Armor Frenzy

Chapter 971: Advantage

A shell from the frigate shot down and immediately smashed the chrysanthemum gate. The atmosphere in the bunker burst out, forming a light white air column more than ten meters high. The nearby battle group also heard the low wind.

The air column came and went quickly. It didn't take long for the air in the cave to dissipate. The servants waiting nearby were like a flood of open gates, rushing to the cave, and hundreds of them rushed in after a while. .

Ye Han on the Yaoshan watched and shook his head, thinking that these servants were too unprofessional, how could they swarm in like this? Group action is king!

He couldn't hold back for a while, and asked curiously, "Ouyang, you didn't teach them what cqb is?"

Ouyang Ping spread his hands: "Do you use it?"

Ye Han sucked Ya Hanako, but was actually stopped by Ouyang Ping.

cqb means indoor close-range combat, and underground caves cannot be considered indoors, but it is very similar to indoors. Any human army will instinctively choose cqb tactics in this situation, rather than rushing in and dying.

Ye Han asked again, "What have you taught them?"

"It's the most common individual tactics." Ouyang Ping said.

Ye Han was very surprised: "You didn't even teach team tactics?"

Ouyang Ping immediately shook his head: "There is no order in this regard."

Ye Han suddenly said, "No wonder."

The crowd burst into laughter immediately.

The people present are all professional soldiers, and the landing is from the beginning to the end. Of course, you can see the chaos and disorder of the servants. No matter where they go, they are full of gangs. Even the most basic skirmish lines and the three-three system are not available. .

Ouyang Ping scratched his head: "Should I teach it?"

"I think it should." Ye Han whispered, "but what I said doesn't count."

His idea was very simple. Even if the servants were cannon fodder, it shouldn't be wasted. It didn't matter if he taught them a little necessary tactics. Watching the servants on the screen full of their bodies and jumping up and down, he felt particularly painful.

On the main screen, the mechanical spider had already burrowed deep into the ground. In addition to the corpses of the servants, the corpses of giant insects also appeared in the camera. Ye Han had seen many giant insects, but he had never seen this on the screen.

But it is certain that this giant insect must be related to the war.

The battle group on the other side also put the mechanical spider into the second bunker. Through the lens, it can be seen that the battle in the cave was very fierce. One by one the servants rushed into the cave while firing their guns, but they didn't rush out very far. Being cut by the silk light from the hole, they fell one by one on the way to charge.

Ye Han smacked his lips, and suddenly felt that this scene was especially like a gray animal in an old movie.

The resistance organization is not stupid. When they got the news that the No. 2 bunker attack was unfavorable, they immediately contacted Yaoshan and hoped that humans would help.

Ye Han didn't want the cannon fodder to lose too much, so he simply agreed and immediately gave orders to the battle group near the second bunker.

The battle group found that the servants had stopped attacking and was wondering what happened. After receiving the order, they knew what happened. The squad leader quickly made a few gestures. Approaching the entrance of the cave, he gestured to cover and shoot at the nearby servants.

The servants responded to the confirmation gesture, and the soldiers were ready to shoot, but unexpectedly more than a dozen servants suddenly jumped out and rushed in with their guns.

The soldier almost didn't bite his tongue. He just wanted the servants to shoot a few shots to attract the enemy's firepower. What was the matter with so many people rushing in at once?

The servants had already rushed up, and a few silk lights jumped out of the hole, knocking down the charging servants.

Time did not allow him to think too much, so he quickly picked up the rocket launcher, quickly leaned forward and pulled the trigger, the rocket retracted immediately after leaving the chamber, leaving only a single soldier rocket silently jumping into the hole.

While the soldiers quickly retreated, they made several gestures to the servants at the entrance of the cave, telling them to retreat immediately, but the servants not only made a gesture of refusal, but also jumped out several times one after another.

Everyone almost didn't stare out their eyeballs, thinking that the aliens are fighting too hard, right?

But having said that, the rockets are slow and have a flame tail. If there is no cover from the servants, the possibility of being shot down by the silk light is very high. From this point of view, it is indeed necessary to go in a few more.

Just how did the servants know about this?

Just thinking about it in their hearts, everyone suddenly felt a throbbing under their feet, and then a raging flame suddenly burst out from the cave. The two servants who had just rushed to the entrance of the cave were immediately wrapped in the high-temperature flames, turning into two burning candle heads on the spot.

The cloud bombs equipped with the Airborne Division are all special models with their own oxidants. The instantaneous combustion temperature is as high as more than 2,000 degrees. Even steel can melt, not to mention a few servants?

The rifles that the servants dropped in the cave were also burned by the high temperature, and the bullets in the guns exploded in the high temperature. Although the explosion could not be heard, many bullets jumped out of the hole, and even hit a hapless servant. Fortunately, the detonated warhead was not powerful, and the servant was saved his life.

There was also a curious servant who got too whose head was wrapped in flames, and the good head was burned to black coal in a blink of an eye.

The flames came and went quickly, and they disappeared in a few breaths. As soon as the flames dissipated, several servants jumped up and wanted to rush in. The battle group gestured again and again, but it was too late.

The idea of ​​the battle group was that the high temperature had not dissipated, and rushing in would at least be a deep burn, but groups of servants rushed in one after another, and there was nothing wrong with it.

At this time, a soldier finally reacted and said only two words: "Vacuum!"

The crowd immediately came to a realization.

That's right, it's a vacuum. The transfer of heat requires a medium. The air on the surface of Callisto is thin, and there is no medium for heat transmission. The servants who rush into the hole do not have a problem without touching the wall. At most, they will burn the soles of their feet.

The mechanical spider that was put into the hole before was also reimbursed, and the battle team quickly put another one, and soon got the picture of the hole again.

The effect of the cloud bomb was very good. The enemy that was blocked before had disappeared, and the servants rushed into the depths of the cave smoothly. The flash of the gun flame and the mercerized light from time to time appeared alternately, and the fierce battle was evident.

But there is no need to worry at all, because the servants from all directions are concentrating here, and an overwhelming numerical advantage will soon be formed. It is only a matter of time before the second bunker is overturned.

Until this time, the last few servants jumped out of the transport ship, and the painful landing stage was finally coming to an end.

As the operation continued, Bunker No. 3 and Bunker No. 4 and more underground bunkers were successively discovered by the servants. Under the command of Yaoshan, the cooperation between the human battle group and the servants became more and more smooth.

Once the servants found the bunker, they would immediately notify the nearby battle group. The battle group called for air support to blast open the Jumen, and quickly fired a cloud bomb. When the flames dissipated, it was time for the servants to charge the group.

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