Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1070: are they still alive

After listening to Ye Han's question, Captain Renault asked hesitantly, "Do you want to talk now?" The implication is that this is not the place to talk.

"Yes, now." Ye Han said, "I need more information to decide what to do next."

"Understood." Reno nodded, "We entered the underground from the No. 1 airport and went down along the shaft to the bottom of the well..."

Following Captain Renault's narration, the encounter of the French army gradually unfolded in front of Ye Han's eyes.

The French army was the first airborne troops, and the goal at the beginning of the airborne was Airport No. 1.

The airborne process was as dangerous as what Ye Han saw. There was a full combat division at the start, and only half of them were left when they landed, and there were still a lot of aliens hidden near the No. 1 airport.

The scattered French troops immediately assembled at the No. 1 airport, and lost some manpower during the assembly process. When the scheduled assembly time ended, less than one regiment arrived at the assembly location.

Airport No. 1 was the key target of the multinational fleet. At that time, in addition to the French army, there were also a division each from the United States and the United Kingdom; a brigade each from the Watch Country and Turkey; a regiment each from Canada and Australia; A battalion of moving teeth.

There are so many countries and so many troops, but the experience of airborne is similar to that of the French army, and only one-third of the people who finally arrived at the assembly area. Alien siege.

The troops sent by Canada, Australia, West and other countries were originally small, and even fewer arrived at the assembly area.

Of course, there were also some people who were too late to arrive at the assembly site, and scattered scattered all over the surface. In the end, only a very small number of these people survived, and most of them died in the siege and interception of the aliens.

Despite the heavy losses, the airborne operation was like this. The multinational troops that arrived at the assembly site still entered the battle without hesitation and entered the No. 1 Airport one after another.

At that time, the No. 1 airport had been blocked by the giant ship destroyed by the Yaoshan. When the multinational troops arrived on the giant ship, there were no aliens in the giant ship, not only the giant ship, but also the shaft under the giant ship and the airport. Shadow of the star.

In this way, the multinational force successfully entered the No. 1 Airport.

When he said this, Ye Han interrupted: "Captain, I want to know the details of the airport. Please be more detailed, the more detailed the better."

"Okay, no problem." Reynolds recalled for a moment, "The airport is very large, very high, and there was nothing when we went in..."

"No spaceship?" Ye Han interrupted in astonishment, "Isn't there a giant ship?"

Reno said helplessly: "I was about to say this, it was very big, and it was divided into several directions, probably in a cross shape, and the space in each direction was very large, and then we flew the drone and found a very large one. In the underground lake, there are many thick alien plants growing around the lake. I heard from the Americans that this kind of giant vine can grow alien warships. ."

"The general believes that the giant ship is very important to the aliens, so he ordered all the troops to gather in the underground lake, but as soon as the order was issued, countless aliens fell down the shaft and completely cut off the scattered troops... I don't know the airport. How many troops are there, and I don't know what happened to the troops in other directions, I only know that our **** was stabbed by an alien."

"The more and more aliens attacked, they fell from the shaft like rain. We are not opponents at all. In the end, we had to find a hole and dig into it, and then we escaped from the airport. But the aliens didn't want to let us go, they I kept chasing after us, so I ran and fought at the same time. The more people fought, the fewer people were left. I couldn't hold on anymore. If I didn't meet you, maybe we would have let the aliens go. Killed, so thank you!"

"You're welcome." Ye Han said, "I need your map, okay?"

"Of course there is no problem." Reno without hesitation sent the map recorded by the armor to Ye Han and Brigadier General.

Ye Han opened the map of the French army and integrated the map of the French army into his own map. Seeing that there was an exclamation mark on the map of the French army, he couldn't help asking curiously, "What does this exclamation mark mean?"

Reno didn't need to look to know what Ye Han was talking about: "It's a very different hole, there are many alien dwarfs, and some very special bugs, each of which is holding a very small alien. …”

"Extremely short?" Ye Han was suddenly surprised, "How short?"

"Similar to us humans, those alien dwarves put them on the giant insect, opened their brains, and connected their brains to the giant insect..."

Ye Han became more and more uneasy, and immediately sent the appearance of Zeng Rui to Renault: "Captain, please take a look, are they like this?"

Reno took a closer look after getting the photo: "I don't Their heads are all knocked open and their brains are all exposed, so I don't know what they look like, but they look very similar. the way, I have some photos and videos here!"

"Send it to me, right away!" Ye Han said.

The brigadier general felt that Ye Han was in a wrong mood and immediately asked.

Qi Yue translated: "Master, the brigadier general said, please calm down and ask what happened."

Ye Han took a deep breath: "Mr. Commodore, Captain Reynolds, these are not aliens, they are human beings who were transformed after being captured by aliens!"

Reno was stunned, and the brigadier general took a deep breath: "Well, what's going on?"

Ye Han said: "Our information shows that some expeditionary soldiers have fallen into the hands of aliens, and the aliens have also carried out biochemical transformation on them. The aliens have always wanted to know the secret of nuclear weapons from the captives, but this information has always been Not confirmed."

He opened the document sent by Renault and watched it carefully. The first one was a panoramic view of the cavern.

In the center of the cave lay a row of alien giant insects, their backs were changed to look like reclining chairs, and on each giant insect lay a transformed human captive.

As Renault said, the heads of these captives were cut open, and most of the brain tissue was exposed, which was covered by a transparent shell on the back of the giant worm. The shell was covered with various unnamed tissues. They inserted The captive's brain, which connects the captive and the giant bug, looks hideous, evil, and disgusting, and looks like the most evil rituals in horror movies.

Ye Han immediately closed the document: "Captain, your discovery is very important, I have to rush over now... By the way, are they still alive?"

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