Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1025: turn over

"Report!" Xiao Yuan's voice interrupted Ye Han's thinking, "Commander, the landing craft is following, you should take the guard battalion to the boat first."

The landing craft was much faster than the flight bag, and gradually caught up with the changing track.

Ye Han refused without hesitation: "I'll wait, Bian Ge!"


"Organize the second regiment to board the boat, you go back first, and the others will wait."

Bian Ge said: "You are the commander, you should go back first."

"Command?" Ye Han sighed bitterly, "It's all like this, what should I command?"

"You can't say that..."

"Don't say anything." Ye Han stopped, "This is an order."

Bian Ge was silent for a moment, and finally agreed, and began to organize personnel to board the landing craft.

After everyone in the second regiment entered the landing craft, there were still a few landing craft left. Ye Han asked Xiao Yuan to organize a group of people, and he had to stay at the end.

From the bottom of his heart, Ye Han did have the idea of ​​returning to the battleship first, but he just thought about it, he would never really do that anyway.

Not only Ye Han, many people in the first regiment and the guard battalion hope to return to the battleship earlier, but the order has been issued, and everyone will strictly follow the order.

After understanding Ye Han's thoughts, Bian Ge did not delay at all, and immediately flew away with the troops.

Staying here can only delay time, fly back earlier and fly back earlier.

After the landing craft flew away, Ye Han turned his attention back to the ground.

It can be seen from the satellite image that the enemy has re-arranged the encirclement, surrounded the remaining five battleships, and attacked them with dense fine light on both sides.

However, the servants guarding the battleship did not give up their resistance at all, and still insisted on the battleship to fight back with all their might.

However, the weapons in the hands of the servants are very limited, and the heavy weapons are even more pitiful. Rifles are of no use in this long-range firepower coverage. The servants are beaten, beaten, and beaten from beginning to end.

Ye Han sees this as a sigh, it is obviously a war between humans and aliens, but it is the servants who persist to the end, what is this special?

He quickly put the useless emotions behind him, feeling that it would be good for himself to cause trouble for the enemy and let the servants hold on for a while longer, and he immediately shouted on the radio: "Liangshan, how many nuclear bombs are left? "

"Report from Liangshan, two."

Ye Han's fiery heart suddenly cooled: "Lishan, how many nuclear bombs are left?"

"Report from the Mountain, one!"

I rely on it, it is not as good as Liangshan!

Ye Han was frustrated, but immediately thought of the supply ship: "Dongzhou, Dongzhou, please reply!" The three supply ships are not small in tonnage, and they are all disguised as air carrier ships. They all followed the Nanzhou number and were named Dongzhou, Xizhou and Beizhou respectively.

These three spaceships are not combat ships, and they have stayed in the safe rear since the fleet approached Ganymede.

"Dongzhou received, please speak!"

"Dongzhou, I need your ship's weapon list!"

"Received, I will send it to you right away." Ye Han received a document as soon as he finished speaking.

While receiving the document, Ye Han asked, "Dongzhou, did you bring nuclear bombs? I need nuclear shells."

"We have a batch of 120-ton nuclear artillery shells here, but the caliber is too small for an assault ship," Dongzhou said.

Ye Han was immediately depressed: "What about the others? Is there anything else?"

The caliber of the assault ship's naval guns is 120 mm, and the nuclear shells used have a yield of 1,200 tons, and these low-yield nuclear shells are prepared for the medium-caliber rapid-fire guns of the main ships, and their main purpose is air combat.

"There are also a number of nuclear mines."

Nuclear mines... There are also many on the assault ship, not only nuclear mines, but also a batch of individual rockets with nuclear warheads!

"No more?" Ye Han asked reluctantly.

The weapon list has been opened, but Ye Han didn't have the heart to look at it at all, so he directly asked if it was faster than himself?

"There are also a number of missiles with nuclear warheads, the kind used in aircraft."

"Missile? Great!" Ye Han was surprised, "Give it all to me!"

"For you? Even if I give it to you, you don't have a plane!"

Ye Han was almost out of breath: "Why don't you care if I have a plane or not, how to throw it, I'll find a way, hurry up, give me all the bombs..."

"All for you?" The voice was amazed, "How many thousands!"

"So much? How much is the equivalent?" Ye Han suddenly had a bad premonition.

"12 tons, like a nuclear mine."

"Damn it!" Ye Han was helpless, "Don't you have a big equivalent?"

In order to save limited resources, the military has equipped a large number of miniature nuclear weapons. 12 tons is the lowest yield that can be achieved by domestic technology. It is widely used in the warheads of small and medium-sized missiles such as artillery shells, mines, and air-to-air missiles.

This thing is very effective for fighting warships. It is not only wasteful to use air strikes, but also not very powerful.

"No." Dongzhou's answer was particularly happy, "The large equivalents are all on Beizhou..."

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Ye Han was angry, "Beizhou number Beizhou number, please answer when you receive it!"

"The Beizhou number has been received, please tell us about UU reading!"

"Give me the list of weapons, nukes."

"Understood, my ship has 14 gigaton hydrogen bombs."

"It's over?" Ye Han was stunned.

"It's over." Beizhou replied.

Ye Han thought for a while: "I seem to understand, the Dongzhou ships are all low-equivalent, and yours are all super-large. What equivalents do Xizhou carry?"

"The Xizhou ship is mainly for provisions."

"Okay, I don't care about this, give me the nuclear bombs right away... By the way, which ones are your nuclear bombs?"

"Heavy bombs, used on planes."

Ye Han almost fainted: "Why is it a plane again? Where am I going to find a plane?"

Aerial bombs are designed to deal with ground targets. The purpose of these nuclear bombs must be to bomb satellites... The equivalent of hundreds of millions of tons is enough for aliens to drink a pot.

"Don't look for it, we have it here." Beizhou said, "I brought it for Nanzhou, but they are all remote control models. I only have the aircraft and no control equipment here."

"Where's the missile? Are there any missiles?"

"There are missiles, but no suitable ones."

"Then can I use a landing craft?"

"I don't know, I don't know machine repair."

"Okay, get ready to hand over the bombs." Ye Han immediately switched the frequency band after speaking, "Liangshan, immediately ask the mechanic if he can think of a way to add a pylon to the landing craft, something like a bomb."

"Liangshan received!" After a moment of silence on the radio, Liangshan's voice reappeared, "No. 1, I asked and said yes, but we have equipment and no parts here, and we can't change it if we want to!"

Ye Han's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted: "Tell them to me, just say what I said, and let them find a way. In any case, they must change a landing craft for me!"


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