Armor Frenzy

Chapter 995: Iron 3 corners

Ye Han and others who witnessed this scene sighed endlessly. They sighed for the heroism of the servant army and sighed for the bravery of the noble army.

But none of the people who died were their own family members. Everyone's emotions were just like that, and they owed nothing more.

The operation is still going on. The altitude of the three ships in the Caspian Sea and the West Sea has dropped to less than 50 kilometers. Under normal circumstances, the lower the altitude of the battleship, the more the enemy's key target, but the noble army suddenly died, and the three transport ships were safe. landing.

Although the environment was safe, in order to prevent the spacecraft from being suddenly attacked by the enemy after it was lowered, and because the Caspian Sea at the bottom had lost its power, the three transport ships not only failed to reduce their speed, but gradually increased their landing speed. In the end, the transport ship could not escape the result of the crash, and abandoning the Caspian Sea was the best solution.

But the Caspian is not to say that it can be abandoned if it is abandoned. There are still more than 10,000 servants in it.

Ye Han immediately ordered the Caspian to abandon the ship. The more than 10,000 servants in the ship were divided into two parts, about one third of which went up the ship's ridge, climbed up along the cables, and dispersed to the two transport ships above.

The remaining two-thirds threw the ropes directly, and hurried down while there was still a little time, as much as you could go down.

The Caspian immediately became a mess, a dozen cables were the first to be thrown out of the ship's belly, and the heavily armed servants slid to the ground one by one.

Then another group of servants climbed up the ridge and began to transfer to the other two transport ships.

For a time, the figures of servants were everywhere above and below the Caspian Sea, squirming as hard as two groups of ants escaping.

The Inner Sea and the West Sea drove the engine power to the highest level, and extended the time to abandon the Caspian as long as possible.

Ye Han suddenly thought of another idea, and shouted loudly: "Inner Sea, put down the cable, let the servants hang on it, don't have to climb up!"

His clever move was not a good idea, but it did shorten the transfer time, so the Inner Sea immediately executed it, and the cable hanging on the Caspian was released at a constant speed. The servants on the ridge grabbed the cable one after another. Some of the servants were also transferred to the cable.

The Xihai, which is located higher, was not idle, and the Xihai put down all the idle cables.

Although the Inner Sea is under the Xihai, the Xihai can also carry a part of the servants by sending the cables to the stern and port side of the Inner Sea.

However, the transfer speed of the servants is still too slow, and the speed limit of descent is slowly coming. About half of the servants on the Caspian Sea, the speed limit inevitably arrives, and the height of the transport ship is still more than ten kilometers. .

Looking at the rapidly decreasing countdown on the screen, Ye Han sighed softly: "Inform the Caspian ship and untie the cable before the countdown resets to zero."

"Yes." The communications staff immediately conveyed the order. After more than ten seconds, the Yaoshan received the voice of the Caspian: "Release the cable!"

The cables originally fixed on the ridge of the Caspian Sea were released one by one, and the servants gathered on the ridge frantically grabbed the cables, and then the Caspian fell suddenly, and many servants on the ridge became free fall like the Caspian. .

Not only the ridge of the ship, but the cables under the belly were full of servants, and they also became free fall along with the Caspian Sea.

A lifeboat was ejected from the Caspian after it fell a few kilometers.

Inner Sea and Saikai were also separated in the air. In order to prevent the servants on the cable from being scratched, the uppermost Saikai hovered in place, and the Uchikai moved forward to the right.

The servants on the Caspian Sea did not give up their escape. They fled to the ridge of the ship one after another, waiting for the opportunity to escape.

After more than a minute, the Caspian was about to land, and the servants on the ship's ridge jumped up one after another, and once again staged the tragic and solemn deceleration of each other.

This time, the speed of the landing was too fast, and it was useless to push each other in the air at all. Some of the servants staged a second or even three-stage push, and the Yaoshan suddenly dropped his jaw.

The juggling of mutual assistance continued. The Caspian was already on the ground. The sturdy hull was smashed to pieces, and a strong explosion occurred. The hull, which was still intact a few seconds ago, was torn apart in the explosion and turned into a pile. Twisted blackened metal remains.

Some of the unfortunate servants happened to be under the falling transport ship, and they had no chance to hide, and were directly crushed into patties by the battleship.

However, the explosion caused some accidents. Some servants who fell at high speed were supported by the airflow generated by the explosion, and they landed safely like a miracle.

It's just that the atmosphere on Ganymede is thin, and the explosion cannot generate a real shock wave. The so-called air flow all comes from gunpowder gas, and the scope of action is only near the explosion point. Only the servants who are close enough and in a suitable position will have a chance to escape. robbery.

However, the temperature of the gunpowder gas produced by the explosion was extremely high, and the servants who escaped from the explosion were inevitably burned by the gunpowder gas.

Fortunately, the airflow came and went quickly, and this little bit of burn was completely unnecessary for the servants.

A large number of servants fell to the ground like In the end, less than one tenth of them could get up, and the damage ratio was much higher than that of the Red Sea.

I don't know if I felt the crash of the transport ship. A group of noble troops suddenly poured out of an underground bunker near the landing point of the Caspian. They rushed towards the Caspian and defeated all the servants they encountered along the way.

The distance between the underground bunkers was too close, and the raid came too suddenly. The unprepared servants were stunned by the random punches of the noble army. Only a very small number of servants launched a counterattack. The silk light of the noble army was defeated.

The laser from the assault ship immediately swept across the noble army, but it was too late to counterattack. When the aerial firepower wiped out the noble army, the servants who landed were wiped out.

However, the actions of the noble army reminded Ye Han, he immediately designated two landing points for the Neihai and Xihai. The two transport ships took advantage of the height and tried their best to move at a high speed, and finally barely landed near the designated coordinates.

Immediately, all the landing craft landed separately on several transport ships, opened the gun bay at the first time, and moved the stored self-propelled mortar howitzer to the ridge of the ship.

At this point, everyone could see Ye Han's intentions.

At this time, the Red Sea, the Neihai, and the West Sea just formed a triangle with a length of about two kilometers. The three battleships were three steel fortresses watching each other, and the inside and outside of the triangle were separated by machine guns, mortars and air support.

Needless to say, the outside of the triangle is definitely dominated by the noble army. The firepower of the landing troops is limited, and the effective control distance is only about one kilometer.

But the interior of the triangle is already under the control of the landing troops. More importantly, there are five marked underground bunkers inside the triangle. The transport ship has separated these underground bunkers from the outside world. The landing troops can do whatever they want. Concocted, toss as much as you want.

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