Armor Frenzy

Chapter 997: human interest

The aliens' counterattack was not as fast as expected.

May 26, 2030 at 10:26 am.

With a series of explosions, a crater of more than 100 meters was blown up between the Red Sea and the Neihai. Just after the explosion, a group of servants rushed to the bottom of the crater, wielding specially made large shovels to build positions.

All the servants were strong enough, and Ganymede's gravity was pitifully small. After a while, the servants completed the construction of the defense line.

Immediately, another group of servants sent several machine guns and a large amount of ammunition into the position. At this point, the last position on the encirclement was completed.

Ye Han on the Yaoshan took a long breath: "Order all units to pay close attention to the movements of the enemy and report any abnormal situations in time."


"Where is the convoy?"

"The altitude is 140 kilometers, it's almost time." Lin Yi said.

"Notify them, go down one by one, don't get together."


Ye Han exhaled again: "Give me the Nanzhou number."

"Yes... the Nanzhou number is connected!"

Gao Kai immediately appeared on the screen: "Ye Ye, how are you doing?"

"It's not bad so far," Ye Han said.

"Take it easy, don't be too harsh." Gao Kai reminded.

Ye Han laughed: "Don't worry, I know what happened to you?"

"What else can I do, just follow first." Gao Kai was quite helpless, "I won't be able to catch up for a while, so I used lasers to scare them... By the way, I just found out that a group of alien warships flew out of Europa. , I sent the frigates, you pay attention, in case of any accident, you quickly withdraw with the fleet."

Ye Han couldn't help but be surprised: "What is the specific situation?"

"Two giant ships, thirty or forty battleships, that's about it." Gao Kai said.

"Where's the course? Three or four?"

"Neither, it's speeding up, it should be trying to get away from Jupiter, but this is uncertain, you'd better prepare a little bit, don't let the enemy sneak attack."

Ye Han nodded: "Don't worry, forget it if you don't know. Now that you know, you definitely can't give them a chance... Where is the giant ship in front of you flying?"

Gao Kai twitched the corners of his mouth: "It's just a little more time, even Jupiter hasn't left, who knows where it will fly?"

Ye Han's old face was slightly red, but he put on a casual look: "Don't forget to notify me when there is a result."

"You can't forget me if you don't ask me." Gao Kai looked like I was very reliable.

"Report!" Lin Yi interrupted the communication between the two, "The transport fleet is eighty, and the Zhonghai is descending."

Ye Han immediately said: "Inform the ships to pay attention to cover!"


Ye Han rushed to Gao Kai and spread his hands: "That's it, don't forget to notify me if there is any news from above."

"I can't forget." Gao Kai rolled his eyes and decisively stopped the call.

Ye Han turned his eyes to the main screen, and the remaining six transport ships were all gathered together, one of them was descending, and its position was significantly lower than the other ships.

Ye Han thought about it and said, "Is the cable long enough?"

Everyone was stunned, and Luo Qi responded the fastest: "It's long enough!"

Ye Han said: "If it's long enough, notify Zhong Hai, don't go down, just go down there."


The order was issued, and the Zhong Hai immediately stopped descending. More than a dozen cables dangled from the ship, and countless servants grabbed the cables and slid to the ground.

At this time, the landing area seemed calm, but everyone knew that there were countless noble troops hidden underground, and everyone's nerves were tense, monitoring the situation on the ground in various ways.

Ouyang Ping suddenly shouted: "Three o'clock, giant insect!"

Before he finished speaking, a laser had already fallen from the sky, killing the giant insect that had just emerged from the bunker.

"Seven o'clock!" Lin Yi's voice came out again.

Another laser hits the ground.

Then several voices appeared together: "Five o'clock!"

"Twelve o'clock!"

"Nine o'clock nine o'clock..."

The giant worms drilled out from more than 20 bunkers at the same time, and the bridge suddenly became a mess. The three assault ships paid attention to one and the other. The dangling cable of Zhong Hai was cut off at the waist, and the servants hanging on the cable fell. The servants above the breakpoint quickly grabbed the cable, and then climbed frantically, and they all climbed back to Zhong Hai after a while.

The giant insects that succeeded in one hit quickly retracted, and despite the assault ship's best efforts, half of the giant insects escaped back to the ground.

Ye Han's expression was gloomy: "What a guerrilla fight with Lao Tzu!"

Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, the noble army was really disgusting. It only needed all the underground bunkers to unite and attack at the same time. It only took twenty light worms to intercept the airborne landing of the servant army, and the noble army was amazing. These light worms are finished, and they can't even afford to lose a few light worms.

The situation is clear, but how to deal with it?

All eyes were on Ye Han, waiting for his order.

Ye Han knew that he had to come up with a solution as soon as But how could he think of a way for a while? Can't put all the transport ships on Ganymede... No, landing Ganymede is not to occupy Ganymede, but to put pressure on the enemy, and to mobilize the alien fleet, it can't be too much.

In this case, there is no need to expand the scale of landing at all!

Thinking of this, Ye Han had an idea, and immediately contacted the resistance organization: "Zeng Rui, ask them what they plan to do after finding the production line. If they want to move back, they will keep two spaceships. If they don't want to move back, they will all fall."

After listening and thinking for a while, Zeng Rui understood what Ye Han meant, and quickly passed Ye Han's words to the resistance organization.

After a while, Zeng Rui replied, "They said, we'll talk about it after we find it."

"I need them to give me a clear answer." Ye Han insisted, "You explain to them that it is impossible to glide down now. If you want to land, you must lower the transport ship to the ground. I must have the answer to decide whether to put all the The ships are all down."

Zeng Rui continued to reply, and quickly replied: "Master, they said that they can't find the production line and say that everything is empty. I hope you will put all your troops into it."

Ye Han couldn't help frowning: "They don't think about how to send it back?"

"They didn't say it."

Ye Han's thoughts turned, and the resistance organization knew very well that the transport ship could not fly up after landing. Since they dared to ask for all of them to land, what did they rely on?

Capture an alien spaceship? Settling down directly in Ganymede? Or is it that their goal is not only the production line of servants, but also the manufacturing technology of the spacecraft?

In good conscience, as long as the production line of the servants is obtained, no matter what the resistance organization chooses, it is not in the interests of mankind, but how can the servants contribute while the resistance organizations get nothing?

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