Armor Frenzy

Chapter 920: earthquake plan

The defense of the Nile River is a great relief for all countries. Everyone is soberly aware that if we want to completely reverse the global anti-insect situation, we must annihilate the South American insect swarm as soon as possible!

But how can it be so easy to wipe out the South American swarm?

Although the coalition forces controlled the vast plains in northern and eastern South America, and compressed the insect swarms in the long and narrow mountainous areas of southwestern South America, the coalition forces have never been able to find the aliens.

All countries hope that the coalition forces will recover South America in one go, but the mountainous terrain is complicated, and the human mechanized army cannot be deployed. In other words, it is easy to go into the mountains and it is difficult to exterminate insects. The situation in South America has once again fallen into a stalemate. Whether to continue to advance and how to advance have become the top problems facing the coalition forces.

It is impossible to stop advancing. Not only is the consumption of millions of troops a problem, but more importantly, it cannot give the swarm a chance to turn over.

For this matter, many countries organized manpower to discuss the plan, but in the end they did not come up with any feasible plan. Beidu, who was suddenly ill and went to the hospital, even found a resistance organization, hoping to find the aliens through the hands of the servants, but the resistance organization is far away. In Io, the strength is not enough.

Seeing a good situation, you will be blinded. Every country that is involved in South America will be red-eyed. When people are anxious, their minds will be offended. Some people really come up with a desperate plan.

The plan is very simple. The areas currently inhabited by the South American swarms are all on the Pacific Rim seismic belt, and there are signs that aliens are hiding in the mountains in the southwest.

So someone came up with an idea: as long as a few nuclear bombs are detonated in the right place, a big earthquake can be created in the southwestern region of South America!

Earthquakes may not be able to deal with the swarms on the ground, but as long as the magnitude is high enough, the aliens underground are absolutely dead.

Without the constant production of bugs by aliens, it would be a matter of time before the South American swarms were wiped out.

As soon as this plan was taken out, it immediately detonated the high-level officials of various countries. Some were shocked, some were stunned, and some were confused, but none of them rejected it.

In the past, whoever dared to use nuclear explosions to play artificial earthquakes will surely be taught by the world to be human in minutes, even terrorists would not dare to do so.

But it's different now. The whole of South America has been occupied by bugs for so long. Now South America can't find a single living person except the army. No matter how strong an earthquake is, no one will be hurt.

Of course, agreeing does not mean that it can be implemented immediately. The senior leaders of various countries agreed that a detailed risk assessment of this plan must be carried out.

First of all, no one has ever played an artificial earthquake since ancient times. In theory, detonating a nuclear bomb at an appropriate position between the two plates can trigger a series of chain reactions. However, how to make an earthquake occur at a designated position and how to control the magnitude of the earthquake All are unsolvable problems.

Secondly, in order to completely eliminate aliens, a major earthquake must be triggered that affects half of South America, and the magnitude of all the insect-occupied areas must reach the standard. In this way, the magnitude of the earthquake outside the insect-occupied area is not small, and the entire South America is affected. Within the scope of the earthquake, even North America will be affected by the earthquake.

Again, such a big earthquake will definitely cause a super tsunami. At that time, the east and west coasts of the Pacific Ocean will be shrouded in the shadow of the tsunami. Maybe the polar ice caps will be washed away by the sea water. This is not a joke. It is likely to cause a global catastrophe. The earth was first crippled by this earthquake.

These points alone are enough for the high-level officials of various countries to ponder for a while and discuss it. The final conclusion is that the earthquake must be controlled within a certain range, and the magnitude must also be controlled below the safety line.

These two restrictions are equivalent to tying the earthquake plan with two shackles, which greatly reduces the effect of the earthquake plan.

To put it in a nasty way, this is the scourge of the earth by changing the law. If you are not careful, you will have to reap the consequences, or the serious consequences of the explosion of the earth. Who dares not be cautious?

In the end, the plan to blast the plate boundary with a nuclear bomb was rejected. First, because the risk was too high, and secondly, the west coast of South America was the boundary between the American plate and the Antarctic plate in a squeezed state, and the blasting point was not so easy to find.

However, the idea of ​​man-made earthquakes has been recognized by everyone. Besides, to create an earthquake, it is not necessary to blow up the joints of the plates. It is possible to blow up a volcano. can be effectively controlled.

After the preliminary plan was formed, the high-level officials of various countries conducted successive rounds of consultations, and finally came up with a practical and effective plan, and the earthquake plan entered the implementation stage with difficulty.

A few days later, all countries completed the preparations for the earthquake plan. With an order from the joint command, the warship in low-altitude orbit dropped more than 40 neutron bombs on the southern part of South America. Three of them landed in the southern mountains of South America, and the nuclear explosion that rose instantly swept away the swarms of ground insects entrenched nearby, and the undulating mountains were crumbling in the explosion.

Not long after the mushroom cloud of the nuclear explosion dissipated, a group of transport helicopters appeared nearby, placing a group of motorized infantry on the ground at the fastest speed.

The soldiers rushed to the nearby mountains for the first time, and soon found several abandoned mines. A group of infantrymen rushed into the mine without hesitation at the risk of the mine collapsing. On the backpacks of several soldiers, there was an impressive print. Dazzling yellow radiation sign!

Although the neutron bomb emptied the swarms on the ground, no one can tell how many worms are still hidden underground, and the mine can be regarded as a natural worm nest.

However, the team was lucky. The mine was clean and there was not a single bug. The officer who led the team let out a long sigh of relief and rushed to the depths of the mine at a flying speed. Fly away from the mine under the helicopter.

Similar scenes were staged in various regions of southern South America at the same time. Abandoned mines, deep sinkholes, dry oil wells, natural fissures, everything that could be used was on the task list of the coalition forces.

Some teams completed the task without any danger, some teams were forced to retreat when they encountered the swarm, and some teams fought the swarm and finally succeeded.

The atmosphere in the Coalition South American Command was extremely tense. Regardless of success or failure, the results of all mission points would be displayed on the command's big screen as soon as possible. Green represented success and red represented failure.

Every successful placement will attract the heartfelt admiration of everyone; every failed placement will also cause a burst of helpless sighs.

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