Armor Frenzy

Chapter 970: untitled

Several soldiers looked at each other, not understanding what happened to the machine gunner.

The squad leader made a decisive decision: "Quick, drag him out!"

Several people started working together again, grabbed the machine gunner's ankle, and took out the machine gunner that had just been inserted.

After the machine gunner got out of the chrysanthemum gate, he sat on the ground and let out a long breath.

The squad leader asked eagerly, "What's the situation?"

The machine gunner said helplessly: "It's thick, it's too thick, I didn't even touch the edge when I got in, and got stuck."

The squad leader shrewdly fought a cold war, as if a chill jumped from the soles of his feet to his head.

But he immediately thought of the height of the servants, and immediately understood what the problem was, and sighed helplessly: "Report, we can't pass the airlock, repeat, we can't pass the airlock!"

The previous scene was transmitted back to Nanzhou through the camera, and Gao Kai was also scratching his head for this unexpected situation: "Ye Ye, what should I do?"

Ye Han said embarrassedly, "I can't do anything about it. Don't dig in first, and stay outside." The plan is not as fast as changing, and no one thought that there would be such a problem.

"It's a miscalculation!" Gao Kai said meaningfully.

As soon as the helpless combat team received the order, a thin light suddenly penetrated the chrysanthemum gate under the machine gunner's feet, and almost pierced the machine gunner in the opposite direction.

The Machine Gunner staggered to the ground, his mind went blank.

The thin light suddenly began to move, and the direction was right between the legs of the machine gunner who was sitting down!

The machine gunner's pupils shrunk, and his hands and feet shrank back in a hurry, but Callisto's gravity is too low, his movements are weak, and his hands and feet are so tight that he can't get up quickly. Halfway through, the nearby soldiers hurried to help, one of them grabbed his arm and dragged him back.

Witnessing this scene, the squad leader suddenly shouted: "Fly!"

The machine gunner woke up like a dream, instantly activated the aircraft, and the entire portrait rocket jumped out of the pit, with a person hanging on his arm.

The thin light didn't stop because the machine gunner fled, but it didn't chase after it. Instead, it drew a semi-circle on its own.

Everyone seemed to hear a "bang", and the chrysanthemum door that was cut by the fine light spewed out a column of air like a blowout, and the two soldiers who could not escape were blown away by the column of air on the spot.

Jumen instantly became very unstable, trembling violently like an earthquake, and the soldiers who were still standing in the pit jumped up in unison, leaving the place of right and wrong for the first time.

The surrounding servants also noticed this change, and a dozen servants quickly surrounded them and pointed their guns at Jumen.

The squad leader immediately realized that the situation had changed, and hurriedly shouted on the radio: "Assemble, stay away from me!"

The soldiers approached the squad leader immediately after landing, and soon gathered together, staring nervously at the chrysanthemum gate in the encirclement.

The development of the situation was not as fast as they thought, and the time for the air column to spout was much longer than expected. The surrounding servants gathered together like that, without any intention to act.

A few minutes later, the air pressure in the chrysanthemum gate dropped, and the strength of the air column finally dropped. The squad leader cautiously leaned over and took a look. The chrysanthemum gate that had originally sealed the passage had shrunk like a punctured balloon, and it was tattered. Hanging at the entrance of the hole, the dark channel extends diagonally downward, and I don't know where it leads.

The squad leader probed his neck and was stunned to see that the ground of the passage was covered with the bodies of the servants... No, not only the servants, but also the enemy's servants.

The corpses of both sides are stacked, you have me, I have you, blood flowed into rivers under the corpses, and the blood boiling because of the low pressure was bubbling.

There seemed to be flashes of light in the depths of the cave, but the air was too thin to hear a single sound.

The servants headed quickly made several gestures and jumped into the hole first. The surrounding servants followed closely, and several figures quickly disappeared into the great darkness.

The servants farther away also spread their long legs and crossed over from the squad leader, as if they had received some signal, and jumped in like dumplings.

An irrelevant thought suddenly popped into the squad leader's mind, and the servants didn't have night vision goggles. What way did they use to see?

At this time, several soldiers followed, and one of them turned his head and asked, "Squad leader, what should we do?"

The squad leader hesitated for a moment and reported the situation here by radio.

Nanzhou has been watching the situation here, Long Jianguo did not hesitate to send the ball to the flagship, and Gao Kai decisively passed the ball to Ye Han.

Ye Han looked at the corpse full of holes and said, "Don't go in yet, let the drone see the situation and then talk about it!"

The squad leader immediately agreed and signaled his soldiers to release the drone. The soldier in charge of the drone immediately took out a fist-sized mechanical spider from his backpack. After turning on the switch, the curled mechanical legs bounced off immediately. Quickly burrowed into the hole.

In ordinary troops, drones refer to unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flying in the sky, while the combat environment of the airborne division is relatively special, and drones generally refer to all unmanned reconnaissance equipment.

The disadvantage of the mechanical spider is that it is The advantage is that it has good concealment, which is very suitable for the environment of burrows.

There are corpses everywhere in the cave. The mechanical spider stretches eight thin legs, and crossing the corpse is like climbing over mountains and mountains. The camera moves violently with the running of the mechanical spider, but the picture is still clear.

At this time, Nanzhou received reports from other battle groups, and the servants found a second underground bunker and marked the location of the bunker on the electronic map.

From the top view of the battleship, it can be seen that a large number of servants are concentrating in that direction.

No one was surprised. As the operation unfolded, the servants must find more and more underground bunkers, but no one expected that the resistance organization would contact the Nanzhou at this time.

Gao Kai, who received the report, was so surprised that he paused for a moment before saying, "Come in."

Zeng Rui immediately appeared on the screen: "Chief, the resistance organization is requesting to blow up the airlock."

Gao Kai was surprised: "Just found that underground bunker?"

"Yes!" Zeng Rui said.

"Why didn't you just dig in?" Gao Kai asked curiously.

Zeng Rui said: "Too many people died."

Gao Kai suddenly realized that it was because the loss was too great and distressed: "Okay, you let them wait for a while."

He subconsciously glanced at the small screen, where there was a camera facing the bottom of the transport ship. Even though the landing operation had started for a while, the servants in the transport ship were still jumping out one by one.

A fully loaded transport ship will bring more than 10,000 servants. The landing servants have been spread out on a large area, and there should be few left in the transport ship.

The blasting order was still given by Ye Han, and the nearest battle group rushed over immediately after receiving the order, but the explosives they carried were too small to be sure to blow up the Jumen, so the precise coordinates of the Jumen were reported to the fleet as soon as possible.

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