Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1099: cover evacuation

Everyone, take a closer look, huh, isn't it? Although the methods are different, the International Fleet and the Beiyuezhou Fleet are both retreating, and they are both retreating while fighting.

It is okay to say that it is a strategic retreat, and it is okay to say that it is forced to retreat. In short, the current line of defense is untenable.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

In the end, Bian Ge, the cannonball, broke the silence: "What the hell, wouldn't the earth be over if you do this?"

"If you don't do this, the earth will be finished. You have to take all the remaining battleships on board." Qi Haifeng said with a sullen face.

After thinking about it, everyone, it really is the case, and it is impossible to admit it.

At this point in the battle, the fighter planes have been exhausted, and the 011 level has also been defeated. The main force of the fleet is still there, but the ammunition consumption is serious. When it's light, you can't even withdraw if you want to.

As long as the fleet is withdrawn, it is possible to find a way to replenish a batch of ammunition. Even if the aliens cannot be defeated at that time, at least humans still have a battleable army, and this fleet can even become a thorn in the hearts of aliens.

If all the fleets are thrown in like this, the human fleet will lose even the last bit of blood. At that time, it can only rely on ground firepower to defend against aliens... Just kidding, can ground firepower alone stop aliens? Think Ganymede!

Ye Han looked gloomy: "That's what I said, but the fleet is retreating, can the aliens not follow? When the Beiyuezhou is withdrawn, the aliens also follow... It takes time for supplies to be supplied, and Beiyuezhou will take it. What's against aliens?"

"There is still an army in Beiyuezhou, so it may not be able to stop the aliens, but it's definitely no problem to hold the alien fleet and buy some time." Qi Haifeng said, "Now it's up to the fleet to withdraw."

Everyone's eyes turned to the screen again, but what they saw was a different scenery.

The International Fleet and the Beiyuezhou Fleet are all struggling under the front of the aliens. Although they have never been bitten by the alien fleet, they know that the acceleration of the alien battleship is relatively fast, so they turn around and run back. The ending must be to be chased by the enemy.

The current situation is really bad, no matter how clever the general is, it is impossible to bring the fleet back to Beiyuezhou intact, the difference is only in the size of the loss.

Ye Han suddenly asked, "Old Qi, where is the battlefield?"

Qi Haifeng tapped his finger twice, and the top view of the Earth-Moon system popped out from the corner of the screen. The battlefield was not far outside the moon, and the distance between the battlefield and the moon and the earth was also marked on the map.

At present, the battlefield is more than 400,000 kilometers away from the earth, only 60,000 kilometers away from the moon, and the distance is still shrinking.

Bian Ge looked at the ever-decreasing numbers and asked, "It's so close, can't Luhang's plane fly over?"

Ye Han sighed: "It's too late to fly over."

It is not difficult to fly 60,000 kilometers in space, and it does not consume much fuel, but that is under the premise of not pursuing speed.

If it is flying at high speed, the fuel consumed by the fighter plane is not much less. I am afraid that the plane will burn out the fuel before it reaches the place.

Long Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought the battlefield would have to be hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the moon, but it's only 60,000. Why did the fleet retreat?"

"It was originally hundreds of thousands of kilometers. It took several hours to fly to the earth while hitting, and now there is only so much left." Qi Haifeng said.

Ye Han suddenly said, "No wonder I chose this time... If I was in command, I should let Lu Hang take off now."

Obviously, the retreat of the fleet at this time is not only a matter of loss and ammunition consumption, but also a very important factor.

Qi Haifeng hesitated for a moment and said, "There may be other plans above..."

At this time, the fleet had a new change. The seven air carrier ships in the fleet suddenly went crazy and fired with all their strength, and in a very short period of time, all the remaining shells and missiles were wiped out. After that, the seven warships turned around and flew to the moon. .

The other capital ships quickly gathered behind the air carrier, still blocking the front of the enemy.

At the same time, the international fleet also withdrew the mothership, leaving only the capital ship to carry the enemy.

Seemingly not wanting the human fleet to escape, the alien fleet immediately stepped up its offensive and launched an attack on the human fleet regardless of the loss. Countless fighter planes rushed towards the human fleet, and all kinds of insect bombs were thrown down like rain.

When the close-up guns on each ship hardly stopped, they did their best to protect their own battleships.

However, after fighting for such a long time, the shells of each ship have been exhausted, and the close-in defense guns on the port side of the destroyer Wuhai suddenly misfired, leaving only the laser cannons that were unable to support them to keep firing.

The near-defense artillery was misfired, and the defensive firepower in this direction was greatly reduced. It was like tearing a large curtain on the complete defense network. The large group of enemy planes seemed to have found a vent, and a large group of flies rushed up.

Seeing that it was about to pounce on Wuhai suddenly turned over and rolled over 180 degrees. Became rushed to the starboard side of the battleship.

There was still some ammunition in the rapid-fire gun on the starboard side, and one shot of the cannon knocked down dozens of enemy planes.

If the ammunition is sufficient, it is not a problem to shoot down all the remaining enemy aircraft, but there are not many shells in the rapid-fire gun on the starboard side, and it does not take long for the muzzle to stop abruptly.

The enemy plane swooped on the Wuhai like a maggot with a bone attached, and countless insect bombs smashed through it.

Qi Haifeng's fingers were flying, and he quickly cut into the communication signal of the Wuhai. A voice fell on the bridge: "Brothers, it's time to work hard, I won't say anything rhetoric, just one sentence, fighting with the dog days. Now, we will still be good brothers in the next life!"

"Fight!" The soldiers roared in unison.

"Full speed ahead, all positions, full fire—"

The Wuhai suddenly accelerated, resolutely carrying the enemy planes all over his body, facing the countless insect bombs and rushing towards the enemy ship, and launched the final decisive charge.

The firepower of the alien fleet immediately concentrated on the Wuhai, but the main ship was heavily armored, even if it was not shredded by a few thin lights, nor could it be destroyed and corroded by a few bug bombs.

Wuhai opened fire violently as it moved forward. A bug bomb hit the turret, and then another fighter plane crashed into Wuhai's turret. The enemy planes tried their best to destroy Wuhai's weapons.

A shout immediately came from the communication: "Report, the sixth turret is finished..."

"The bridge, the No. 9 turret is invalid..."

"Report, the second turret is malfunctioning..."

The firepower on the ship was getting weaker and weaker, and it didn't take long for all the missiles to be misfired, and all the missiles in reserve were also empty, but there was still a long distance from the enemy ship.

Everyone suddenly heard a panicked voice: "Report, the armor on the port side burned through, and the armor can't stand it anymore!"

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