Armor Frenzy

Chapter 921: hard victory

Half an hour later, the last mission team was evacuated. On the map of southern South America, there were 23 more demolition points marked in green. In just half an hour, the number of blasting points for the successful placement of nuclear bombs has reached 23, more than one-third of the total planned!

When making the plan, the problem of placement failure has been considered, let alone one-third of the success, even if only one-fourth can meet the minimum standards of the plan.

On the afternoon of November 21, 2028, local time, the coalition headquarters gave an order to detonate more than 60 nuclear bombs placed at 23 blasting sites at the same time. , Soon after, seismic networks around the world have successively detected shock waves from South America.

The lowest magnitude was 7.3 and the highest was 8.5. The areas south of the Tropic of Cancer in South America are all within the earthquake range!

According to the plan of the joint command, the maximum magnitude should be controlled below 8. The analysis believes that the extra 0.5 comes from the superposition of shock waves.

After the earthquake, the swarms of insects hiding in the ground rushed to the ground frantically, and the number of giant insects on the surface more than tenfolded in a very short period of time.

The Space Fleet is busy now. All kinds of artillery fire are launched together, repeatedly covering the swarm with intensive firepower, and dozens of nuclear bombs are thrown out in one go. .

At this time, the earthquake had not ended, and the swarm had nowhere to hide and nowhere to hide, and the loss was heavy.

According to the statistics after the fact, only one firepower coverage killed 30% of the worms. Although the subsequent coverages did not achieve such good results, but all the results were added together, the continuous air strikes wiped out at least 70% of the giant insects!

Due to the continuous firepower coverage, especially the large-scale use of nuclear bombs, the entire worm-occupied area was in disarray. It was not until two hours later that the South American coalition forces, which had long been ready to advance, marched to the battlefield one after another. , to clear the remaining giant insects on the ground, and the ground insect swarms do not exist one in a hundred.

This battle is the most annihilated battle of giant insects on the South American battlefield, and it is also a turning point for the entire South American insect swarm to decline completely.

Not only were the ground swarms hit hard, but the bugs that didn't have time to crawl out weren't much better either.

Aerial monitoring found that 21 seconds after the nuclear explosion, the first ground collapse occurred in the earthquake zone, and the second one occurred 13 seconds later. After that, there would be a large or small collapse every half an hour. In 2009, the entire earthquake area collapsed more than 100 times.

The analysis believes that under normal circumstances, earthquakes will never cause so many collapses. The reason for this result is that the swarm has hollowed out the ground, and each collapse is a collapsed worm nest.

The collapsed worm nest must have buried a lot of worms, but the swarm was originally evolved from ants. They are born masters of digging holes, and burying may not kill the worms.

In order to eliminate the swarm as much as possible, the space fleet launched nuclear bombs into all the pits, and the nuclear bombs fell from the sky straight into the bottom of the pits. Hundreds of consecutive nuclear explosions caused a wave of small-scale earthquakes of about magnitude 6.

However, everyone knew that the nuclear explosion was powerless to the underground targets, and the coalition did not expect the collapse to do anything to the bugs. They only hoped that the aliens would also be buried underground, and that they would never be able to climb out after being buried.

Due to the insufficient magnitude of the earthquake, the quake area did not cover the insect-occupied area. Many people were not optimistic about this action, but with the idea of ​​​​taking a shot, no one stood up to oppose it.

Even if you fail to bury the aliens alive, make them aware of the danger underground and force them to the surface!

Although the idea is good, from the beginning to the end, the aliens never showed up, which aroused the vigilance of the South American coalition forces. In order to prevent the resurgence of the swarms, the coalition forces comprehensively monitored the South American insect-occupied areas from four aspects: sea, land, and air.

Then, there is no then.

The remaining giant insects on the surface have suffered heavy losses in the comprehensive encirclement and suppression of human beings. One day is not as good as one day, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out.

The subterranean swarm has made several small-scale counterattacks, but each time it has not contacted the ground troops, the space fleet has been blasted into slag.

A few days later, the entire South America could no longer see a giant insect, not even a giant insect that did not belong to the swarm. No matter how you look at it, the insect resistance situation in South America has been fundamentally reversed.

However, the coalition did not dare to take it lightly, and still maintained a stern guard. However, for more than ten days in a row, the South American swarm and the aliens occupying South America seemed, seemed, and might have really been killed.

This was a very unexpected result for the coalition forces. Many people couldn't believe it at all, so they waited for more than a week and still found no signs of repetition. The coalition forces finally let go of their hearts hanging in the air. With the evacuation, in just ten days, the millions of South American troops were quickly reduced to 200,000 people.

Although there are not many people, they are all quick-response troops. With reasonable station distribution and the assistance of the space fleet, 200,000 people are fully capable of controlling the entire South Unless the swarm suddenly breaks out on a large scale.

Some of the troops that left South America returned home, and some went to Africa.

The coalition wanted to carry out an earthquake operation in Africa, but the entire Africa, except for the Sahara, was controlled by the swarm, and there was no way to replicate the success of the Americas. In a short period of time, mankind could not see any hope of defeating the swarm in Africa.

However, the combat plan for the African swarm is also being planned. The core content of this plan is to steadily advance step by step, concentrate troops starting from the northern line, and squeeze the living space of the swarm south all the way.

In order to deal with the worm nest, the coalition forces have also thought of a lot of ways. The easiest way is to detonate a nuclear bomb in the worm nest; you can also pour water into the worm nest near the water source; it is easier to direct the sea water to the sea.

Even after some people have studied the situation in Africa, they believe that all insect nests are located below sea level, which can completely lead seawater to pour back into Africa...

It is a very imaginative plan, but it is also too whimsical. The coalition would rather smash asteroids on the African continent than use seawater to pour most of Africa into saline-alkali land.

In addition to force, countries are actively seeking the assistance of resistance organizations, hoping that the resistance organizations can provide a batch of biochemical viruses against giant insects.

This motion was mentioned before, but the resistance organization did not agree due to various reasons. This time, the resistance organization finally let go, but it required humans to provide living giant insects, otherwise it would be difficult to provide viruses that specifically target a certain species.

In order to get the virus as soon as possible, the delegation hoped that the resistance organization would send several biochemical technical experts to Beiyuezhou to study and manufacture it on the spot, but unfortunately it was rejected by the resistance organization.

In desperation, the coalition forces had to order the troops stationed in Africa to conduct a hunting operation, and caught dozens of living giant insects, and then sent them into space as soon as possible, and sent them to Io Zero at the fastest speed.

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