Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1026: forbearance

At nine o'clock in the evening on May 26, 2030, Ye Han finally returned to the assault ship, and Liangshan became the temporary flagship due to Ye Han's arrival.

Captain Li Gaoyun, Lin Yi, Bian Ge and others all rushed to the bottom to greet them, but the first question Ye Han asked after getting off the landing craft was, "Has the landing craft been changed?"

Li Gaoyun quickly replied, "It's changed!"

"How did you change it? Isn't there no part?" Ye Han asked.

Li Gaoyun glanced at Lin Yi and said in a low voice, "The mechanic team came up with a way to weld a few fixing bolts on the outside of the landing craft, wrap the bomb around the outside of the landing craft with straps, and then... um, make a good advance and fly towards the target. , and arrange two people outside the boat to unlock it manually."

Ye Han couldn't help but startled, and asked suspiciously, "Is it possible? This is thrown from space to the ground!"

"It should be possible." Li Gaoyun said, "This kind of bomb also has power, can lock on the target and automatically correct the deviation, and the position when throwing is not too much."

"Okay, just do it like this!" Ye Han made the decision on the spot, "How long will it take to fix it?"

The method is indeed a bit simple, but what Ye Han wants is to throw the bombs out. As long as this goal can be achieved, let alone tying the bombs to the landing craft, it is no problem for people to push the bombs and throw them on the ground!

Li Gaoyun let out a long sigh: "It's been changed, and now the bombs are missing." The orbit of the supply ship is relatively high, and it has not flown over until now.

Ye Han gently floated to the passage leading to the bridge: "One is not enough, let the mechanic team take the time to change a few more ships, how can the personnel solve it?" From the battleship to the ground, 700 kilometers, if there is only one landing craft, It takes at least half an hour to throw one, plus the time to fix the bomb, throwing one in an hour is fast.

The thing he most wants to do now is to take revenge on the aliens, and it will be torment for every minute and second to wait.

Li Gaoyun immediately looked at Bian Ge.

Bian Ge said: "Explain the situation to the soldiers and recruit volunteers."

"Just do this, make sure the situation is clear, and let the soldiers be careful when throwing it." Ye Han said.

Soldiers all have biochips, which can use the function of the chip to control the throwing direction of bombs. Although biochips cannot be as accurate as the fire control system of warships, with the ability to correct the deviation of the bombs themselves, it should not be difficult to hit the target.

Several people acted separately immediately. Li Gaoyun immediately arranged for the mechanic repair team to refit the landing craft. Bian Ge called the soldiers to explain the situation and recruited volunteers. Ye Han rushed to the Liangshan bridge reconstruction headquarters.

It has been more than two hours since the airborne division was evacuated, and the battle on the ground is still continuing, but three of the five battleships have been captured by the noble army, and only the Xihai and Nanhai are still struggling.

Perhaps knowing that the human troops had left, the noble army did not destroy the transport ship as before, but sent a large number of personnel to attack the battleship while piercing the shell of the battleship, making it clear that they wanted to grab the battleship.

Ye Han should have blasted these battleships long ago. The reason why he has not done so is because he wants to give the noble army the illusion that they can grab the battleship, so they will think about grabbing the battleship instead of directly dismantling the battleship. , thus reducing the intensity of the attack and allowing the servants guarding the battleship to last longer.

But it only lasted for a while. Judging from the satellite images, the Xihai and Nanhai could not last long.

Ye Han floated motionless in front of the main screen for a while, willing to support, but knew that no amount of support could change the final result.

His eyes turned to the Tiankeng again, and since the main force of the servant army entered the Tiankeng, he lost contact. Until now, he does not know what is going on in the Tiankeng.

Ye Han gritted his teeth and temporarily left the servants behind: "Where is the Nanzhou? Can I contact you?"

Lin Yi looked sideways at the communications staff, and the staff staff quickly said, "The Nanzhou is on the other side of Jupiter and can be contacted through a repeater."

"Give me the Nanzhou number!" Ye Han said.

"Yes!" The communications staff hurriedly complied, explaining while contacting Nanzhou, "Master, the electromagnetic interference is too strong, so we can only use laser communication, only sound but no image."

"It doesn't matter... Is it connected?" Ye Han asked.

"Passed!" The communications staff happened to see the connection signal.

Just as Ye Han was about to speak, a voice appeared first: "I'm Gao Kai."

"Old Gao, I, Ye Han, do you know the situation here?"

"Got it, how are you?" Gao Kai asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but the servants are all over, and I also throw half of the battalion inside. I can't swallow this breath!"

Gao Kai's voice was solemn: "What are you going to do?"

"Isn't there a batch of aerial bombs on the Beizhou? I plan to bomb Ganymede." Ye Han said.

"Now?" Gao Kai's voice suddenly rose, "No, absolutely not, Ye Han, have you ever thought about the consequences of blowing up Ganymede now? Do you know the consequences of such a big nuclear bomb explosion?"

"I know that's why I discussed it with you." Ye Han said, "At least let me be prepared, if there is a need..."

"Don't need it when?" Gao Kai grabbed the white, "Our mission is to mobilize the alien fleet, not to completely destroy Ganymede. You never thought about the consequences of pushing the enemy in a hurry?"

Ye Han also raised his tone: "Then tell me, why don't you bring them?"

"Bring them is not to bomb Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, or even Io as you wish, but Ganymede can't do it!" Gao Kai argued.

Ganymede is the old nest of aliens. Compared with Ganymede, Europa and Callisto can only be regarded as foils. Blowing up two and four can also be said to deter aliens, but blowing up Ganymede is equivalent to Forcing aliens and humans to die endlessly.

Ye Han closed his eyes, took deep breaths again and again, and was silent for a while before saying softly, "I see..."

Gao Kai said again: "Ye Han, I understand your mood, you can throw the low-equivalent ones whatever you want, but those big guys really can't!"

"Don't worry, I'm not a child anymore, so don't persuade me." Ye Han took the initiative to change the subject after speaking, "How about you?"

"It's not good, they've been hanging, their speed is about the same, and they can fly out in two laps." Gao Kai said.

Ganymede’s revolution speed is only a little over ten kilometers per second, but the speed required to fly away from Jupiter’s gravity is a little over sixty kilometers per second. Whether it’s an alien giant ship or a human spaceship, if you want to fly away from Jupiter, you must increase the speed to sixty kilometers. above!

The result was that they accelerated continuously for more than ten hours, and the spaceships of both sides were still revolving around Jupiter.

Ye Han silently calculated in his heart: "When you fly out, there should be news about the intercepting fleet, right?"

"Yeah." Gao Kai responded, "You stay put for the time being and wait until there is news."

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