Armor Frenzy

Chapter 962: unmoved

After some open and secret battles, Beidu finally retreated under the pressure of all parties. In early April 2030, the combined fleet departed from the port.

The combined fleet has a total of more than 100 warships, of which the Beiyuezhou Fleet dispatched 55 warships.

Among the more than 50 warships dispatched by the Chinese side, there are five large air carriers, 18 destroyers and 32 frigates, a proper main fleet.

Despite this, the outside world is still very dissatisfied with the decision of Beidu, because the Beiyuezhou Fleet has 12 air carriers. In addition to the four taken away by the assault fleet, there are as many as eight, but only five in the combined fleet. One, and three more in their pockets all the time.

Foreign media believe that the earth is already at a critical moment of life and death. At this time, preserving its strength is simply dying. As the largest spacefaring country, Beidu has the strength and the responsibility to devote all its armed forces to stop aliens.

Even in China, there is a group of people who think that it is useless to leave a few air carriers.

This kind of view cannot be said to be wrong. If the combined fleet fails, the three air carriers retained by Beidu will not be able to stand up at all. It is better to put all of them into the combined fleet to fight.

The combined fleet has a total of more than 100 warships, and there are more than a dozen of the light and sky helicarriers. It can be said that it is the most powerful fleet in human history. If this fleet is defeated by the aliens, there will be a few more ships. Helicarriers are also unlikely to turn the tide of battle.

In desperation, Beidu had to announce the truth to the outside world. It was not that the three air carriers did not want to be dispatched, but they were unable to make the trip due to various reasons.

There are still many specific reasons, and Beidu also explained in detail:

Only one of the three air carriers is in good condition, but due to the failure of material planning, it has not been equipped with enough carrier-based aircraft so far. In addition, there is a serious shortage of pilots, and the mission cannot be carried out in a short period of time.

The other two seem to be complete, but one has just rolled off the production line, the equipment has not been installed in place, and cannot be separated from the dock; to act.

The reason is very strong. The outside world does not know whether it is true or not. In short, it cannot be investigated. No matter what kind of speculation and slander, it cannot shake the determination of Beidu.

In fact, there are not three air carriers in Beidu's pockets, but six of the three three. This is because of the four air carriers in the assault fleet, only the Nanzhou is real, and the other three are true. They are all comprehensive supply ships disguised as an air carrier!

However, the shortage of carrier-based aircraft and pilots is indeed true, but it is not as serious as publicly advertised.

When the combined fleet set off, the aircraft factory in Beiyuezhou was organizing surprise production, and the pilots were also training intensely. In order to fill the gap in time, the military even lowered the training standards for pilots.

This kind of low-level mistake should not have been made. Originally, the carrier-based aircraft and pilots were enough to fill all the air carriers, but some time ago, the North has carried out automatic modification of all warships, and the air carrier is no exception.

One of the key points of the modification is to replace all carrier-based aircraft with unmanned remote control models. The pilot does not need to sit in the cockpit of the carrier-based aircraft, but only needs to sit in the remote control cabin of the mothership to operate the corresponding aircraft.

In addition, the military has made corresponding improvements to the carrier aircraft, and the aircraft carrier capacity of the aerospace carrier has been greatly increased. As a result, the aircraft that was originally enough for twelve aerospace carriers ended up only full of six warships.

However, the military is making up for the gap. It will not take long for the continuous flow of carrier-based aircraft on the production line to fill the warships, and the pilots can be in place in time.

Limited to training time, the overall quality of these pilots will definitely be weaker.

Not only the air carrier, but also a group of destroyers and frigates have not been sent out. There are also some objective reasons for Beidu to cover these warships. First, there is a lack of crew, and the rookies who have not completed their training will not only fail to form combat effectiveness, but may also become The second is the lack of weapons and equipment. The military concentrated all nuclear weapons on the warships that left. There are no nuclear weapons. It is difficult to fight against alien warships with conventional weapons.

It is said that the moon produces a large amount of helium-3, and the space fleet should not lack nuclear weapons, but helium-3 is not that simple. It is an inert gas that is difficult to liquefy, and its properties are difficult to combine with other substances. Helium 3 cannot be turned into solid matter by chemical reaction.

Moreover, helium-3 fusion requires more energy and produces less energy. It is nothing to be used in fusion reactors, but it is somewhat tasteless for nuclear weapons.

In addition, the reaction conditions of helium-3 fusion are too harsh. Combining various factors, a pure helium-3 nuclear warhead is neither economical nor affordable, and it cannot be done with the current technical capabilities of mankind.

So all along, humans can only engage in the second-generation fusion of deuterium and helium 3, and the number of nuclear warheads has always been limited by the output of deuterium It is not that with helium 3, nuclear bombs can be exploded infinitely.

There is also a very important factor, that is, the nuclear power engine consumes a lot of nuclear materials!

All in all, the production and consumption of nuclear raw materials for human beings is also large, and it is not as abundant as ordinary people think.

On May 12, 2030, the interceptor fleet flew over the orbit of Mars, and the two sides moved in the same direction, getting closer and closer.

All the people of all countries on earth put their hearts on the interceptor fleet, and the most important thing every day is to care about the situation of the interceptor fleet.

However, the general public did not wait to intercept the news of the exchange of fire between the fleet and the enemy, but instead waited for the news that the assault fleet had arrived at Jupiter!

May 20, 2030, Yaoshan.

The assault fleet arrived near Jupiter, slowed down and cut into the orbit around Jupiter, but did not change its orbit to a low-altitude orbit, and has always maintained a distant distance of more than three million kilometers from Jupiter.

This is Ye Han's third time approaching Jupiter in his military career. Looking at the quietly rotating red giant planet on the screen, he couldn't help but think of his two expeditions to Jupiter.

One failed and nearly lost his life, another successful official propaganda, but actually did not get any results... The third expedition to Jupiter, what was the final result?

"Chief!" Lin Yi interrupted Ye Han's thinking softly, "There is news from Nanzhou."

After the recovery of the fleet, the first thing to do is to contact Earth and ask about the situation in the past few months.

Ye Han tilted his head slightly, his eyes still staring at the main screen: "How did you say it?" Yushan had been nailed to Io Wei Ling, Ye Han felt that this kid was not bad, it would be a pity to throw it on Io Wei Ling, and deliberately asked him to Come and serve as captain of the Yaoshan.

Lin Yi took a deep breath: "The flagship report said that the alien fleet has never returned, and the interceptor fleet is about to engage in fire with the enemy, and there will be a few more days at most."

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