Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1004: Resistance's request

Ye Han suddenly gritted his teeth: "When I go back, I have to ask the above to equip me with a batch of heavy aircraft!"

"Heavy aircraft?" Lin Yi searched his mind several times, but couldn't find any clues, "Sir, why haven't I heard of it?"

"I haven't mentioned my suggestion yet, of course you haven't heard of it." Ye Han said.

Lin Yi grinned: "You mean, an aircraft like an airplane?"

"Almost." Ye Han said, "Firepower is not important, what matters is mobility, mobility like a fighter jet!"

Lin Yi thought about it and said, "You mean, penetrate defenses like a fighter jet, and then land to fight?"

"I have this idea." Ye Han said, "But I also know it's unrealistic. If we really equip us with heavy aircraft, why do we need aviation troops?"

That said, but to be honest, orbital airborne is much more dangerous than ordinary airborne. In today's situation, all paratroopers wearing heavy aircraft to penetrate defense are definitely much safer than landing craft.

If a little special design is added, it is not impossible for heavy aircraft to fly directly into space from the ground.

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment and said, "Chief, I think a small amount of equipment should be fine, but a large range of equipment...Isn't it possible?"

According to Ye Han's description, the cost of such a heavy-duty aircraft is definitely not low, and it may even be more expensive than a carrier-based aircraft. The carrier-based aircraft can be reused, and the heavy-duty aircraft must be discarded after landing, and the airborne troops are equipped with such equipment. , it is a bit of a loss.

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Ye Han couldn't help sighing: "I know if you don't tell me... Okay, slow down."

The time spent in a few words is ten kilometers, the current height of the two is about thirty kilometers, and the falling speed exceeds more than 400 meters per second.

At this time, the five transport ships were already close to the ground, and the five spaceships that were stacked together quickly separated, one by one fell near the encirclement, adding an irregular outer layer to the encirclement.

It can be seen from the air that the spaceship has just landed, and the servants who have been prepared have rushed out of the ship and built a defensive position as soon as possible.

Lin Yi said while controlling the aircraft to slow down: "It's quite fast."

Ye Han said with emotion: "The servants are all good soldiers... 300 meters, that's it." After such a short time, the two dropped another 4 kilometers, just to stabilize the speed at 300 meters per second.

Ye Han silently recorded the time it took to decelerate, and then decelerated every little while until the altitude was only seven kilometers before ordering Lin Yi to level off.

The power of the flight bags of the two of them was fully turned on, and the flight bags immediately exploded with maximum thrust, pushing them from falling to level flight.

Ye Han only reserved 20 seconds for leveling, the time was just right. When the flight bag completely offset the fall and changed to level flight, the distance between the two of them and the ground was less than 500 meters... Without the precision of the biochip Calculating, Ye Han definitely didn't have the guts to play such a thrilling game.

After leveling, the two flew straight to the encirclement, and after a while, they flew over the encirclement, changed the level to hover, and landed directly on the ridge of the Sea of ​​Trees.

Ye Han let out a long breath, took off the flight bag and put on an armored backpack, and shouted on the radio, "Luo Qi, I'm Ye Han, bring your people closer to me."

"Yes, it's coming soon!"

Lin Yi looked up at the sky, there were only three landing craft left in the sky, and he immediately judged the height of these three landing craft and the time it took to land.

Ye Han said again: "I'm the number one, and the group will answer."

"Number 1, I'm Xiao Yuan!"

"The second group will answer."

"I'm Bian Ge!"

"One regiment and two regiments. Immediately arrange for one regiment in the north and two regiments in the south. Except for the Red Sea and the Sea of ​​Trees, each battalion is in charge of a transport ship. Pay attention, and arrange the landing craft for me."


There are only two mortar howitzers left on the Red Sea. There is no need to send additional manpower. As for the defense of the Red Sea, there is no need to worry. The Sea of ​​Trees and the Dead Sea are near the Red Sea. Resist, and don't have to worry about outside attacks at all.

As soon as Ye Han looked up, he happened to see an airborne capsule falling into the encirclement, and he immediately said: "Also, all the materials that can be thrown on the spacecraft have been thrown down, you two have arranged for me to take them back, and I will take a look at it later. Make up for everything that is missing, and bring the extra to me."


Up to now, everything is still under control, Ye Han finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately switched the communication frequency: "Zeng Rui, I am the number one."

As soon as his foot landed on the Sea of ​​Trees, the communication system reminded him to receive a call from Zeng Rui, but people are distant and close, so Ye Han naturally ranked this communication last.

"Master." Zeng Rui's unique harsh voice came from the earphones, "The resistance organization requests to attack the Tiankeng."

"Tiankeng?" Ye Han subconsciously raised his head and looked towards the shaft, "Are you sure they are talking about Tiankeng?"

"It's said Zeng Rui.

Ye Han looked suspicious: "Zeng Rui, what did they think?"

"I am not sure as well."

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Tell them that you should first enter the underground bunker in the encirclement as originally planned, and if you don't find it, it's not too late to attack the Tiankeng."

"I said it." Zeng Rui was very helpless, "They are very persistent."

"Then you immediately ask the reason. If they don't make it clear, you can tell them that it's okay to attack Tiankeng, but this is not in the battle plan to attack Tiankeng. We have to go to them by ourselves. We are not obliged to cooperate. Any consequences will be borne by the resistance organizations themselves!" Ye Han's tone was as hard as steel, and even the words he said showed a bit of foreign demonstration.

He knew very well that the resistance organization's request to attack the Tiankeng was by no means a whim, and there must be something very important to the resistance organization there.

Ye Han is not someone who doesn't know how to work around. If the resistance organization made it clear, Ye Han wouldn't mind helping, but if he only gave one sentence, he would temporarily change the battle plan without giving a plausible reason. What's the matter?

The resistance organization is not his Ye Han's son, why is he used to their bad habits?

"Yes!" Zeng Rui agreed and continued to negotiate with the resistance organization.

At this time, the three landing craft flew directly above the Sea of ​​Trees and hovered for a moment at a height of more than 100 meters. Since they slowly fell on the ridge of the Sea of ​​Trees.

Before the landing craft stopped, Luo Qi couldn't wait to jump out of the boat and rushed to Ye Han in one breath: "Boss, I'm here!"

Behind Luo Qi, a large group of paratroopers jumped off the landing craft and immediately turned to defense on the spot.

The soldiers on the other two landing craft also jumped down. Except for the driver and the necessary weapon control personnel who stayed on the boat, all the others disembarked and dispersed on the spot in company platoons.

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