Armor Frenzy

Chapter 996: 1 more win

At the beginning of the Iron Triangle, Yaoshan immediately issued a series of instructions, and the servants who had been bored in the ship for half a year poured out of the battleship. firepower node

The movements of the servants were very fast, but the movements of the noble army were not slow. The defensive position near the battleship had just taken shape, and several underground bunkers inside the triangle suddenly opened together, and a large number of noble troops rushed to the ground in groups. towards the Red Sea.

The Inner Sea and the West Sea are much more complete than the Red Sea. No matter how you look at it, the Red Sea is the easiest direction to break through.

The sudden attack of the noble army immediately disrupted the arrangement of the servants. The servants who were building a defensive position immediately entered the battle, but after firing a few shots, they had to stop because of the range problem, and watched the noble army rush towards the Red Sea.

When the defensive positions were first built, the servants on the Neihai and Xihai didn't even have time to move out their machine guns. The limited range of the rifles alone could not threaten the noble army at all.

Ye Han on the Yaoshan immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately ordered the landed servants to step up their positions, and the noble army would love to charge and let them go.

If the target of the noble army is the Inner Sea or the West Sea, the servants in these two directions may not necessarily be able to block the charge of the noble army, but the Red Sea is different. The servant army has built a perfect defense system, and its firepower is properly higher than the other two spaceships.

The charging noble army just rushed into the effective range of the Red Sea, and several machine guns fired immediately, and the dense rain of bullets immediately swept into the charging noble army.

The noble army did not flinch, charging and fighting back against the firepower of the servants, and the battle became white-hot from the very beginning.

The noble army in front charged bravely and fearlessly, but the following noble army suddenly deviated from the direction and interspersed with the gap between the two ships at a very high speed.

Ye Han immediately realized that the charge was just a trick for the enemy, and the enemy's real purpose was to use the cover of the charge to break out of the encirclement!

The confrontation between the two sides is in full swing, and the noble army is still pouring out of the underground bunkers, but the situation is fundamentally different from before.

Ye Han, who witnessed this scene, gave an order, and the three assault ships opened fire together, and the laser plowed through the charging noble army. While destroying a large number of noble army, it also disrupted the rhythm of the charge.

At the same time, the first round of artillery shells from the Inner Sea and the West Sea hit the front line, completely disrupting the first round of the noble army's charge.

The airborne troops of the two regiments had already landed on several battleships. At this time, the self-propelled mortar howitzer was mounted on the ridge of the ship. The range of the mortar howitzer is much longer than that of the rifle, and the paratrooper's artillery skills are better than that of Li Liujie. Much more, the shells fell on the nobles like eyes.

The paratroopers adjusted their angles after dispersing the front line, and the artillery began to extend to the rear of the noble army, blowing up the subsequent enemy troops.

The noble army trying to break out of the siege was also within the range of the shelling. The continuous artillery fire and the sweeping laser cut off the noble army trying to escape. Also forced to retreat under the blow of aerial fire,

The soldiers were blasting artillery, but Ye Han suddenly gave a new order: all mortar howitzers stop firing, and there is no order not to fire without authorization.

The soldiers were dumbfounded at once, what would happen if the guns were not allowed?

Ye Han didn't want to interrupt the soldiers' interest, but there were only so many cannonballs, but the enemy didn't know how many. Assault ship.

After the first round of conflict after landing, the noble army did not retreat underground, but continued to rush out of the ground and assembled near the underground bunker.

With such a high-quality target, it would be a disgrace to not fight. Without Ye Han's orders, the three assault ships aimed their muzzles at the underground bunker, swept the laser beams, and dispersed the assembled noble army after a while. .

Some of the noble army retreated to the underground bunker, some lost their heads and rushed in a random direction, and some were still sensible but had no chance to retreat underground, so they launched a death charge against the Red Sea.

The result of the charge was naturally to succumb to death. At this point, the resistance from within the triangular encirclement came to an end.

However, the activities of the noble army have been discovered outside the encirclement, and the noble army that is ready to move may launch an attack on the defense line at any time.

While there was still a little time, Ye Han ordered the servants to step up to build a position. More than 20,000 noble troops started together, and the position established around the battleship quickly took shape.

The paratroopers were not idle either. The mortar howitzer had been moved to the ridge of the ship, but the shells were still in the battleship. The soldiers of the two regiments came and went like hard worker ants, sending boxes of shells to the ridge of the ship~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Be prepared for battles that may unfold at any time.

In addition, Ye Han also ordered the remaining transport ships to lower their heights and prepare to perform gliding.

I don’t know how many enemies are hidden in Ganymede’s underground. The advantage of the landing force is inseparably related to the dispersion of the enemy. Once the enemy realizes that the landing force is weak and organizes a large-scale counterattack, the more than 20,000 people who have landed will inevitably fall into fight hard.

Rather than make amends when the time comes, it is better to plan ahead now.

The defensive positions and firepower nodes on the outer edge of the encirclement quickly took shape. After everything was ready, some of the servants moved to the inner edge of the encirclement, setting up internal positions and firepower nodes to guard against the noble army inside the encirclement.

After the construction of the inner and outer two-layer positions was completed, Ye Han ordered each ship to separate some of its manpower, let them leave the safe steel fortress, and set up blocking positions in the favorable terrain between the two ships to prevent the enemy from breaking through the fragile joint.

When all the positions are fully formed, a favorable situation can be formed inside and outside the encircling circle to resist the enemy's internal attack bunkers, laying a solid foundation for the next action of the landing troops.

Ye Han's plan is very perfect, but this plan not only has very high requirements on the command, but also relies heavily on air support. Once the command is unfavorable or the support is not timely, the noble army will come to a center in minutes, and it will be fine by then. Refusing to attack from the outside may turn into an internal and external attack by the noble army, completely ruining the hard-won situation.

In the past, Ye Han didn't dare to do this anyway, but now he has a biochip, and he has unprecedented control over the battlefield, and the possibility of mistakes is very small.

The aliens also seemed to sense that the situation was wrong. The bunkers inside the encirclement found the enemy's activities again. The enemy outside the encirclement even rushed out of the ground without concealment, and the second round of firefights could break out at any time.

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