Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1013: monitoring network

Ye Han was very satisfied with Luo Qi's creativity, and asked him to organize a few more people immediately, and make sure to include all the base areas into the monitoring scope.

Luo Qi immediately followed suit, and took a few soldiers to run from battleship to battleship. In order to enhance the monitoring effect, each battleship needed at least eight to ten ground listening boxes, which kept him very busy for a while.

The ground listening box near the Sea of ​​Trees was put into use first. The soldier in charge of monitoring just tuned the radio to the monitoring frequency band when he heard a dull explosion, and it happened again before he could recover.

He just remembered that just now, Ye Han seemed to have ordered the underground bunker inside the encirclement to be bombed... If the bombing was not finished, he didn't think of any role in the listening box.

Although the situation was a bit unexpected, the soldier still reported the situation in time, letting Ye Han know that the listening box would not work for the time being.

Ye Han didn't care much after receiving the report, but to be cautious, he still ordered the entire division to be more vigilant to avoid being attacked by the enemy.

The demolition operation in the encirclement went very smoothly. The edge of the encirclement of the encirclement of servants drawn from all directions began to push inward. After encountering an underground bunker on the way, they immediately surrounded it. Then the paratroopers accompanying the action started to blast the chrysanthemum gate with a small amount of explosives. Throw a large dynamite bag into the hole.

If a pack of dynamite fails to collapse the hole, throw a few more in until it collapses.

And instead of blowing up the cave and leaving it unattended, the servants who surrounded the cave did not withdraw, but continued to surround the cave and wait for orders.

In the process of advancing, it was not that no noble army came out to resist, but the diameter of the exit of the hole was limited. If three or five enemies were drilled at a time, it would be too much to say. All the enemies were ruthlessly crushed by the coalition forces.

After going back and forth, the enemy simply did not come out, and the coalition forces were allowed to blow up the exits of the underground bunkers one by one. After a while, all the exits of the bunkers in the encirclement were sealed.

But this is not over yet. The aristocratic army's ability to punch holes is too strong. There is no need to care about the export. As long as the noble army wants it, new exits can be made anytime and anywhere.

If you want to completely eradicate the noble army in the encirclement, you must use some special means.

So after the coalition forces blew up the last exit, the officers leading the team made several gestures to let the nearby servants withdraw first, leaving about two squads of paratroopers to surround and seal the hole in the middle of the encirclement.

After the platoon leader who led the team waited for all the servants to retreat, he gestured to a soldier, who immediately took out a nuclear mine not much bigger than a plate from his backpack!

He jumped down to the bottom of the pit with the mine in his hand, carefully placing the mine at the bottom of the pit, and his movements were unbelievably soft.

After laying down the mines, the soldier jumped out immediately, took a long breath and made a gesture of evacuation.

The platoon leader immediately ordered the troops to evacuate, not just this one hole, but everyone together.

The paratroopers who received the order immediately gestured to the nearby servants, and the men and horses on both sides evacuated as quickly as the tide. After everyone withdrew to the battleship, Ye Han issued the detonation order.

In the middle of the encirclement, a dazzling light burst suddenly, followed by a burst of flames, the battleship swayed against the ground, and a massive amount of soil and gravel was thrown into the air.

The equivalent of nuclear mines is extremely small, only twelve tons when fully loaded, but the power is not small, and the thrown ore covers the entire battlefield after falling.

If Ye Han hadn't ordered the gun truck and the landing craft to hide in advance, there would have been losses due to this small nuclear explosion.

The nuclear explosion came and went quickly. After all the soil had fallen, a huge explosion appeared in the middle of the encirclement. Although the underground situation was invisible, it was definitely not much better. I dare not say that the encirclement was completely collapsed. The underground structure below can at least destroy the shallow channel.

Ye Han thought and thought that the nuclear mine was easy to use, so he simply ordered the troops to put another one in the blast pit. If the enemy army used the method of punching a hole to attack, then the nuclear mine would be detonated directly, and they would not be killed!

As soon as the order was conveyed, Ye Han received a report from Luo Qi. The nuclear explosion was quite cool, but more than half of the already installed listening boxes were damaged in the nuclear explosion, and only the outermost ones were barely usable. of.

Ye Han hurriedly ordered Luo Qi to repair it quickly, and after thinking about it, he gave Luo Qi a severe training.

The ground listening box is not a troublesome thing, as for the possibility of running with people? Just give the method to the second group and let them do it themselves, won't it end?

So Ye Han gave another order, and after a while, all the listening boxes were placed, forming an invisible monitoring network.

The monitoring is not just one person for each ground listening box, but using communication equipment to turn all the ground listening boxes into a whole, monitoring all monitoring nodes through the program, any abnormal sound in any ground listening box will immediately trigger the alarm.

The time is too short, it is too late to write a special program for this However, the listening box operates through sound, and the fleet is equipped with a batch of ultrasonic waves for burrow detection in order to facilitate the attack of underground bunkers. radar!

The working principles of these two kinds of devices are very similar. With the assistance of the biochip, the programmers who accompanied the army modified the receiving program of the ultrasonic radar, and it actually played a good effect on the monitoring network.

But just because the effect was so good, there were a lot of jokes. First, the sound of a few paratroopers landing on the ground triggered the alarm, then the steps of two servants carrying ammunition in the bottom compartment of the battleship triggered the alarm, and then something fell to the ground. , trigger the alarm again.

The constant accident was torture, and the technicians were not allowed to urgently modify the program, try to filter the noise from the paratroopers and servants, and do their best to avoid false alarms.

It is not difficult to modify the program, no matter footsteps or other noises, there is a fixed sound frequency, as long as the program ignores the frequency of the noise.

The programmer had just filtered out the footsteps when he suddenly heard a wall-scratching sound. The sound was weak and continuous, which immediately caught the programmer's attention.

Through the cross detection of the monitoring nodes, it was finally determined that the sound came from the depths of more than 40 meters, and it was likely the sound of the enemy digging a landslide!

Probably because the sound was too weak, it failed to set off the alarm!

This is not good news. The programmers quickly increased the sensitivity of the monitoring network. However, due to the relatively high depth of the sound source, it should not be a precursor to an attack. After the programmers recorded the frequency of this sound, set it as the key monitoring frequency. .

As soon as the programmers completed the settings, the monitoring network issued an alarm again. Several people thought it was an accidental trigger again. They opened the monitoring record and planned to load the frequency into the filter band. The programmer in charge of the filter suddenly found that the sound source came from outside the surrounding circle!

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