Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1048: rescue in rescue

Long Jianguo took a breath and said: "The most important part of this plan is time. The main cave is in the hands of the enemy. My troops are all operating in units of squads. We must hurry into the main cave and hold the enemy back, otherwise Let the enemy penetrate the branch hole, and the trapped troops will be in danger."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Bian Ge asked.

"I have given the order, the troops are moving." Long Jianguo said.

"Are you sure?"

"No." Long Jianguo told the truth, "It's not difficult to get into the main hole, but the difficulty is whether the trapped troops can hold on until the main force enters, and that after entering the main hole, not only will they have to repel the enemy, but they may also have to clear their support. If the enemy in the cave can't make trouble, the enemy will have to attack from back and forth, and if the rescue troops let the enemy disperse... the consequences are unimaginable."

"How many troops are you going to put in all the way?" Bian Ge asked.

"One or two companies, and no more will be able to do it." Long Jianguo said, "The priority is to rescue the lost troops. The ones who can be contacted will see the degree of danger, and those who can save themselves try their best to save themselves."

Bian Ge could hear it, and there were so many troops in the main cave and branch cave. It was necessary to determine which troops were in danger and needed to be rescued first, and which troops were in good condition and could save themselves. Just thinking about it, he knew how much pressure the commander had.

And everything is going well. If there is an accident in the middle, the troops that should be rescued are not rescued, and even the rescue troops are put in. If the rescue plan is not good, it will be in vain. Long Jianguo is a failure. The result of the pleasing, returned to the earth also had to go to the military court.

At this time, Bian Ge had already led the second regiment through the giant ship and was advancing towards the bottom layer. Looking at the cave on the wall of the well, a thought suddenly appeared: "Old Long, I have an idea, you can refer to it."

"what idea?"

"Is that so, did the troops remember the locations of all the caves when they entered the shaft?"


"That's good." Bian Ge said, "I just got out of the giant ship, and the giant ship is stuck very tightly. I think Wanzhen can send her troops into the giant ship again, find the location of the cave according to the previous record, and start from the giant ship. The inside of the ship exploded the shell, opened the cave and picked up the trapped personnel!"

"Is it possible?" Long Jianguo hesitated, "The plan is quite good, but the caves blocked by the giant ships are all on the support points, there is no need to blow up the places with gaps, and the places without gaps are the support points. If it blows up, what if the giant ship slides further down?"

"Isn't that better? The giant ship falls down and makes way for it. Whether it's blasting or digging, it's much more convenient than it is now!" Bian Ge said, "It's better to just blow up the support points and let the giant ship slide down!"

Long Jianguo said hesitantly: "It's easy to blow up a giant ship, but what if it gets stuck after slipping for a while? The people who should be rescued are not rescued by then, and the ones that were all right are trapped again. Maybe they can't even gather the strength to rescue people. !"

"Then blow up the giant ship with a nuclear bomb!" Bian Ge gritted his teeth, "Break up the giant ship directly, what do you think?"

"I reserve my opinion." Xiao Yuan said, "The diameter of the shaft is too small. Even the smallest nuclear bomb is too powerful. It will definitely affect the shaft. If the strength of the shaft is damaged, it will be troublesome."

"I also think it's better to be cautious. Although this method is simple and direct, the consequences are unpredictable. You can't mess around unless you have to." Long Jianguo said.

Two to one, Bian Ge sighed: "Well, listen to you."

The three men unified their opinions and immediately acted according to the established plan. One regiment and two regiments blocked the passage under the shaft at the fastest speed, while the divisional troops under the command of Long Jianguo attacked several branch holes near the giant ship.

The attacking team soon encountered the enemy, and under Long Jianguo's order, each advancing team concentrated a few machine guns to clear the way.

In order to counteract the recoil of the machine gun, the machine gunners who were firing frantically had to follow several soldiers, and they pushed the backs of their comrades one by one, so as to ensure that the team moved forward quickly.

The barrel of the gun is spinning rapidly, and the bullets are sprinkled on the enemy like no money. The dense rain of bullets fills the tunnel, giving the enemy no room to hide at all. Any noble army that encounters these teams will end up being shot by a torrential rain of bullets. Sieve.

The military has long been equipped with 12.7mm armored rifles. For a long time, whether dealing with giant insects or against aliens, armored rifles have always been the military's main rifles, but other than armored rifles, other weapons equipped by the troops have changed like a revolving lantern. stop.

In the early years, considering the convenience of logistics and the versatility of ammunition, the caliber of machine guns and sniper rifles was also 12.7 mm.

The 12.7mm large-caliber sniper rifle is invincible against human beings, but the aliens are tall and covered with a layer of shells. Unless they hit the key points accurately, it is difficult to kill them in one hit, so the military uses 20mm sniper guns. Replacing the original sniper rifle strives to kill the enemy in one shot.

The ultra-large caliber of 20 mm endows the sniper gun with super power. Even if it fails to hit the key point of the alien, it can kill the alien in a very short time.

Anyway, sniper rifles are accurate firepower. Training a sniper consumes thousands of ammunition, but the actual consumption of ammunition is often only tens of hundreds of rounds, and there is no pressure on ammunition.

Machine gunners are the exact opposite. Machine guns suppress firepower, and combat relies on firepower density, not precision shooting.

However, the 12.7mm machine gun is too big and heavy, and the machine gunner and the sub-shooter can't carry many bullets in total, so they don't dare to open the fire, otherwise they will be able to shoot all the bullets in a short time.

If you have your own logistical support, it’s fine. If you go deep behind the enemy, the machine gunner must try his best to save bullets. The result is that the machine gunner tries to shoot short bursts, and the firepower density is similar to that of an armored rifle. It is convenient to use the armored rifle directly.

To improve the situation, the military had to replace the armored machine guns with 7.62mm multiple-barreled machine guns.

In terms of power, 7.62 mm is indeed far inferior to 12.7 mm, but it is not that it cannot penetrate aliens, but it is a matter of too many body guns.

Moreover, after changing the gun, the ammunition carried by the machine gunner is four times that of the past, and even six to eight times in extreme cases, and can spread firepower on the enemy. It can leave more than a dozen transparent holes in the aliens.

To make up for the lack of lethality with quantity, the deterrent effect of medium-caliber machine guns on the enemy is much stronger than that of armored machine guns.

This is like the difference between a rifle and a shotgun. Rifles can indeed kill people. The amount is that a shotgun hits a blood hole all over the body, and the psychological pressure it brings is stronger than a rifle.

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