a little faster, slammed its head into the tentacles, and was instantly rolled up by the tentacles.

The mechanical spider was not that kind of solid equipment originally. A few tentacles rolled up, and the mechanical spider was immediately stretched into shape. The returned picture was distorted and distorted, and the signal was lost in a blink of an eye.

Ye Han sighed helplessly: "Cut it."

Everyone is already very experienced. They took out the laser gun and started to work. With the flashing of the laser, the tentacles fell in large pieces, and then entangled with each other into floating spheres.

Witnessing this scene, Ye Han very much wished that he had a set of flame launchers in his hand, and that he only needed a flame to kill all the tentacles.

The progress of clearing the tentacles is ideal, but there are too many tentacles, which slows down the progress.

Ye Han waited impatiently, but there was no better way, so he could only bear his temper and take his time.

About half an hour later, a group of more than 30 meters long passage had been cleared. Seeing that it was another seven or eight meters to reach the first poor intersection, Ye Han suddenly received a communication from He Lu: "Captain, I found Enemy ships, two in number, two holes and three in orientation, estimated contact time, one hour and twenty-two minutes."

Ye Han was extremely surprised: "Enemy ship? This time?"


"Don't tell me the direction, which direction!"

"The direction of Ceres!"

Ye Han suddenly sank: "Only two?"

"Only two ships have been found so far. According to my judgment, these two ships should only be the vanguard."

"What's going on on Ceres?"

"I have been observing and found nothing unusual."

Ye Han had a headache for a while: "This is troublesome!" The appearance of alien warships is definitely not the case. Eighty percent of Ceres has been occupied by aliens, but they are well-covered and have not been exposed.

If you don’t know it, forget it. Since you already understand this situation, there is no reason to let the aliens continue to steal from Ceres!

Thinking of this, Ye Han really ordered: "Luo Qi, from now on, the operations in Base No. 1 will be under your command, and I will send the landing craft to you later!"


"What way!"


"I'll go back immediately. You drive the battleship over and prepare me for the strictest biochemical decontamination."


Before speaking, Ye Han had already flown out of the eleventh hole, suspended above the trumpet-shaped hole.

Hundreds of meters away, the heavy figure of Leishan was slowly rising from under the gray horizon. The moment Ye Han saw Leishan, he immediately activated the thrusters and flew towards the battleship.

At the same time, the two combat groups left behind on the battleship landed and flew away from the battleship.

On the landing craft, there is a full set of survival equipment, enough for four combat groups to survive on the asteroid for half a month.

Ye Han and the landing craft staggered past, and at the moment of staggering, Ye Han and the soldiers in the cockpit raised their right hands to salute at the same time.

Entering the Thunder Mountain, Ye Han rushed back to the bridge as quickly as The hatch had just opened, and He Lu immediately stood up from the command chair and gave up the command position for Ye Han.

Ye Han nodded at him, sat down and looked at the main screen.

On the main screen, two alien warships were staggered left and right, flying towards the Thunder Mountain one after the other.

The method of judging the position of the enemy ship is very simple. You can only see the bow of the enemy ship, which means that the enemy ship is flying over, and you can only see the stern of the ship, that is, the enemy ship is fleeing. The ship is trying to gain a favorable position.

Ye Han observed for a moment, then said suspiciously, "It doesn't seem like those enemy ships a few days ago!"

He Lu immediately replied: "It's been compared, it really isn't."

"Where's the model? Are you sure?"

"Confirmed, there is no record of these two enemy ships, but they are not the enemy's air carrier."

Ye Han nodded with satisfaction: "It's easy to handle if it's not the mothership, pass my order, all units are ready to fight, I'm going to bring the Leishan to a good start today!"

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