Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1223: Focus on enemy ships

When Ye Han said this sentence, he was full of passion, and the soldiers were full of enthusiasm, but what followed was a long wait of more than an hour. No matter how much passion and blood, it slowly cooled down with the passage of time, and finally returned to calm. .

Ye Han felt that it was also a good thing to calm down, lest the soldiers do anything out of the ordinary.

Without any fancy or tactics, the two sides charged head-to-head like ancient warriors, but they carefully controlled the speed of the battleship.

For the navy, speed means an advantage to a certain extent, but for space warships, too fast speed is not a good thing. Only by controlling the speed within a reasonable range can we gain an advantage for ourselves.

Think about it, if the two sides travel tens of kilometers per second, and the hedging warships pass by, it only takes an instant to leave the enemy ship far behind, and then both sides have to spend a lot of time slowing down and turning around before they can hedge again. .

With the maneuverability of alien warships, a non-full speed hedging will take ten days and eight days, and human warships will take longer. What kind of war is there really at that point? The warships on both sides keep going around each other. .

The aliens also understand this truth, so the two sides always keep the speed within a reasonable range.

If not, in ten minutes at most, Thunder Mountain will be able to run this distance.

More than an hour later, when the distance between the two sides was only about 80,000 kilometers, the two alien warships suddenly dispersed, approaching Leishan from both directions.

Their bow ships are still facing Leishan, and their intention to attack has never changed!

The situation facing the Thunder Mountain is very unfavorable. The distance between the enemy ships is slowly widening. If you stare at one of the enemy ships, the wide side of the Thunder Mountain will be exposed to the other enemy ship, which will cause the Thunder Mountain to fall into a trap. Extremely dangerous passive.

A very simple but very effective pincer tactic, but this one has long been left to humans to play. Facing the enemy's move, Ye Han snorted coldly and calmly ordered the battleship to move laterally, with the bow aimed at the enemy ship. At the same time, use enemy ship 1 to block enemy ship 2.

In other words, the three warships of the enemy and the enemy should be lined up as much as possible, so that the Thunder Mountain only needs to deal with one enemy ship.

The aliens immediately noticed Ye Han's intentions. In response to Leishan's lateral movement, the two alien warships also began to move their positions, destroying the idea of ​​Leishan being connected in a line.

The two alien warships were relatively close together, and the changes in position and attitude were simple and quick, so they never gave Leishan a chance.

The Thunder Mountain slowly slowed down under Ye Han's command, but the speed of the lateral movement was getting faster and faster.

No warship ever built by human beings can traverse as fast as the Thunder Mountain in this situation. Only this new warship using alien engine technology has such an exaggerated speed!

Ye Han is very clear that the extraterrestrial technology obtained by mankind comes from Io, but until now, he still does not know what technology Beidu has obtained, let alone what role these technologies will play in the development of mankind.

At this moment, all his thoughts were on the two enemy ships, and he kept analyzing each other's flight trajectories and judging the other's combat intentions.

From the positional relationship between the two sides, the two alien warships are like a pair of double stars, and the Thunder Mountain is like a planet revolving around the double stars.

The battleships on both sides just circled each other in circles, circle after circle, like dance partners swirling on the dance floor, but neither Ye Han nor the aliens on the opposite side were impulsive and impatient, always carefully looking for each other's flaw.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer in the rotation, and soon there are only more than 20,000 kilometers left. On an astronomical scale, 20,000 kilometers is just close at hand, but for human and alien warships or any individual. , this distance is still an insurmountable gap.

Even with the modified eyes, it is impossible to see the enemy ship with the naked eye at this distance, and the optical equipment on the battleship must be used to capture the target's trail.

As the distance got closer, the rotation of the Thunder Mountain became more and more calm, but the position between the two alien warships became more and more difficult due to the distance problem, and the two alien warships had to move forward one by one. One backed up and used a cooperative approach to maintain the positional advantage.

Ye Han didn't give the enemy ship a chance at all. Leishan was like a pendulum out of control, turning more and more cheerfully around the enemy ship.

Leishan looks very passive, but in fact it holds the initiative in the battlefield, and its high-speed movement leads the nose of the alien battleship, no matter how you look at it, it is the dominant side.

The maneuverability of the Thunder Mountain is beyond the aliens' expectations. They have realized that if they continue to circle, they may lose their weaker and weaker advantages, so they are more cautious, preferring to retreat temporarily rather than taking risks, and try their best to maintain the existing situation. , do not give Thunder Mountain a chance to defeat each.

But is the chance that aliens don't want to give it? It is a matter of time before the Leishan, which is traversing at high speed, will gain the advantage of the "one word".

The closer the distance is, the more unfavorable the situation is for the alien side, and the two alien warships have to close the distance to maintain their advantage.

Fortunately, after the distance between the two sides was shortened, the alien warships were a little closer, which did not affect the effect of pincer tactics.

The distance between the two sides has temporarily stabilized at just over a thousand kilometers.

This is an extremely dangerous distance. If you get closer, you will enter the enemy's range, and there is no room for any negligence.

The current situation may be regarded as a different kind of confrontation. The comparison is who is more patient and who will reveal the flaws first.

Perhaps thinking that the time was ripe, the two alien warships suddenly stopped rotating. At the same time, they adjusted their attitudes and made a 180-degree turn.

This is a great opportunity for Leishan to seize the first word, but Leishan's speed is too fast, even if its thrusters use alien technology, it is impossible to stop when it The result is Leishan The number accidentally flew over, and failed to grab the first word, but was clamped by the alien battleship left and right!

Ye Han was suddenly shocked, is there such an operation? Aliens can do it!

After finally grabbing the advantage, the alien battleship rushed towards Leishan without hesitation. Not only did the battleship rush over, but a group of fighter jets were also launched from the battleship, with a total of about 50 or 60 fighters.

Ye Han's eyes showed some playfulness: "He Lu, write down the characteristics of this kind of warship."

"Yes!" He Lu simply agreed, calling up the video of the enemy ship and taking screenshots from all angles.

There are also various types of alien warships, but there are few differences in appearance. Even if you compare them with a picture book, you may not be able to tell which enemy ship is on the opposite side.

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My father is currently in stable condition, but the position of the thrombus is too positive and the risk of surgery is too high, so it can only be treated conservatively.

Father's condition has been improving, thank you brothers for your attention.

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