Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1100: 40,000 km

There was a burst of cheerful laughter in the communication. "Hahaha, I have enough, abandon the ship!"

Anyone who hears this sentence understands the meaning of it - the missile launched by Wuhai is still flying towards the enemy ship, Wuhai is indeed finished, and it may at least drag two alien warships.

At the same time when Wuhai was in a desperate situation, three frigates rushed out at the same time. They approached Wuhai while dealing with the enemy planes in the sky. When they heard the order to abandon the ship from Wuhai, the three frigates immediately opened fire with all their strength, trying to Clear the enemy planes near the Wuhai.

But there were too many enemy planes. The three warships went all out, but the enemy planes that were killed hadn't rushed up. They could only watch the lifeboats that popped up from the Wuhai were destroyed by the enemy planes.

The Wuhai was finally torn apart in a group of strong light, Ye Han and others were extremely aggrieved, but there was no way to do it.

When he saw the American battleship launch a decisive charge, Ye Han just felt sad, but seeing his own battleship sinking now, he really felt the same way.

Wuhai's self-destruction destroyed a large number of enemy planes, but more enemy planes rushed up and rushed to other warships fearlessly.

Every battleship in the fleet fought **** battles, using all their strength to fight and fight, even if they knew they would die, none of the battleships retreated.

In this way, one, two, three, five... four destroyers, seven frigates, and twelve fast frigates, more than twenty warships sank one after another under the siege of the enemy.

Although the fleet has lost more than 40 alien warships, the human race has already lost 99% of the battle.

At the moment when the last battleship exploded, Bian Ge's eyes burst out, and he turned his head in despair: "I can't watch it anymore..."

Everyone was silent, as if there was a knife stuck in their hearts, slammed into it, pulled it out, and inserted it again.

Ye Han was no better than Bian Ge in his heart. He tried to keep his composure: "Where is the aircraft carrier?" The main force of the fleet was gone, and now he was more concerned about the fate of the seven aerospace carriers.

"The distance has been opened." Qi Haifeng switched the top view of the battlefield to the main screen, but was stunned to see that the aircraft carrier had flown more than 4,000 kilometers away.

Qi Haifeng's whole person is bad: "Is this impossible?"

Ye Han was also shocked: "How can you run so fast? No load? Or is the thruster hung?"

Qi Haifeng let out a long sigh of relief: "Maybe I can run back."

Others have a little hope in their hearts, but to be honest, 4,000 kilometers is still a little closer.

At this time, the alien fleet was already catching up, not only the warships were chasing after them, but they also released a large number of fighter planes flying and circling, with a smug face, so hated that Ye Han bit Yahuazi out of blood.

But no matter how much you hate aliens, there is nothing you can do about aliens. This level of war is not about the strength of a certain country, but the overall strength of the human race, not to mention a certain person or a few people, just a little smaller, Weak countries are not eligible to intervene.

Although the fleet has been defeated, the two big groups of East and West have racked their brains to persevere until now. The interception battle has even more than half of the wealth that has been saved over the years.

Ye Han secretly calculated that the raiding fleet that has not returned so far is still a bit of a family. If these seven motherships can escape and wait for the raiding fleet to come back, they will be able to make up eight air carrier ships, six destroyers and Twelve frigates, this strength is enough to engage in sneak attacks and guerrillas, but it is too weak to compete with the alien fleet.

No matter how you think about it, the future is bleak, unless...unless the lunar base can survive an alien attack, it is possible to retain a trace of vitality for mankind.

The problem is that there are only a few aviation divisions left on the moon, and there are only a few hundred planes left. Why should they resist the attack of aliens? A closed base can survive for a while, but hiding in the ground is equivalent to completely giving up air dominance. Without air dominance, there would be no orbital factories and no place to build warships.

At that time, it would be good to be able to build a few planes underground. Maybe it would be completely isolated by aliens and underground on the moon, and it would fend for itself from then on.

Ye Han thought about it, but his eyes never left the screen.

The battle has not been over for a long time, but the speed of the alien fleet is not slow, and it is getting faster and faster, and the distance from the aircraft carrier group is constantly shrinking.

According to the calculation of the biochip, after flying another seven or eight thousand kilometers, the alien fleet will be able to incorporate the aircraft carrier group into the fighter's range of activities.

At that point in time, the aircraft carrier group was still about 40,000 kilometers away from the moon.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help sinking.

Aircraft carriers are the most powerful ships in human beings. If the alien fleet is allowed to eat these seven aircraft carriers, how much can the assault fleet come back?

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more he thought it was a The more she thought about it, the more sad she became, but there was nothing she could do.

The alien fleet on the screen got closer and closer, and after a while, the distance to the moon was within 50,000 kilometers.

Forty-nine, forty-eight... The number decreased rapidly, and it fell to forty-three in a short while.

Looking at the alien fleet can bite the aircraft carrier group, the direction of the moon suddenly flashes, and a thick beam suddenly shoots from the waist of the moon, instantly shrouding the alien fleet, the ice-white alien battleship looks like a scorching sun. The ice cubes below generally spew out white steam, and the alien fighter jets flying up and down are like being struck by lightning.

However, in just a few seconds, all the alien fighters disappeared, and most of the alien warships were melted down by the beam, and only a few that happened to be behind the friendly ships survived.

Everyone's eyes widened, Ye Han grabbed Qi Haifeng, but didn't catch anything because he was too far away: "What is this? What is this?"

Qi Haifeng was confused and shook his head.

Another ray of light shattered the void, killing two-thirds of the alien warships chasing behind the International Fleet.

The rest of the alien warships turned around and ran.


Ye Han's eyes almost changed lights on the spot. This is too powerful. With this thing, the moon will definitely be saved!

"Who knows what this thing is?" Ye Han asked loudly.

"It should be a laser cannon." Bian Ge said, "Besides a laser, I can't think of anything else that can hit 50,000 kilometers... Damn, 50,000 kilometers!"

"I know it's a laser cannon, I'm asking what kind of laser cannon this thing is!" Ye Han said dully, "The longest range of the guns we are equipped with is less than one kilometer, and I heard that the latest model researched in the laboratory is also It’s four thousand kilometers, where did someone who can travel that far come from?”

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