Armor Frenzy

Chapter 947: chip implant

On August 27, 2029, Qiongzhou Base Affiliated Hospital.

The medical team from Beidu was making intense preparations, and until everything was ready, the leading researcher notified to bring people in.

As soon as the door opened, Ye Han in a hospital gown walked in slowly, looking around curiously.

The area of ​​the operating room is quite large, surrounded by various instruments and equipment. It is impossible to tell what it is for, but it gives him a very advanced and very avant-garde feeling.

Various pipes are still covered with plastic films, and if you look closely, the protective films on various screens are still there.

In the middle of the operating room is a very sci-fi operating bed. People lying in it are like lying in a mold, their hands and feet are bound, and there is a hole in the middle of the brain support. Presumably the hole that should not be there is for implanting chips. left.

Most of the science madmen who like to transform humans in the movie have such a special experimental bed, which is particularly useful regardless of vivisection or dismemberment of experimental objects.

Thinking of this, Ye Han felt a chill in his heart.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses and covering his entire body in a surgical gown walked up to Ye Han and said in a very calm voice, "This way, please lie on the bed."

"Your surname?" Ye Han asked politely.

The doctor smiled and said, "No need for your surname to be Wu."

"Oh!" Ye Han wanted to say something, but he searched his stomach but couldn't find any words to say. He could only walk to the experimental bed with extremely complicated thoughts. Can't move at all.

Dr. Wu walked over to Ye Han, lowered his head and said, "Don't worry, it will be fine in a while."

Ye Han blinked: "Do I regret it?"

Dr. Wu was stunned, and then laughed: "Of course not."

Ye Han sighed faintly, looking like he was unlovable: "Come on, die early and live early."

"Don't worry, it's not as scary as you think. Human safety comes first." Dr. Wu stepped aside, "Start anesthesia."

"Wait!" Ye Han heard the word anesthesia, and the first reaction was to stop, "Doctor, does anesthesia affect the nerves? You should know what I do."

Military commanders must have a clear brain. If anesthesia affects the nerves, Ye Han must refuse to kill him.

To be honest, using a knife directly in the mind is not acceptable to everyone, especially when the brain is not ill, if Huo Qiang had not given a death order, he would never have appeared in this ghost place.

Dr. Wu said with great certainty, "Don't worry, your reaction will only be faster." After waving his hand, the anesthesiologist on the side couldn't talk, and put the mask on Ye Han's face directly.

"Breathe deeply!" said the anesthesiologist.

With the arrow on the string, Ye Han regretted that it was too late. He took a deep breath in resignation, and his consciousness immediately became chaotic. After another breath, his eyes began to turn black, and then he lost consciousness.

The anesthesiologist waited for a while before nodding and saying, "It's alright."

"Start the operation," said Dr. Wu.

He clicked a few buttons in front of an instrument, the screen lit up, and the X-ray image of Ye Han's head appeared, as well as the scalp image returned by the miniature speculum. Ye Han's hair appeared on the screen like a lush patch primeval forest.

At the same time, a very strangely shaped syringe immediately protruded from the headrest of the operating table. This thing was automatically aimed at the back of Ye Han's head, and slowly pierced into the back of Ye Han's head under the careful manipulation of the doctor.

Dr. Wu's control became more and more careful, his eyes were fixed on the screen, his hands on the **** were as solid as cast iron, and every time he turned it, the needle would pierce a little.

As the needle is pierced, the picture on the screen changes.

After ten minutes, Dr. Wu finally released his almost numb hand: "Okay, let's inject."

Another doctor immediately started the device: "The injection is good, the position is accurate!"

On the screen in front of Dr. Wu, an inconspicuous little meat ball came out of the needle, which happened to stick to the edge of a blood vessel.

Dr. Wu, who saw this scene, finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Activate the chip!"

"The chip has been activated, connecting the blood vessels..."

The small meat ball changed suddenly, and slowly attached to the blood vessel, protruding many tiny filaments like a parasite, and attached to the outside of the blood vessel little by little, and finally punctured the blood vessel, and the blood immediately flowed into the small meat ball. .

"It's starting to grow!" said a doctor excitedly.

The small meat ball began to slowly elongate and stretch, and after a while, it turned into a thin piece of meat, sticking tightly to the outside of the cerebral cortex.

Because the blood flows through the small pieces of meat, the small pieces of meat on the screen are an attractive pink.

In this way, everyone waited for several hours without eating or drinking, until the small pieces of meat expanded to the standard size, and Dr. Wu said again: "Connect the nerves!"

The small piece of meat protruded the filaments again, but this time the filaments no longer probed into the blood vessels, but slowly plunged into the cerebral bypassing the nerves and blood vessels all the way, heading towards the depths of the brain.

Dr. Wu's expression was extremely serious, his eyes fixed on the screen without blinking, until the artificial nerve pierced a specific nerve, and he let out a sharp breath, as if he had just been fished out of the water and soaked all over: "Okay, okay. It's gone!"

The doctors present immediately gave a burst of suppressed cheers, and Dr. Wu waved: "Don't be too happy, hurry up!"

The doctors quickly calmed down and continued to control the artificial nerve growth.

More and more artificial nerves drilled into the depths of the brain, optic nerve, auditory nerve, olfactory nerve... All kinds of specific nerves were connected to them one by one, and the tough and slender artificial nerves soon filled Ye Han's brain , even the autonomic nerves are connected to several artificial nerves.

These filaments not only connect nerves and blood vessels, but also connect with each other, forming a complex network layer by layer, which is firmly combined with Ye Han's brain tissue.

If Ye Han saw this scene with his own eyes, he would have to be frightened.

This is the brain, the most complex and critical brain. Putting a biochip on the brain is the limit that he can accept. It grows so many messy things and keeps drilling into the brain. What is going on? ?

As the filaments grew, Dr. Wu and his companions became more and more relaxed, and it was not until all the artificial nerves were grown in place that Dr. Wu stood up wearily and declared the operation a success.

However, the operation is not over yet. Next, the biochip has been carefully and patiently adjusted, such as correcting the position of the biochip, writing the operating system, adjusting the signal strength of the artificial nerve, setting some nerves to receive mode, and finally starting the biochip. The monitoring function of the chip comprehensively monitors Ye Han's health.

At this stage, the biochip is completely implanted. From then on, the biochip is a part of Ye Han's brain, which is firm and inseparable.

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