Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1019: mind

Since the lifespan of a sea-headed transport ship is only three to five years, other equipment is naturally unnecessary. Take the reactor on the ship as an example, the reactors of other warships can run continuously for 30 to 50 years, from the time the warship leaves the factory until the warship. There is no need to replace the fuel when scrapped.

The life of the reactor at the head of the sea is only three to five years. Please note that it is not that the fuel can only be used for three or five years, but the overall life of the reactor is only three or five years, which is highly consistent with the life of the warship.

Anyway, it's the aliens, and Beidu really doesn't have the slightest pressure.

However, the reactor is the core equipment of the warship anyway, and it is also one of the focuses of the military. Therefore, the reactor on the Haizihao is not only a shrunk version after castration, but also has many anti-dismantling methods.

For example, abandoning the fuel rods and switching to liquid metal fuel, so even if the reactor is disassembled, it is not clear what the molten nuclear fuel is.

Another example is that the primary circuit of the reactor is full of molten sodium metal. It is not a problem when it solidifies after disassembly. The problem is that once the sodium encounters water, it will react quickly and explode.

And these preventive measures have now become the basic conditions for the injection of nuclear waste into the bilge!

After Luo Qi gave the order to the bilge, he immediately shouted on the radio: "Down the second deck, detonate and evacuate!"

"Received on the second deck!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Qi felt a bang from under his feet, followed by a strong tremor.

At the same time, everyone in the cockpit also noticed that there was a burst of fire right below the power deck. The soldiers who were evacuating were not in a hurry. Even if the nuclear waste was dumped now, everyone was protected by power armor. Staying here hard-top nuclear radiation, certainly not a problem.

At this time, the group responsible for blasting on the lower second deck also withdrew, and everyone flew to the main deck through the main passage.

Luo Qi, who received the news, decisively ordered the troops to evacuate, and did not forget to close the power compartment carefully before leaving.

Any ship carrying a reactor must consider the issue of nuclear leakage when designing it, and the sea-headed transport ship is no exception. Fortunately, the power compartment is also a key location where corners cannot be cut. Battleships are no longer available.

Since all the channels were opened in advance, Luo Qi and his troops rushed out of the battleship in only a few seconds. Luo Qi fell directly in front of Ye Han: "Master!"

"Are you all ready?"

"Okay!" Luo Qi nodded heavily.

"Then detonate it." Ye Han said.

At this moment, his mood is undoubtedly very heavy, but it is not for the bilge that is about to be submerged by nuclear waste, but he suddenly finds that this joint landing operation is simply hitting a wall, except for the violent assault of the main force of the servants. A bright spot, other aspects have always been led by the enemy by the nose.

Now that the Red Sea has been lost, in a short while, the ships will lose control of the bilge. If this continues, how long can the landing force last?

He never thought about attacking the underground bunker from the beginning, but being suppressed by the noble army in such a short time was also beyond his pre-war expectations. If he continued to be passive like this, even if the landing troops insisted on intercepting the fleet and the alien fleet exchanged fire , It is also unknown whether the alien fleet can be mobilized.

Ye Han was full of worries, but Luo Qi, who was standing beside him, was heartless. He was just a battalion commander, and he could do whatever the boss ordered.

So he gestured to the soldier beside him, indicating that the Demoman could detonate.

The soldier immediately sent a detonation signal, and in the closed power compartment, the explosives placed on the floor exploded first, and immediately opened a big hole in the floor.

Then the explosives on the primary circuit exploded, and molten sodium metal immediately flowed out of the exploded circuit.

Finally, it was the turn of the explosives on the reactor to explode, and a hole was immediately blown out in the outer shell of the reactor. The liquid nuclear fuel originally enclosed in the pressure-resistant shell slowly flowed out into the large hole on the floor, and then passed through the hole on the lower deck. , and finally fell into the bilge.

The radiation intensity of the engine compartment, the lower second deck, and the bilge suddenly soared. After a while, the radiation intensity of the bilge had reached a level that power armor could not resist.

So far, Bian Ge's battle plan has been completed. The remaining seven battleships are filled with radioactive waste. It's better if the noble army doesn't dig.

Luo Qi quickly reported the situation to Ye Han. Although the battles around the ships continued, Ye Han was really relieved.

After breaking the road to the bottom, he must be able to hold on for a while longer - now he no longer thinks about how to hurt the enemy, only how to hold on to the end of the interception battle.

Due to the inability to monitor the situation in the bilge, no one knew what was going on below, but five minutes after the nuclear waste was injected, the attack of the noble army was significantly reduced. After another two minutes, the enemy finally stopped attacking, but the nobles who had already rushed to the ground The army did not withdraw to the but ran away.

Bian Ge shouted excitedly: "Look, what did I say? It must have been a **** who dug through the bilge again, isn't it cool? Are you comfortable? I'll let you dig again!"

Suddenly, a burst of laughter was heard on the radio. Although Ye Han felt that it was not yet time to relax, the battle was so intense that it was rare for everyone to relax for a moment.

Just as the laughter over there ended, Ye Han received a private chat from Bian Ge: "Lao Ye, how do you feel?"

"It's not very good, I'm getting nervous so fast." Ye Han complained unabashedly.

Bian Ge smiled and said: "It's normal, so much pressure is carried on one person, who doesn't have a nervous breakdown?"

Ye Han sighed and stretched out his legs and sat down: "You were so uncomfortable back then?"

"It's much worse than you." Bian Ge told the truth, "It's still on Earth anyway, how can it be like this ghost place?"

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "My life is bad."

"Bad words, bad luck, let me be your teacher, I can't wait to go one step further."

"Come on, why didn't you say that before you set off? If you opened your mouth at that time, I would definitely abdicate without a word!" Ye Han vowed.

If time goes back, Ye Han will give way, he will definitely quit, but now he really has the feeling that the chief officer is not easy to do.

But sitting in this position, more than 2,000 people in the entire division have put their lives in his hands, and he has to continue to persevere no matter what.

"Hurry up and pull it down, I think it's you who pulled it down, you don't want to run on me, I don't want to take it if you give it to me!" Bian Ge mercilessly exposed Ye Han, "Hey, let's be serious, you are talking about aliens When will the next wave of people call?"

Ye Han thought about it and said, "It shouldn't be that fast."

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