Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1003: off the ship

After getting the flight bag, Lin Yi turned around and was about to leave. After drifting a distance, he found that Ye Han was not following. He quickly stopped and turned around, just in time to see Ye Han put down the flight bag in his arms.

"Chief?" Lin Yi wondered, not understanding what happened to Ye Han.

Ye Han smiled and didn't speak. He went to the place where the pistol was placed and took one. After removing the magazine, he pulled the sleeve to hang up the empty position. Then he pulled the tenon to reset the sleeve. Finally, he opened the safety and pulled the trigger. A thud slammed into the back of the sleeve.

Satisfiedly put the magazine back, Ye Han put the pistol in the holster on the outside of his right thigh, hesitated for a while, took another pistol for inspection and put it on the outside of his left thigh, and then took some full of bullets. Live magazine: "How can I go to the battlefield without a weapon?"

Lin Yi smiled awkwardly, released the aircraft and floated to Ye Han's side, took off a pistol and fiddled with it: "I'm used to it."

Whether they are captains or crew members, their weapons are on the battleship, and there are very few opportunities to use infantry weapons, and they have never developed the habit of carrying guns.

Ye Han glanced at Lin Yi and stuffed all the places on his legs that could fit magazines: "You'd better develop this habit from now on."

Lin Yi quickly nodded: "I will." After speaking, he put away the tested gun.

He didn't have the ability to shoot with both hands, and only carried a pistol, but the extra space on his body was filled with magazines, more bullets than Ye Han had.

Ye Han turned and floated aside, took an armored rifle and threw it to Lin Yi first, then took one for himself, took it with him after the inspection, and then pulled out the rifle magazine and carried it on his body, not only the chest A lot of magazines were inserted in the front, and even several were hung on the arm, and it didn't take long to arm myself to the teeth.

His movements were so fast that it didn't take even half a minute from start to finish.

This is not the end. After carrying a full of magazines, Ye Han pulled another armored backpack and held it in his hand. Only then did he have the armored backpack in one hand and the aircraft in the other, and floated out the door: "Go!"

Lin Yi quickly grabbed an armored backpack and followed him. He had no combat experience, so Ye Han could learn how to do it. It was the safest way to do it.

The two quickly rushed to the open hatch. Half outside the hatch was Ganymede, and the other half was a dark universe studded with stars. If it weren't for the contrast between Ganymede, you wouldn't even feel the fall of the Yaoshan.

After a few minutes of fierce fighting, the second round of conflict between the two sides is coming to an end. There are not many air defense positions left on the ground. The few remaining light worms still insist on firing thin lights into the air, but their lives have entered the countdown.

Ye Han glanced at Ganymede, and the biochip immediately determined that the current altitude was still nearly 60 kilometers, but more than four minutes had passed, and the Yaoshan would crash on Ganymede in two minutes.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a little emotional: "Let's go, there's no time."

"Yes!" Lin Yi suddenly jumped out of the cabin, started the aircraft, and flew away from the Yaoshan. If there was an enemy paying attention to the Yaoshan, they would definitely attack the person who flew out first.

Ye Han understood Lin Yi's thoughts, and jumped out of the cabin with a slight sigh.

The hatch is under the Yaoshan. If you don't fly away from the shadow of the Yaoshan, you can't slow down. Ye Han first flew away from the Yaoshan at a slight speed, and then made a few gestures to Lin Yi after meeting with Lin Yi.

Lin Yi understood and gave Ye Han a thumbs up.

Ye Han means that the speed is not too fast now, so there is no need to slow down immediately.

The current descent speed of the two is close to the speed of sound. It is difficult for ordinary people to control such a speed. Even senior marines, few can fly supersonic.

But for Ye Han and Lin Yi, supersonic speed really doesn't matter. This speed is just used to avoid the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower. There is no need to speed up or slow down immediately.

Ye Han suddenly heard Ouyang Ping's voice: "Master, I see you!"

"I saw it when I saw it, what are you yelling about?" Ye Han swept around and found no trace of the landing craft, so he simply rolled, facing north and down, and immediately saw the landing craft scattered in the air, as well as many paratroopers Landed with a flight bag like him.

Ye Han found that there were a lot of people in the air, and immediately asked with concern: "How is the situation?"

"It's not a big problem to let the aliens of the dog day destroy two ships."

"On the contrary, the trouble is big." Ye Han said.

Ouyang Ping was startled: "Master, I don't understand what you mean."

Ye Han sighed: "There are only so many landing craft, one radish and one pit, and so many people come down. When I retreat, where will I find so many landing craft?"

"Then what should I do?" Ouyang Ping was a little confused.

"What else can be done, the guards will be camped, the rest will go back, and send people to any ship at will, and then wait for my order, when will I let you down, and then drive back the empty boat, that's it."

"Master, let's teach the camp to stay!" Ouyang Ping pleaded.

"Execute the order!" Ye Han said sternly, and then whispered, "Ouyang, UU Kanshu I have to keep a reserve team in my hands, right?"

"Let the guard battalion be the reserve team?" Ouyang Ping said unwillingly.

That kid Luo Qi should be proud again this time!

"Stop talking nonsense, and I'll remove you from your post again!" Ye Han threatened, and then decisively switched the frequency band, "Call Lishan No. 1 and report the situation."

"Report from Lishan. It was slightly injured and is being repaired. It will not affect the operation."

"No. 1 received, No. 1 called Liangshan to report the situation."

"Liangshan reports that our ship is intact and ready to go into battle at any time."

"Forget it, I don't know how many people are hiding in the dog days. Your task now is to maintain a safe distance and be ready to support the ground at any time. Air strikes or something, wait for the main force to come back... By the way, if you have nothing to do, get in touch with the Mengshan. Ask Callisto what's going on, and if everything is resolved over there, let the fleet come over quickly."

There are two destroyers and four frigates on the other side of Callisto. I dare not say that there is no problem with sweeping half of Ganymede. At least there is no problem with sweeping the landing area.

Then Ye Han remembered the words left by Gao Kai, and then instructed: "Liangshan, you can contact the **** fleet. They are currently on Europa. If possible, let the **** fleet come back."

The comprehensive strength of the eight frigates is no worse than that of the six battleships of Callisto. If the two fleets return together, the dilemma faced by Ye Han will be fundamentally alleviated.

"Yes!" Liangshan's answer was crisp, "I'll contact you right away!"

Ye Han quickly chased after: "Attention, understand the situation first, and don't let the fleet come over with a single mouth."

"Yes, Master, I understand!"

"Just understand, that's it." After the call, Ye Han glanced at the ground. The height of the two of them was still about 40 kilometers, and they had been left far behind by the Yaoshan.

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