Armor Frenzy

Chapter 948: Safety No. 1

Ye Han's consciousness awakened, and it felt like he was sinking into the water and then surfacing, which was very similar to hibernation.

Then, he suddenly realized where he was. He immediately woke up and slowly opened his eyes... He was still on the operating bed, and the team of doctors involved in the operation was there, but no one paid attention to him. staring at their respective screens.

But why is everything in front of me so strange? All kinds of colors jumped around like a party, covered with a layer of dazzling golden red, and then rendered into a gorgeous rose purple, changing endlessly, like a computer with a completely out of control graphics card.

"He's awake!" said a voice.

Dr. Wu immediately walked up to Ye Han: "Are you awake? How are you feeling?"

Ye Han tilted his head sharply, gritted his teeth and complained, "It's too loud!"

Dr. Wu immediately understood, tilted his head and said, "Auditory nerve, lower the about this time?"

"It's still a bit noisy," Ye Han said.

"Turn it down a bit... this time?"

"Much better." Ye Han became quieter.

Dr. Wu showed a relieved smile: "How do you feel?"

Ye Han grinned: "It's very bad, that what, the optic nerve is also adjusted, I'm almost nervous."

Dr. Wu hurriedly instructed: "Turn it down, turn it down, how do you feel?"

"It's more serious, the tone is higher... much better, a little more... a little more... stop, that's it!" Ye Han personally directed, and finally regained his normal vision.

Dr. Wu smiled and said, "I'll get used to it later. You can adjust it yourself. It's very simple."

Ye Han moved his arm and found himself still fixed on the chair: "Can you let me go?"

Dr. Wu's smile suddenly froze: "Not yet."

"Why?" Ye Han frowned.

"The sense of touch and smell and the speed of nerve reflexes also need to be adjusted," said Dr. Wu.

Ye Han urged impatiently: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

Dr. Wu immediately proceeded. With the cooperation of Ye Han, all artificial nerves were fully adjusted until everything returned to normal, and then Ye Han was released from the chair.

Ye Han moved his hands and feet, and was a little stiff. He was about to ask how long the operation took. When he turned around, he saw a 3D brain model on the main screen. He clearly saw the extra thing on the back of the head, and Neural network throughout the brain.

He couldn't help being surprised: "Whose brain is this?"

Ye Han's understanding of anatomy is the vital positions of the whole body and first aid on the battlefield. He is not familiar with the brain, but no matter how unfamiliar he is, he knows that the brain on the screen is wrong.

Dr. Wu didn't hide it at all: "This is your brain."

Ye Han was immediately dumbfounded, and immediately became furious: "What the **** did you do!"

Dr. Wu quickly explained: "Don't worry, don't worry, if you have any questions, just say, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Ye Han pointed at the screen angrily: "What's going on?"

Dr. Wu understood in seconds: "You mean neural network, right?"

"I don't care what it's called!" Ye Han said nothing, but he didn't lose his mind.

Dr. Wu smiled and said: "This is the external part of the implantable biochip. It has two functions, one is to connect with various nerves to collect information about the whole body and the outside world; the other is to act as a support structure for the brain... , how should I put it, the brain of a normal person is like tofu, and it is especially prone to concussion, but with this neural network, even if the skull is smashed, there will be no concussion."

"Damn, so dick?" Ye Han was startled on the spot, "Are you kidding me?"

Dr. Wu said sternly, "How dare I make a joke about this?"

Ye Han pointed to the back of the model again: "What is this thing for?"

Dr. Wu said: "This is the main body of the chip, which is equivalent to the central processing unit."

Ye Han subconsciously touched the back of his head, and always felt that there was something more under the bone: "Is it okay to put this thing in my mind?" He is more concerned about the safety of this thing than the function of the chip.

"No problem at all." Dr. Wu understood what Ye Han was worried about, and explained carefully, "You don't have to worry, a biochip is a very personalized thing. You are here, we will implant it for you, it looks very simple, but in fact we I got your stem cells a long time ago, and the chip on your brain is cultured from your stem cells, which is completely compatible with your body tissues, and there will never be any rejection reaction."

Ye Han suddenly realized, no wonder Huo Qiang ran over, the original root is here.

The medical team had to get stem cells to make chips, and he and a few team members had been in the hospital affiliated to the base all the time. Blood samples were readily available, and he himself was the backbone of everyone.

It's just that Ye Han is still worried: "What if this thing becomes diseased and spreads like cancer cells?"

Dr. Wu was stunned, but immediately returned to his senses: "This is even more impossible. Biochips are controlled special and cannot invade normal cells. The chip has a self-checking program. If abnormal proliferation occurs, you will Immediately you can find something wrong... You don't need to worry about this at all. The chip can not only self-check, but also monitor the tissue function of the whole body. If an abnormal disease is found, it will remind you. With it, you are equivalent to having a With a portable health instrument, you can keep track of your whole body anytime, anywhere.”

Dr. Wu's tone was particularly like that of a third-rate salesman who walks the streets. Although he said it clearly, it gave Ye Han a feeling of untrustworthiness.

But after talking so much, Ye Han finally got a clue in his heart: "I heard that this thing was made with alien technology. What if aliens control the chip?"

Dr. Wu laughed: "You need to worry about this, biochips are indeed related to alien technology, but as far as I know, aliens have no such concept at all, even if you give them biochips, they will not Know how to use it... give you a computer and you can use it, but let you program it, will you?"

"What about computer viruses?" Ye Han asked again.

He really agreed with this point of view. No matter how good the biochemical technology of aliens is, without the concept of a computer, it is natural that a real biological chip cannot be created.

However, recalling the confidential information he had come into contact with, and the super technology that aliens once possessed, Ye Han couldn't help but hesitate - the aliens can even build planetary engines, maybe they don't know what a computer is?

"This is not to worry. The biochip is essentially an auxiliary device. The chip is responsible for collecting information, analyzing the information, and then providing analysis results, but the brain still makes the decision. For example, there is an enemy in front of you, and you can't find it under normal circumstances. , but the chip can help you find the enemy in advance, and then the frontal attack or the side detour must be decided by the brain, do you understand what I mean?"

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