Armor Frenzy

Chapter 961: The storm is coming

Beiyuezhou prepared four assault ships for the sneak attack mission, one for each of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd regiments.

More than 1,000 people, including officers and men from the division's direct troops and two other regiments, boarded three assault ships respectively.

More than 40 transport boats took turns to dock with the assault ships, and it took more than two hours for more than 1,000 people to complete the transfer. It took a lot of time for chores such as allocating dormitories and arranging equipment. When the troops settled down, the assault ships formed. It has circled the earth several times.

It was the first time for the soldiers to board the assault ship. Even an old driver like Ye Han had no impression of this new type of warship. Therefore, the first task after everyone settled down was to familiarize themselves with the environment, and it was not required to bring the whole ship. All the passages are memorized, but at least the route from the dormitory to other important areas must be memorized.

All crew members of large warships have to go through such a process.

Fortunately, the assault ship is only a medium-sized warship, and its internal structure is relatively simple, so it doesn't take much time to get familiar with the structure.

About an hour later, the second group of men and horses arrived at the low-orbit pier. As the assault ship formation flew close to the orbital elevator again, dozens of transportation boats jumped from the low-orbit pier layer by layer, every ten ships in a rapid wave. It fell, and it didn't take long for the traffic boat to travel faster than 7.9 kilometers per second and start orbiting the earth.

After a simple track change coordination, the transportation boat continued to dock with the assault ship, and the airborne division's transfer work did not come to an end until everyone entered the battleship.

The last transport boat detached, and the formation of assault ships began to accelerate and change orbits, jumping to a higher orbit, but not far from the earth, but continued to circle the earth.

Soon after, the assault fleet and the assault fleet in the synchronous orbit converged. Until this time, no one knew how much the military had invested in the sneak attack mission.

Within sight, there are four light-air carrier ships, one of which is Nanzhou; there are six destroyers; twelve frigates; and four assault ships.

The Chinese side has only a total of 12 air carrier ships, and they took out four of them for the assault mission, which can no longer be described with blood.

Another interesting point is that it seems to confuse the audience. The four assault ships are not much different from the destroyers in terms of appearance. Even if they are compared together, there is not much difference.

Soldiers who don't know the truth can't help but worry a little. Are there too many warships dispatched to the assault fleet? After so many battleships are dispatched, how much strength is left in the Beiyuezhou fleet?

And the sneak attack on Jupiter is not a matter of the Beidu family. The Chinese fleet is only half of the assault fleet, and the international fleet has the other half, and the strength of the two fleets should be about the same.

In other words, the entire assault fleet should have eight air carriers, fifty or so capital ships, and an unknown number of assault ships—the base group has more ground troops, and the number of assault ships must be more. .

It's a pity that the soldiers didn't have that kind of vision, and they didn't even see the shadow of the strong second fleet. The fleet accelerated away from the earth and headed for Io, which is 60 million kilometers away... For some psychological reasons, the soldiers privately Li calls his own fleet the Assault Fleet, and the other half whom Guan has never met is called the Strong Second Fleet.

After the fleet set off, it didn't stop. Ye Han first gave each ship three days, and asked everyone to familiarize themselves with the passage. After three days, the assessment began. First, the personal assessment began, then extended to the class, and finally the whole ship sounded the alarm, and everyone Get into the landing craft, or all into the lifeboats, and see if the soldiers can be in place within the allotted time.

It was not until all the staff passed the assessment that Ye Han ordered the troops to organize the injection of hibernin.

At this time, it was already the seventh day that the raiding fleet left the earth, exactly one week.

Ye Han and the officers above the battalion did not inject hibernin, but all concentrated on the Yaoshan where the division headquarters was located and continued to wait.

On December 30, 2029, the Assault Fleet flew to Io and joined the transport fleet waiting here.

The eight transport ships provided by Beidu to the resistance organization have long been flown to Io, but they have never been handed over to the resistance organization. It was not until a month ago that the resistance organization began to transfer troops to space, and Beidu handed over the transport ships to the resistance organization one after another. inside.

At this time, the twelve transport ships disguised as destroyers were already full of servants and ready to set off at any time.

After Yaoshan took the teaching battalion to the assault ship, all the transfer work was completely completed, and the fleet flew away from Io to the distant Jupiter.

The Assault Fleet did not mean to cover up its tracks at all, its only purpose was to make the aliens notice this fleet and force the alien fleet to return.

However, I don't know if the aliens lacked observation equipment, or if there was some other problem, the fleet that flew away from Jupiter never meant to return.

One month, two months, three months!

By the beginning of March the assault fleet is halfway through the voyage, and the alien fleet has already flown over half of the asteroid belt.

The human world almost exploded, and many ignorant civilians protested against the inaction of the governments of various countries, thinking that after discovering that the alien fleet refused to return, they should promptly order the strike fleet to intercept it.

The words were hard to hear and very naive. Soon there were official statements to explain them, and people who knew what to do came out to explain-because the departure times were inconsistent, the routes of the two fleets were 108,000 miles apart, and there was no meeting at all. Chance!

As a result, the public opinion turned and began to urge countries to implement interception as soon as possible.

Governments of various countries are under great pressure, but interception cannot be accomplished just by lip service.

During this period of time, all countries have not been idle, whether the Beiyuezhou Fleet or the International Fleet has been actively preparing for the war.

There has long been a tacit understanding between the two aerospace groups, and it is a sure thing to intercept the alien fleet, but the base group advocates taking the initiative to attack the enemy, while Beidu advocates shrinking and sticking. The enemy army, so the combined fleet could never make it.

The reason why the Al Qaeda Group insists on taking the initiative to attack is the 26-year landing event. Those aliens who landed on the earth are still firmly occupying Africa and cannot be eradicated. If they stick to the earth, the landing event will be repeated. At that time, the two waves of aliens should join together, the earth It's hard to say who it belongs to.

And Beidu's worries are not unreasonable. After all, there are so many space warships in human beings. All the combat power of the combined fleet must be dispatched to stop the alien fleet. In that case, the earth will lose all space defense forces and can There are very few weapons and equipment to directly attack space targets. By that time, the situation on Earth may be more serious than that of aliens landing again.

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