Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1049: clues

The division's direct attack at all costs achieved brilliant results. Seven minutes after the order was issued, the guard battalion took the lead in opening the branch hole and rushed into the main hole of No. 4 passage. The guard company suppressed the enemy behind the main hole and found it. The missing troops of nine squads happened to be the strength of one company.

When Long Jianguo received the news, the second guard company that followed up had already launched an attack on each branch hole of the No. 4 passage. It was optimistic that they would be able to rescue the trapped troops soon.

Half a minute later, Long Jianguo received good news again. The second company of the teaching battalion opened the No. 8 channel, but the main force of the enemy had entered the branch hole in large numbers, and they only contacted the four trapped troops.

In order to prevent the enemy from attacking from both sides, the second company was taught not to enter the main hole of the No. 8 passage, but to kill the enemy with a large number of firepower, posing as if they were attacking the depths of the main hole, to lure the enemy in the branch hole to return to help and alleviate the situation. The pressure of trapped troops.

Then other troops also sent back good news. As analyzed before the war, it was not a problem to get into the main hole at all, the problem was how to rescue the trapped troops.

Long Jianguo was very concerned about the situation of the trapped troops, and he was also concerned about the whereabouts of Ye Han. No matter which troops reported success, he would immediately ask if Ye Han was found.

However, no matter which troop, they did not report finding Ye Han, and Long Jianguo had put down half of his heart and hung up again.

So far, there is no news. Either the cave where Ye Han took refuge has been breached by aliens, or the cave has not been able to restore contact with the main force until now!

His eyes immediately fell on the No. 5 passage. The No. 5 passage is the only passage that is completely blocked by the giant ship, and there is no branch hole leading to the shaft!

Long Jianguo knew very well that Ye Han's sacrifice might be much greater than the possibility of being trapped in Channel 5, but he was unwilling to believe that Ye Han had already sacrificed, and many troops were trapped in Channel 5.

At this time, the only mobile power in his hand was the teaching company. He gritted his teeth and called Ouyang Ping. After explaining this, Ouyang Ping repeatedly agreed, and immediately led the teaching company into the giant ship.

Ouyang Ping and his team rushed to the designated location. After a while, they found a branch hole leading to the No. 5 channel inside the giant ship. First, the giant ship was blasted from the inside, and then the blocked hole was blasted.

Before the smoke of the explosion had dissipated, Ouyang Ping had already rushed to the entrance of the cave: "Number one, number one, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it!"

There was no response in the cave, and Ouyang Ping, who was full of hope, couldn't help but feel lost: "Long Tuan, the cave exploded, but there was no movement inside, I'll take someone to rush in immediately!"

"Be careful!"

"Yeah!" Ouyang Ping agreed and waved at the soldier beside him, who immediately sent a few mechanical spiders into the hole.

After the mechanical spider ran out a few dozen meters, Ouyang Ping leaped into the cave with a stride.

Several soldiers from the training camp quickly caught up, grabbed Ouyang Ping and rushed into the cave.

Everyone was ready for battle, but they rushed out two or three hundred meters in one breath, and they didn't see a single enemy.

Ouyang Ping felt uneasy and acted more and more cautiously. After rushing out more than 100 meters, the warrior manipulating the mechanical spider suddenly exclaimed: "There is a situation!"

He shouted like this, but he didn't mean to hide it at all, but other people subconsciously flashed to the sides.

Ouyang Ping quickly asked, "What's the situation?"

"It's the enemy!" The soldier's tone was strange, "It's all dead!"


"Just ahead, forty or fifty meters."

Ouyang Ping separated the soldiers and jumped to the front, and sure enough, he saw several aliens lying down tens of meters ahead.

Without saying a word, he picked up the rifle and fired a short burst. The bullet accurately hit the fallen alien. The impacted alien was lifted up a little by the impact of the bullet, but soon fell again, and all the reactions were It's no different from a corpse.

Ouyang Ping put away his gun: "Let's go and see, there are not many corpses, it may be killed by the three regiments." At this time, the three regiments were equivalent to the trapped troops, which is why they said this.

The soldiers immediately jumped over with their guns and landed near the alien's corpse, and immediately saw several open blood holes on the corpse.

Ouyang Ping had already followed, looked at the corpse and said hurriedly, "They must be alive, speed up!"

The soldiers rushed into the hole without saying a word, leaving the mechanical spider behind.

The team only walked more than ten meters, and Ouyang Ping saw many bullet casings on the ground. After advancing another twenty or thirty meters, he found several alien bodies.

Continuing to walk forward, there were more and more corpses of aliens, and he couldn't help secretly surprised, thinking that the combat effectiveness of this unit was good!

In this way, they rushed all the way to the main cave. When the team was about to rush into the main cave, they suddenly found the body of one of their own.

The two soldiers at the front grabbed it together. After seeing the signs on the armor, they turned around and said, "The battalion commander, the people of the third regiment."

Ouyang Ping looked at the dark main cave: "Go ahead, you will see people die and corpses!"

The troops just rushed into the main cave, and the soldiers saw the bodies of more than a dozen of their own soldiers lying down in the cave tens of meters long. On average, one soldier died in three to five Farther away places where the corpses of the enemy piled up.

The soldiers immediately checked the identity of the martyrs, the three regiments or the three regiments, and it was almost certain that the trapped troops launched a counterattack against the enemy.

At this moment, the soldier who inspected the last body suddenly jumped up: "The battalion commander, it's the guard battalion, there are people from the guard battalion!"

"Are you sure?" Ouyang Ping grabbed the body in a few steps.

It was a corpse that had been blown up in half, and his eyes fell on the armored left arm, immediately confirming the identity of the corpse.

He couldn't believe his eyes: "Long Tuan Long Tuan, I'm Ouyang Ping from the teaching camp, I have found out on Channel 5!"

"What did you find?"

"The people in the guard battalion have been sacrificed, the armor number is j010213!"

"Wait!" Long Jianguo finished his voice, and after more than ten seconds, his voice reappeared, "Ouyang Ouyang, the identity has been confirmed, when the commander left the giant ship, he followed the commander. ?"


"Will you retreat into the branch hole?"

"Probably not." Ouyang Ping looked into the depths of the main cave, "The oxygen cylinders on the armor are gone!"

So many people fell on the way to charge and took the oxygen cylinders of the sacrificed personnel. The troops trapped here must have rushed into the depths of the main cave!

Based on Ouyang Ping's understanding of Ye Han, Ye Han is not the type to sit still, and scoring in the main hole is in line with his character. Moreover, Teach Erlian has entered various branch caves to find the trapped people, but they have not found it until now. If people are still hiding in branch caves, they should have contacted by this time.

Long Jianguo also thought of this, he took a deep breath: "Ouyang, the situation is very obvious, you must get into the main hole as soon as possible, I will call someone to support you immediately!"


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