Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1018: Cut corners

Sea of ​​Trees.

Luo Qi personally rushed to the power cabin with a class, pointed at the reactor and shouted loudly: "Hurry up, hurry up, put all the explosives for me!"

Several soldiers rushed up immediately, some placed explosives under the shell of the reactor, some placed explosives on the pipes of the primary circuit, and some cut the floor near the reactor.

Everything was in order, and Luo Qi shouted on the radio again: "Down the second deck, are you all seated?"

Commands are easy to issue, but difficult to execute.

The reactor of the transport ship is located in the middle and rear of the warship, with a height of more than ten meters. The entire reactor runs through three decks. According to the Navy's practice, the power compartment does not belong to any deck, but is called the power deck alone.

Below the power deck is the lower second deck, and further down is the bottom tank, so the distance between the reactor and the bottom tank is not far, which is very beneficial to the implementation of the plan.

Luo Qi immediately received the answer from the bottom deck: "The second deck is in place, it is cutting!"

"Hurry up!" Luo Qi instructed, "The bottom deck, how is the situation?"

There was a loud gunshot on the radio, and Luo Qi couldn't help but shudder.

"Report, the enemy has penetrated the bilge, is blocking, is blocking!"

"Pay attention to the time, time is running out!" Luo Qi said.

"The bilge understands..."

"Report, the lower second deck is pierced!"

"Okay!" Luo Qi raised his head suddenly, "Class four—"

"Report, the explosives are placed!"

"Great, No. 1, No. 1, I'm Luo Qi, the Sea of ​​Trees is ready!"

Ye Han, who received the news, did not hesitate: "As planned."

At this time, Ye Han had just returned to the ridge and looked at the wreck of the Red Sea two kilometers away.

Just half a minute ago, the Red Sea was hit by a nuclear cannonball from space. The originally dilapidated warship was shattered by the nuclear explosion, and most of the hull disappeared, only a small section of the bow and stern remained.

The enemy army that invaded the Red Sea must have been wiped out, but it was unknown whether the servants on the Red Sea had escaped.

Luo Qi also felt the shock of the nuclear explosion, but he didn't take it to heart at all, he simply answered yes, and then immediately conveyed the order: "The bottom cabin, I order you to evacuate immediately, twenty seconds, you only have Twenty seconds!"

"Bill received, withdraw!"

With an order, there was a sudden loud explosion from the bottom cabin. After the troops in the bottom cabin detonated a large number of grenades and several explosive packs, everyone immediately activated their flight bags and swarmed to the passage leading to the lower second deck.

At the same time, a similar scene was staged on other ships. On each warship, two groups of people were ordered in danger, and one group rushed to the power compartment, ready to destroy the reactor and release nuclear waste into the bottom compartment.

Attention, it's nuclear waste, not nuclear fuel!

The longer the half-life of the substance, the lower the radiation intensity. The half-life of uranium-235 is as long as 700 million years, and the half-life of uranium-238 is as long as 4.5 billion years. Therefore, the radiation intensity of uranium fuel rods is not high, even without any protection. When you hold it directly in your hand, the human body does not receive much radiation. The reason why you wear gloves when handling fuel rods is not to prevent radiation, but to prevent contamination of the fuel rods.

The nuclear waste or spent fuel is different. The main component of the nuclear-reacted fuel rods is no longer pure uranium 235, but isotopes containing hundreds of various elements. Their half-lives are as short as a few milliseconds and long. For thousands of years, its radiation intensity far exceeds that of pure nuclear fuel!

The reactor of the Haizi transport ship has been running for more than half a year, and there is strong radiation in the core, which must be enough for the noble army to drink a pot.

The other group rushed to the lower second deck, to be precise, under the reactor, and cut the deck directly below the reactor to open a channel for the flow of nuclear waste.

Speaking of which, we must talk about nuclear reactors.

Human beings have so far failed to overcome the controllable nuclear fusion technology, so whether military or civilian, all reactors are fission reactors.

According to the fuel state, the reactor can be simply divided into two types: solid fuel and liquid fuel. The former is the most familiar and widely used nuclear reactor, which uses metal fuel rods as fuel.

The latter is strictly divided into two cases, one is to use molten metal or liquid alloy containing fissile material as fuel, called liquid metal fuel reactor, and the focus is on the fuel state; the other is to inject molten metal in the thermal loop of the reactor. Metals or alloys that replace the cooling water with liquid metal, called a liquid metal cold reactor, the focus is on what the cooling material in the loop is.

Liquid metal reactors have always been the key research direction of military reactors. This kind of reactor was used on the first space warships transformed by the space shuttle.

Today, liquid metal reactors have made great progress and are widely used in various human space vehicles. All types of capital ships in the Beiyuezhou fleet, including assault ships, use this kind of reactor, which is characterized by operating pressure. Low, equipment efficiency and reliability are relatively These two points are one of the important reasons why the military of various countries chooses liquid metal reactors.

However, nothing is absolute. Only real human warships will be equipped with liquid metal stacks. The Haizi transport ship provided to the resistance organization is not in the human combat sequence at all. Except for a few key positions such as armor and propellers, the whole ship has other parts and components. Either cut corners or defective products.

It's not that the military is not attentive, but it is intentional to turn all the sea names into defective products. In order to manufacture these battleships, the orbital factories that are used to building battleships with the highest standards also spent a lot of brain cells. As a result, the final product not only cut corners, but also made The craftsmanship is equally appalling, and all the structures in the ship that can be omitted are omitted.

If the aliens use the transport ship to reverse engineer it, they will end up **** up on themselves.

The reason for this is that Beidu has never let down the defense against resistance organizations, and secondly, it prevents warship technology, including reactor technology, from falling into the hands of aliens.

This is no joke. The military even believed that the purpose of the resistance organization's cooperation with humans was to deceive a group of human warships.

After all, aliens have initially mastered artillery technology, and they may not be able to copy a batch of knockoff versions after getting human warships. Even if they absorb a little bit of the manufacturing concept of human warships, it is not good news for human beings.

So don't look at these battleships on the surface, there is nothing wrong with them, but the battleships with sufficient materials can be used for decades, and these transport ships can be used for a few years.

Anyway, the resistance organization did not plan to use it all the time, as long as it can fly to Jupiter and then fly back to Io, it is even easier now, just throw these battleships directly on Ganymede, and it is impossible to fly again if you want to fly. Even if the resistance organization wants to break its head, don't try to dismantle the tricks here.

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