Armor Frenzy

Chapter 992: Red Sea Fortress

Li Liujie could have called the Yaoshan directly, but now was the critical moment for the landing, and he felt that it was best not to influence the Yaoshan command.

Soon a voice replied: "I am Liyan No. 3, please speak!"

"Liyan No. 3, I'm Red Sea, please help me see the Red Sea and confirm the situation of the gun bay." Li Liujie said eagerly.

"Liyan No. 3 understands... No. 1, No. 2, No. 6 gun bays are completely destroyed, No. 5's situation is unknown, No. 3 and No. 4 can't see the problem."

"What about the close-in guns?"

"Total ruin!"

Li Liujie sighed helplessly: "Red Sea understands, thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

After the call, Li Liujie immediately rushed to the No. 4 gun bay. Just as he jumped out of the bridge, he suddenly heard a faint gunshot.

He couldn't help but wonder, there was no air in this hellish place, and the sound of gunshots couldn't get out at all.

Although his mind was full of doubts, there was no hesitation under his feet, and he ran to the No. 4 gun bay at the fastest speed, so he soon discovered that every time his feet landed, he would hear dense gunshots, but once he jumped Get up, and all the sounds will disappear immediately.

Li Liujie immediately remembered the machine guns that the servants had removed. Those machine guns had to be fixed on the ground for use, and it was normal for the sound to come from the ground.

The problem is that the sound of gunfire means that the servants have exchanged fire with the enemy!

As soon as he was in a hurry, he couldn't help but speed up a bit.

The bridge is the center of the warship, and the passages here extend in all directions, leading to all positions of the whole ship.

The battleship is Li Liujie's home. He knows every passage here like the back of his hand, and he rushed into the passage leading to the No. 4 gun bay without thinking.

But before he walked far, he found that the passage in front was blocked, and he had to find a way to bypass the blocked area. As a result, the other passage was also impassable, so he simply found a shaft to replace the deck.

After so many times, Li Liujie ran into the wall several times in succession, but still failed to make it to the gun bay, but inadvertently found that there were flashes of fire in front of him, and the sound of gunfire was much clearer than before.

He jumped over in his heart, and sure enough, he saw a big hole leading directly to the outside of the ship. The hole was three stories high and wider than a bus. The edges of the hole were all cut marks left by fine light, and straight lines crisscrossed each other. It's like the armor is pieced together from countless irregular polygons.

Looking down, Li Liujie saw more than a dozen servants lying or standing at the bottom of the hole, two machine guns mounted on the broken armor, constantly spewing flames out of the ship.

There were also several servants carrying ammunition running back and forth.

The probe looked out, and Li Yingjie was stunned to find that the enemy's front line was still seven or eight hundred meters away.

Li Yingjie saw the enemy's counterattack, but did not see any ray of light falling nearby.

There should be time!

Thinking of this, he quickly jumped to the side of the servants and quickly made several gestures, to the effect that I was going out and needed cover.

The machine gunner nodded in agreement without hesitation, and the other servants also took up oversized rifles.

Li Yingjie took a deep breath, made a gesture to cover me, and leaped out of the ship with a single stride, and immediately activated the aircraft, flying close to the ground to the gun bay.

The sound of gunfire was loud behind him, and a string of tracer bullets flew across the void and fell into the charging enemy group, knocking down one enemy after another.

Just as Li Liujie flew more than ten meters away, a black shadow suddenly fell on the top of his head. He suddenly rolled to avoid it, and when he looked back, he found that it was a servant with only his upper body left.

He raised his head subconsciously, and immediately saw a rain of bullets all over the sky!

A series of tracer bullets can be seen on the ship's ridge, bottom, and all shooting positions on the ship. Every hole has been turned into a fire point by the servants. The originally dilapidated Red Sea has now become a covered ship. They are all steel fortresses of fire, and the bullet beams like rain crossed a distance of several hundred meters and smashed into the enemy's front line.

Li Liujie swallowed a mouthful of saliva, even if the enemy rushed into the Red Sea, he would not want to gnaw down such a fortress without paying enough price.

The enemy's counterattacks were equally sharp, but most of the counterattacks were concentrated above the middle of the spacecraft. Li Liujie, who was flying close to the ground, was more cautious and pressed down the flight height.

The speed of the aircraft was very fast, and he flew to the vicinity of the gun bay in the blink of an eye. Li Liujie found a hole and burrowed into it. After turning off the aircraft, he first determined his position before finding the passage to the gun bay.

Li Liujie shouted on the radio while rushing to the gun bay: "Wenzi, Wenzi, hear me back!"

There was a rustling on the radio, and Ren Zhiwen's vague voice came: "I's here, please tell me!"

"Have you been to the engine bay yet?"


"How about the reactor?"

"You...what, I hear...clear...repeated, I...not clear!"

"Reactor, reactor, reactor! Situation, situation, situation!" Say something important three times, and you can always hear it clearly, right?

"Receive...Received, the No. 1 cabin is closed, the core... is out, I... No. The reply is intermittent, but Li Liujie automatically made up the missing part, Ren Zhiwen's original words should be Yes: No. 1 cabin is closed, the core is ejected, and I am rushing to No. 2 cabin.

As we all know, nuclear reactors are very dangerous. Once there is a problem with the reactor, the consequences are not much better than detonating a nuclear bomb directly in a warship. Therefore, all warships have a set of emergency procedures. Once the reactor is out of control, the reactor will be abandoned immediately, and the core and containment will be thrown out Outside the ship, to avoid damage to the warship after the reactor is out of control.

The reactors thrown outside the ship are not much of a threat to the warship, but leaving the out-of-control reactor inside the warship may result in the destruction of the ship.

When the Red Sea crashed, the speed was so fast and the impact was so strong, no matter how strong the reactor was, it could not withstand such a toss. If the reactor continued to stay in the power compartment, the melted core might have burned through the deck, and even some Explosion possible.

In that case, the Red Sea itself is a ticking time bomb, and it can't even stay there, let alone be a fortress to face the enemy.

When the two escaped, the reactor was still in the spacecraft. Now the spacecraft has become a fortress. It is necessary to confirm the situation of the reactor to know whether it is safe to continue to stay in the spacecraft.

Li Liujie couldn't help praying in his heart, hoping that the reactor did not land near the Red Sea.

Li Liujie finally arrived at the No. 4 gun bay. The moment he got into the gun bay, his mind immediately recovered.

The gun bay was a mess, and two self-propelled howitzers rolled over and the other was embedded in the wall.

Looking closely, the armor of the rollover No. 41 vehicle is dented, and the gun barrel is slightly bent. The No. 42 vehicle gun barrel in the wall is fine, but the six wheels flew in two pairs.

The spare parts placed in the gun bay were also scattered all over the place. Not to mention that Li Liujie did not know how to repair it. Even if he knew how to repair it, it would not be able to be repaired in a short time.

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