Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1069: remnant army

The words had no beginning or end, but all the Demomen understood the meaning of the words. They immediately put on the time-delay fuze, aimed at the top of the cave and fired.

Due to the extremely small hit angle, the 35mm grenade immediately bounced off the roof of the cave, and then flew to the short alien behind the servant.

Although this method has a poor hit rate, it doesn't matter if it misses the target. If it misses the target, it can explode behind the servants, blocking the sight of those little guys, and all these dwarfs are cowards. Danger, the first reaction is to withdraw, rather than continue to hold on.

The light from the alien dwarf quickly weakened, and the servants in front were almost killed by the alien dwarf. The Italian army killed the remaining servants in one go, and chased after the alien dwarf's ass.

The Brigadier General was happy to see this happen, but Ye Han almost vomited blood.

Just run away, the alien dwarf, what's the matter with running away from the shaft?

Several alien dwarfs were killed by the Italian army in a chase and escape. A few minutes later, an ice cave suddenly appeared in front of them, and the remaining alien dwarfs were a little faster.

Ye Han secretly screamed badly, and was about to remind the brigadier general that the speed of the Italian army had slowed down.

Ye Han couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, well, he thought that the brigadier general was blinded by hatred, but in fact, he was fine at all... If you think about it, there is nothing wrong, no matter which country you are in, the brigadier general is a high-ranking official, who can sit in this position Not the old fox?

The situation of the ice cave in front was unknown, Ye Han quickly shouted: "Luo Qi put the spider, hurry up!"

"Yes..." Luo Qi agreed, and before he could convey the order, fire suddenly flashed in the ice cave ahead, and the sudden rain of bullets instantly knocked the alien dwarf to the ground.

Ye Han was stupid, the brigadier general was stupid, Luo Qi, Ouyang Ping, and all the soldiers who witnessed this scene were stupid.

I don't know whose voice exploded on the radio: "Who's in front?"

No one answered, Ye Han immediately adjusted the communication frequency to the common frequency band of the multinational force, and immediately heard a burst of foreign dialects.

He didn't understand what he said, the voice should be the brigadier general.

Then there was another whimpering response on the radio, still incomprehensible, but Ye Han would bet that he was speaking French this time.

The Brigadier General's pronunciation changed, and he started speaking in French.

Ye Han was so depressed, he switched back to his own communication band and asked, "Does anyone understand French? Does anyone understand?"

No one spoke on the radio, and after a while, Luo Qi's voice came out: "It would be nice to find someone who understands English..."

This is the truth, Ye Han sighed helplessly after hearing this.

In terms of language, Chinese people really can’t compare with Europeans. It’s not that they are worse than Europeans, but the languages ​​of European countries are all Latin, and the differences between them are the same as the differences between domestic dialects, so Europeans I can speak three or four languages ​​casually... I can speak several dialects, okay?

The biochip comes with a translation system, but this system is still barely able to translate text, and the accuracy of listening and translation is as touching as garbled characters.

Perhaps remembering that there are Chinese troops behind, the brigadier general's voice changed to English, and Qi Yue finally came in handy: "Senior, the brigadier general said please come over, there is a French army in the ice cave in front. "

Ye Han was full of surprise: "Can you meet allies in this ghost place?"

That being said, Ye Han's speed was not slow, and he entered the ice cave behind the careless man.

Ye Han originally thought that the strength of the French had to be similar to the Italians, but when he entered the ice cave, he found out that the French troops in the cave were filled with less than one platoon.

Ye Han's mind was a little dizzy: "Are all the French troops here?"

A hard, tired voice said, "It's all here, everyone."

"You are……"

A French soldier with a blue, white and red tricolor flag on his arm stepped out and greeted casually: "Your Excellency, I am Captain Renault, and this unit is under my command."

Ye Han sucked in a breath: "Are you kidding me? Don't the French army have a whole division?" The name reminded him of a famous French actor, but he couldn't remember what he played.

Renault's tone was heavy: "When it was airborne, it was still one division. When it landed, there were only half of the divisions left. Now there are only thirty-two divisions left."

Ye Han thought about it and said, "I feel the same way about your experience, but I have to ask about your experience."

Since leaving the ice cave, the Sino-Italian coalition has never encountered a large-scale blockade. He originally thought that this happened because the enemy had placed the main force near the shaft, but now that he thinks about it, it may also be because the nearby There are other friendly forces that have not been in contact.

It is very likely that the aliens had to temporarily allow the Sino-Italian coalition forces to roam around in order to encircle and suppress this human army.

Reno said understandingly: "Okay, no problem, I can understand, what do you want to ask?"

"Where did you enter the underground from, the direction of the which enemies you encountered, etc., the more detailed the better." Ye Han said.

The brigadier general Qi Yue next to him has been translating the conversation between the two. Hearing the brigadier general suddenly said something, Qi Yue translated: "Master, the brigadier general said, it would be better if you know which one has an exit."

Reynolds said in French, "Sorry, General, we've never been near the exit since we went underground."

After Renault finished speaking, he repeated it in Chinese.

Ye Han couldn't help but sigh: "Your Chinese is good." Reynolds' Chinese is actually only average, but for Westerners, Chinese is the most difficult language to learn in the world, and it is really good to be able to say this level.

Renault twitched his lips: "Thank you, there are two Chinese in my team, but they both sacrificed."

Ye Han immediately realized something and whispered, "You are the Foreign Legion?"

"Yes." Reno nodded.

"No wonder... um, tell me what happened to you." Ye Han said.

In his impression, the mention of the French army must mention Napoleon. Since the defeat of the army of the French First Empire across Europe, the French army is like an eggplant beaten by frost, and it has never been able to reproduce the glory of the Napoleonic era.

To put it more bluntly, the French army almost broke its backbone, and its performance in World War I and World War II was obvious to all. At one time, it could only rely on the Foreign Legion to make up its appearance.

That is to say, in Ye Han's impression, the Foreign Legion is the most powerful force in France, but this army is not all aliens, foreigners can only serve as low-level officers at most, and officers at all levels must be French. Thus ensuring that this force is in the hands of the French.

Renault is a typical French name, and the identity background of this captain has revealed the tip of the iceberg.

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