Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1012: blockade

The gunfire gradually ceased, and the noisy battlefield returned to calm, leaving only dead bodies and blood on the ground.

Most of the corpses belonged to the noble army. They were lying on the battlefield. Some were covered in blood holes, some were charred and carbonized, and some were torn apart.

Groups of servants armed with rifles poured out of the battleships and walked into the battlefield in skirmish lines. They wandered among the piles of dead bodies in groups of threes and fives, looking for the enemy that was not yet dead, and killed them without hesitation.

Only in the direction of the Sea of ​​Trees, the situation is different. This is the battlefield where the noble army and the servant army confront each other. Tens of thousands of servants fell on the battlefield, and the servant army left a large number of wounded on the battlefield.

However, the servants who cleaned the battlefield treated them equally, and had no intention of treating the wounded at all. No matter which side of the wounded was killed, they would be dealt with with one shot.

Luo Qi, who was standing on the ridge of the ship, happened to see this scene, and couldn't help but feel a little unbearable in his life: "Master, why do they even care about their wounded? I wondered, the aliens don't take them back. What's the matter, why don't they treat themselves as people?"

Ye Han walked to Luo Qi's side, frowned and sighed: "Who knows, maybe it's not the mother's birth and the parents who don't care about life and death as much as we do."

Luo Qi twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words: "Master, what do you think the production line looks like? I always think that it should be the boss's vine, which is full of fruit, and each fruit has a servant!"

Ye Han was amused by Luo Qi: "Did you put those vines in the African cave?"

Luo Qi smiled: "Even the spaceship is formed from the top of the vine, what is the point of how many people are tied on the vine?"

Ye Han looked into the distance: "What is love?"

At this time, another wave of servants walked onto the battlefield. They didn't even carry guns. After entering the battlefield, they immediately began to turn over the corpses. They took off the rifles and bullets from the corpses and put them together. Another group of people went between the battlefield and the warships. During this time, return the recovered equipment to the battleship.

At the beginning, the servants were only picking off their own equipment, but it didn't take long before they began to touch the corpses of the nobles, and took off the pieces of equipment from the nobles and sent them to the battleship.

Ye Han keenly noticed that the "mercerized gun" on the arm of the noble army was the key target of the servants. When touching the corpse, he was always the first to collect the mercerized gun, and then strip off other equipment.

Taking a look at the satellite image, he could no longer find the shadow of the enemy nearby, but his heart couldn't let go, and he always felt that the next wave of the enemy's attack might appear at any time.

In the art of war, it is said that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. Although your own defense node is a solid battleship, it is not a solution to always wait for the enemy to attack.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but start thinking about countermeasures. He wanted to reverse the passive situation and find something for the enemy to do. The best way is, but the remaining troops are too small.

The main force of the servant army is a good target to attract attention. The problem is that the servant army is far away from the base. With the strength of the noble army, fighting on two fronts is not a problem at all... No, counting the troops commanded by Albert, the noble army actually It's a three-line battle.

But what about the three-line battle? To use an inappropriate analogy, throw 30,000 to 20,000 aliens on the earth without air support. Even if these aliens can gain a certain advantage in a short period of time, as long as they delay a little time, they will be transferred from the class. The opportunity to send generals to suppress the aliens is not difficult.

The reason why the aliens who landed on the earth is so difficult is because they hid in the ground in time to push the giant insects out to face the thunder. If the front of the bright sword and the spear slammed to death, human beings would not know how many times they would have been hammered to death.

Therefore, absolutely cannot put all hope on the servants!

Thinking of this, Ye Han has made a decision. First, take a look at the situation of the servants. From the satellite image, the laser from the battleship is helping the servants to clear the obstacles. The speed and smoothness of the servants' advance have been greatly improved than before. improve.

However, the noble army is everywhere, and various attacks are emerging one after another. Even if the servants continue to be broken by small troops, the annoying blocking still slows down the marching speed.

"Lishan Liangshan, I am No. 1. I order you to increase firepower to cover the servants and attract the attention of the enemy."

"Lishan understands!"

"Liangshan understands!"

"One group, two groups!"


"You draw a battalion each and get ready to go."


"Xiao Yuan, I think your cleaning is almost done, right?" Ye Han saw clearly on the satellite image and found that a group of servants who were cleaning the battlefield were retreating.

"Yes, teacher, I'll end it right away." Xiao Yuan replied.

"Very good. Immediately organize troops, mainly servants, and our people to assist. I bombed all the underground bunkers in the circle, leaving none of them."

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan agreed immediately.

"Bian Ge!" Ye Han shouted again.

"Here!" Bian Ge replied immediately, with a very positive attitude.

"When you're done over there, you'll be like a Ye Han said.

"Yes!" Bian Ge replied gloomily.

His side is the direction of the final end of the battle. The time to clean the battlefield is relatively late, and the speed is naturally slower.

Ye Han turned his head to find Luo Qi: "Luo Qi!"

"Here!" Luo Qi quickly jumped in front of Ye Han.

Ye Han cocked his head under the battleship, and the direction happened to be the collapsed hole: "You have to have a long memory after a sneak attack. Find a way to monitor the underground, and report any abnormalities immediately."

"Ah? How do you hear this?" Luo Qi's first reaction was embarrassment.

How come all the tasks given to others are combat missions, and it is his turn to put on such an errand?

Ye Han stared: "What's impossible? Haven't you watched the tunnel battle?"

Luo Qi slapped his forehead and slapped his helmet heavily: "Understood, I'll do it right away!"

He is relatively young, but he has seen the classic red movies. He is very impressed with the big vat half buried in the ground in the movie. He just suddenly didn't remember it. Ye Han reminded him like this, and he immediately remembered it. This crop.

But just jumping out, Luo Qi had trouble again. Where can I find a water tank in this ghost place? Besides, even if you dig a hole and bury the tank, there is no airborne sound in this ghost place!

But there is no difficulty in the world, Luo Qi thought of a way, first called two soldiers, asked them to carry a few cannonball boxes, and then called a few soldiers to run to the open space to dig holes.

The metal cannonball boxes are very thin, each one meter square, and it is definitely better to bury them in the ground than a large water tank.

No air is not a big problem. Luo Qi called the mechanic in the team and asked him to find a set of individual radios from the spare parts. He welded the pickup directly into the shell box, and then marked out a separate communication frequency for use. Listen, so a set of radio listening equipment is done.

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