Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1002: Prepare

Watching the figures of the two disappear into the depths of the passage, Lin Yi suddenly said, "Chief, I still think you should go with the main force."

"Then why didn't you expose me just now?" Ye Han squinted at Lin Yi.

"Just now? Wasn't the lifeboat okay just now?"

Ye Han smiled: "Don't talk about useless, how many cannons are left?"

Lin Yi said sternly: "Only the tail cannon is left."

"What about the landing craft?"

"I'm leaving the ship... I received the signal just now, but I didn't let it go. Now the second round has just finished, it's relatively safe." Lin Yi said.

"Yes, very thoughtful." Ye Han praised, "Continue to maintain... By the way, inform the boats, don't rush to land, and give priority to avoiding enemy fire."


"Also, weapons, ammunition, supplies, throw everything that can be thrown down for me, and then throw it into the encirclement."

The assault ship also has the function of landing support. Part of the ship's reserves are always stored in the airborne compartment. Although this part of the material only accounts for a small part of the entire ship's materials, leaving a little is a little, and no matter how little it is, it is better than falling with the battleship. .


Ye Han continued to search, but he really couldn't remember anything else to explain, so he switched the communication frequency: "Lishan, I'm the number one, report the situation!"

"Report No. 1, the enemy's firepower is fierce, and our ship is damaged and is leaving!"

"Lishan, the laser can't stop, understand what I mean?"

"Lishan understands!"

"Liangshan, report the situation!"

"Liangshan reports that everything is normal for our ship and it is leaving!"

"The laser can't stop, understand?"


Ye Han thought for a while and then said: "Lishan, Liangshan, you immediately drop the supplies on the ship, and after a safe distance, contact the supply ship to replenish ammunition supplies as soon as possible, and prepare for another airdrop at any time."

Airdropping the materials on the ship can not only replenish supplies for the ground troops, but also lighten part of the load on the warship, which is beneficial for the next evasion.

Of course, the airdrop was nothing to the assault ship at all, it was better than nothing.

At the end of the call, Lin Yi said in a relieved tone, "Commander, all the landing craft have left the ship!"

"Where's the lifeboat?" Ye Han asked.

The landing craft is loaded with paratroopers, and the goal is to airborne Ganymede; the lifeboat is loaded with crew members, and the goal can be any one of its own warships. There is an essential difference between the two.

"Also left." Lin Yi said.

"Where's the people? Has anyone left?"

"In addition to the two of us... there are more than 30 people in the bottom cabin, ready to land with a flight bag!" Lin Yi looked at Ye Han in surprise.

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief: "Notify them, one person or two, be careful."

"Yes, let me know immediately." Lin Yi hurriedly conveyed Ye Han's meaning, and after about ten seconds, Lin Yi said again, "Chief, we are the only ones left.

"Where's the gun? How's the gun?" Ye Han asked.

"The tail cannon is gone." Lin Yi said, "The enemy is eyeing the Lishan."

Ye Han sighed: "Liangshan, please answer when you hear me!"

"Liangshan received!"

"Liangshan, I order you to immediately indicate the target to the ground troops and bombard me with mortar howitzers."

"Yes, we will contact the ground immediately."

The mortar howitzer is a combination of a mortar and a howitzer, that is, it can fire a mortar shell with a curved trajectory, and it can also fire directly with a grenade.

As we all know, Ganymede’s gravitational force is less than one-sixth that of the earth, which is lower than that of the moon. The range of Weisan can reach 13400 meters.

With a full charge, a mortar-like howitzer has a maximum range of about eight kilometers on Earth and more than sixty kilometers on Ganymede.

If a grenade is launched, the longest range on Earth is just over 12 kilometers, and it can reach an astonishing 120 kilometers on Ganymede!

Such a long range can be achieved not only because of Ganymede’s low gravity, but also because Ganymede’s air is thin and the mortar trajectory is curved, and the increase in range is not obvious. In contrast, the howitzer has a more straight trajectory. The range increase is very obvious.

In other words, with the triangular encirclement as the center, all alien positions within a radius of 120 kilometers are within the strike range of the artillery.

There are a total of eleven noble army positions within this range, accounting for only about one-third of the total enemy positions, but after handing over these positions to the ground troops, the burden of the two assault ships can be reduced by less than half. It can also speed up the destruction of the enemy army.

Liangshan notified the ground of all the enemy's positions in one breath. In just over ten seconds after receiving the target information, nearly thirty mortar howitzers roared with revenge at the same time.

Yaoshan was destroyed by the enemy, and the command system was temporarily paralyzed, but the soldiers on the ground used armor and to quickly calculate the firing rate of each gun, despite the distance between each gun and the target. The shooting angle is different, but the hit rate of the first round of shelling is surprisingly high.

At the end of the three rapid shots, the first target was basically destroyed by the artillery fire, and the artillery group immediately turned to the next target.

The landing craft that landed from the air also launched round after round of attacks in the air. Although the firepower of the landing craft is not strong, the mosquito legs are also meat, and it is also a victory to eliminate one more light insect.

At this time, the height of the Yaoshan has fallen to more than 80 kilometers. All the weapons on the ship have been destroyed by the enemy, and the speed of falling is getting faster and faster. Even the enemy no longer pays attention to the Yaoshan. The time has come.

Ye Han and Lin Yi flew all the way to the bilge. Since the Yaoshan was either facing the enemy directly or facing the enemy broadside, the bilge was still intact.

The reactor is still operating normally, and the power supply is very sufficient. The two people easily opened the arsenal on the ship. All kinds of weapons and equipment were classified and neatly fixed in the warehouse.

Looking at the equipment that was about to fall with the battleship, Ye Han couldn't help sighing. Even if Ganymede's atmosphere was a little denser, he could use a parachute to safely deliver these equipment to the ground, but now he has no choice but to endure the pain. give up.

Time did not wait for anyone, the two went straight to the flight bag, Ye Han took one and handed it to Lin Yi, but Lin Yi buckled the flight bag on Ye Han's back first.

Ye Han didn't hold back, and handed Lin Yi another flight bag. After the two tried the flight bag and there was no problem, one took the other and held it in his arms as a spare.

Although Lin Yi is not a member of the Airborne Division, if he wants to join the Beiyuezhou Fleet, power armor training is one of the subjects he must pass. In terms of combat and tactics, he is definitely not as good as Ye Han's paratroopers, but he was originally a pilot and controls individual aircraft. Definitely slip more than most paratroopers.

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