Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1181: 1st line of defense

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A few seconds later, the light beam dissipated, and Ye Han involuntarily let out a sigh of turbidity. Just as he was about to speak, the light beam fell from the sky again and landed in the southern part of New Guinea Island again.

All the places covered by the laser have become a purgatory of flames, and the remaining insect people are hiding in solid buildings to survive. As long as they do not leave the building and are not directly irradiated by the laser, their lives will not be in danger.

Even if aliens control their minds, seeking profit and avoiding harm is still rooted in the instinct of all bug people, driving them to hide honestly.

Of course, the military will not ignore this point. At the same time as the laser fell, the cannons of the Southeast Fleet also let out a roar, and the shells flew directly to the buildings on the island, knocking down the hiding places of the insect people one by one.

Some worms were in a hurry and escaped from the building where they were hiding, and sadly turned into barbecue. The remaining worms were hesitating when a deadly shell hit the building.

Although the caliber of naval guns is not large, even one or two cannons can't knock down modern buildings of reinforced concrete, but the fleet has artillery shells, and it is nothing more than a few more rounds.

It really doesn't work. There is also a Lishan in the sky. If you throw anything down, even the underground bunker can't hold it.

Repeating this several times, the entire southern part of New Guinea has almost returned to the wilderness. Even if the insect people are lucky enough to escape the burning of the laser, they will be buried by the collapsed buildings. No matter how they hide, they will die.

A few minutes later, the super artillery air strikes ended, and then the artillery bombardment of the Southeast Fleet was suspended.

From the firing of the super cannon to the end of the shelling, it took only five minutes before and after, but this time was a nightmare in southern New Guinea, known as the black five minutes in history.

This is not an exaggeration. Within five minutes, one-fifth of the area of ​​New Guinea Island was covered by lasers, a large area of ​​​​the jungle was carbonized and burned, and all the life on the ground died.

It can be seen from the satellite that the forest fire is spreading outside the air strike zone. If the fire is not controlled, it will not take long for it to develop into an ecological disaster affecting the whole island.

Beidu immediately instructed the Southeast Fleet to land in New Guinea, but the mission of the landing force was not to fight, but to open a fire isolation zone on the island to prevent the fire from spreading to other directions in New Guinea... Forest fires can be divided into surface fires, tree crowns There are three types of fire and underground fire. The fire left by the attack belongs to the canopy fire, which is very difficult to extinguish. The best way is to open up an isolation zone based on favorable terrain such as roads and rivers.

The first ground attack of the super cannon was very successful. The New Guinea campaign was definitely a hearty victory. Many people never even thought that the super cannon could be used like this, let alone the island attack.

But everyone did not expect that the super cannon left such a big sequelae.

In order to put out the forest fire as soon as possible, the landing troops adopted the tactics of multi-point landing and simultaneous advance. At the same time, they entered New Guinea from several directions, and engaged in fire fighting operations at the fastest speed. The landing troops are professional combat troops, and fire fighting is not professional. Fortunately, opening the isolation belt is not a technical task. In just half a day, the landing troops opened the isolation belt for hundreds of kilometers.

In addition, the landing troops also took advantage of the favorable terrain of mountains and rivers to extinguish hundreds of kilometers of fire lines.

Afterwards, the landing troops found hundreds of scorched corpses in the burnt jungle. According to the military's speculation, most of the worms died under the combined strangulation of super cannons and fleets, and only a small number of worms died. The number of people who fled into the primitive jungle was probably several hundred, but no more than a thousand at most.

These worms are definitely hidden dangers, but they are too few and unorganized to pose any threat to the next landing operation.

If they hide honestly, then hello to me, hello to everyone, the military has no time to control them for a while. If they are restless and guard themselves, they dare to jump out and make trouble, regardless of whether the Southeast Fleet or Lishan. Destructive blow at the first time.

On the afternoon of January 2, 2031, the sky over New Guinea was covered with dark clouds, and a heavy rain came as scheduled, completely extinguishing the spreading fire line. The landing troops were finally freed and began to clear the remaining insect people and occupy important nodes on the island.

At this point, New Guinea has been controlled by the military, and it is only a matter of time before complete naturalization.

Decisive progress has also been made in the direction of Kalitan and Philippine Islands, but Beidu has no plans to immigrate to these islands for the time being, and all islands are under military control.

According to the plan, the sappers will build a number of military fortresses in key positions on the islands to resist the invasion of aliens.

After all the dust settled, Ye Han unexpectedly discovered that on the military map, Kaledan had been changed to the ancient name of Polo Island, Philippine Island had also been changed to Luzon, and New Guinea had changed its name to Beiyang Island. .

Beiyang Island is located in the northern part of Oceania, and the name is also very appropriate.

According to Beidu's plan, Poluozhou, Luzon, Beiyang Island and nearby islands will become the first line of Beidu's fight against aliens. The military also plans to drag aliens on these islands without giving The chance of aliens approaching the homeland.

To this end, in addition to the first batch of landing troops and the second batch of landing troops, another round of pre-war mobilization was carried out in China. Millions of officers and soldiers were dispatched in batches to go south to completely control the three islands. Land reclamation, self-sufficiency.

Beidu also plans to recruit 80 to 1 million new recruits in batches to fill the vacancies left by the recruits and avoid the emptiness of domestic strength.

By then, the total military strength will exceed 6 million!

And not only is the army number one, but the quality of soldiers, combat will, combat equipment, training level and actual combat effectiveness are all first-class. It is no exaggeration to say that this army will definitely become the mainstay of the fight against aliens.

This is just the active duty If all the reserve forces are mobilized, tens of millions will not be able to stop it.

But that doesn't make sense at all, because the country simply doesn't have the strength to arm that many troops!

It's not that the country has a weak foundation, nor that the North has no determination, but that today is different from the past. In the past, mobilizing troops, that is, a military uniform and a rifle, plus the necessary supplies, the cost of raising a soldier is very low.

For example, in the 1970s, the total size of the People's Liberation Army reached a record 6.7 million. When the insect plague was the worst, the total force mobilized across the country was no less than 10 million.

But what about now? The entire army is equipped with more than 100,000 sets of power armor. Without a single power armor, no matter how strong the combat effectiveness is, they are embarrassed to call themselves front-line troops. Have to be armed with enough large-caliber rifles.

This level of equipment is unprecedented, and the combat effectiveness of the troops is far greater than before, so simply expanding the number is meaningless.

And the infantry is nothing. The real money-burning force is the space fleet. The cost of building a space warship is not a problem to arm several infantry divisions.

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