Armor Frenzy

Chapter 993: Rifle Synergy

After experiencing such a severe impact, 80% of the engines of these two cars are finished. If you want to drive the car away, there is no way... Maybe you can move it outside as a fixed battery!

But a mortar howitzer weighs 20 tons. Even if Ganymede's gravity is relatively low, each car weighs 3 tons. He is exhausted and can't lift it alone, let alone move it outside the gun bay.

He immediately shouted on the radio: "Wenzi, Wenzi, can you hear me?"

There was no echo on the radio, Li Liujie angrily slammed his fist on the wall, his eyes swept away, and suddenly he jumped onto the overturned gun carriage, twisted the locking device of the top cover hard, and pushed open the deformed top cover.

The gun bay itself is an airborne platform, and its canopy and bulkheads are live and can be opened from the inside if necessary.

Ganymede's dim sky appeared in front of Li Liujie's eyes, and a wave of dense, forest-like light just shot into the sky at this moment, which shocked him.

After fighting for so long, why is the enemy's firepower so strong?

Above the sky, several transport ships are descending. They are no longer scattered triangular formations, but stacked on top of each other. Most of the wave of light just now was blocked by the transport ship at the bottom.

The thin light hit the transport ship badly, but it couldn't avoid it, so it blocked it so hard... The transport ship's engine had already exploded half, and the other half had also turned off, but it still remained motionless. Block at the bottom.

Li Liujie's whole body is not well, and there is no power left. Why is it still hanging there and not falling?

After a closer look, I found that it was not that the transport ship did not fall down, but that the two spaceships above hung the spaceship below with cables!

Does this work too?

Li Liujie couldn't believe his eyes, who came up with this idea?

Before he could figure out why, the counterattack from the fleet fell to the ground in the distance. Li Liujie immediately woke up and called Ren Zhiwen again: "Wenzi, can you hear me?"


The reply finally came over the radio, and it was very clear.

Li Liujie let out a long breath: "Where are you?"

"The No. 2 engine compartment and the No. 2 reactor also flew." Ren Zhiwen looked up at the hole above his head and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The reactors are gone, and the interior of the Red Sea is temporarily safe, but the remaining shipboard equipment has also lost power. It is hard to say whether it is good or bad.

Li Liujie breathed a sigh of relief: "Wenzi, I'm in the No. 4 gun bay, you hurry up and help... By the way, call a few servants by the way!"

"Understood!" Ren Zhiwen started the aircraft and flew directly out of the power compartment. First, he flew to the edge of the ship's ridge and called a few servants before rushing to the No. 4 gun bay.

At this time, the first round of battle between the two sides was coming to an end, and the servants relied on the Red Sea fortress to defeat the charging enemy.

The noble army also found that the loss of the intensive charge was too great, and had withdrawn the troops to a safe area to wait for the follow-up troops, preparing to gather enough superior troops before launching the next round of charge, gnawing away this bone at a time.

A minute later, Ren Zhiwen and seven or eight servants rushed to the No. 4 gun bay. Li Liujie called the servants to jump into the gun bay. Several servants started working together, and they lifted the two gun carts to the ridge without much effort.

No. 41 can no longer be used, but No. 42 should be ok. Li Liujie simply dismantled the remaining two wheels of No. 42, got into the gun carriage and asked, "Wenzi, can you use this thing?"

Ren Zhiwen nodded and shook his head: "I know how to use it, but I haven't used it before."

Li Liujie twitched the corners of his mouth: "Same as me." He quickly checked the situation in the car, "The autoloader is finished, but the gun can still be used. Let the servants carry the shells, and I will contact them."

"Okay!" Ren Zhiwen agreed, gesturing at the servants outside.

But this was a bit complicated, and he couldn't understand it just by simple sign language. Ren Zhiwen had no choice but to get into the other No. 41 car and take out an artillery shell to the No. 42 car.

At the same time, Li Liujie connected the radio to the command frequency band: "Yaoshan Yaoshan, I am Red Sea, please answer when you receive it!"

"Red Sea, I'm Yaoshan, please speak!" A communications staff member on the Yaoshan number responded to Li Liujie's call.

"Yaoshan, I have a mortar howitzer here, I need a target."

"Yaoshan understands, wait a moment." The radio was silent for a moment, "Red Sea, target No. 1, four o'clock, 1,300 meters away, are you sure?"

"No, but I can try." Li Liujie said.

The communication staff was very collapsed, and quickly ordered: "Gao Ganyong has a small gravity, and the distance is not far. You don't need to add a medicine bag. Let's take a look at the location first."

If the mortar only uses the basic cartridge, the range is only about 200 meters, but the gravitational force here is about one-seventh stronger than that of the earth, and there is no air resistance to reduce the range. The basic cartridge can also hit the shell to 1.5. Kilometers away... don't think that the communication staff does not know how to shoot. The airborne division is not a place to support let alone the communication staff, even if you pull out the cook of the cooking class, you can This kind of equipment is thoroughly played.

Li Liujie agreed, roughly adjusted the direction and angle, and neatly stuffed a shell into the barrel.


The speed of the cannon firing is very fast, but the speed of landing is much slower than that of the earth. Li Liujie waited impatiently, only to hear the voice of the communication staff: "It's far away, the angle is raised by two, and the secret position is reduced by four!"

"Received!" Li Liujie quickly adjusted his position, and another shot was fired.

Before the shells hit, he heard the excited voice of the communications staff officer: "Hit, it's definitely hit this time, hurry, hurry, three quick shots, and then the secret position is reduced one more round!"

"Cannonball!" Li Liujie jumped out of the gun cart and roared loudly. Ren Zhiwen immediately handed over the cannonballs. The cannonballs were sent into the barrel through Li Liujie's hand, and then flew out of the cannon to the target more than 1,000 meters away.

The assembled aristocratic army didn't take it seriously after being hit by a cannonball. It just assumed that the cannonballs came from the sky, but after a while, the cannonballs came one after another, and every shot was killed and wounded, and the assembled aristocratic army suddenly fell into chaos. , had to break up the team to reduce the casualties.

At the same time when the shells landed, the servants stationed on the Red Sea took the initiative to attack and charged in the direction of the shelling.

The servants received the order to prepare to attack a few minutes in advance, and quickly organized a team of more than 600 people and concentrated a group of machine guns. If the time was not too tight, the servants who attacked would not have only more than 600 people.

The counterattack of the servants attracted the attention of the noble army. In order to prevent the servants from rushing out of the encirclement, the noble army immediately mobilized troops from other directions to come to reinforce.

So Li Liujie received new coordinates and smashed batches of shells on the enemy's head.

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